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Name : Vidya Nila Putika Sari

Class : C2
Group : 4

No Topic Of The Healthy Tips The Tips Are... Explanation

1 Keep The Beauty Of Your Hair 1) Routinely cut the ends of the hair The ends of the hair are the most prone to split
ends and breakage
2) Use shampoo and conditioner You should choose a shampoo and conditioner
according to your hair type
3) Protect hair from the sun After being exposed to the sun, the moisture of
the hair also decreases
4) Keeps hair moisturized This way is very important to avoid limp hair
and drt
2 Maintain healthy teeth 1) Eat nutritious food Nutritious foods can improve dental health,
such as eggs, meat, milk, and vegetables
2) Cut down on sugar consumption When you were a child, you only need a few
seconds for the bacteria on your teeth to mix
with the sugar and turn sour. Next, the acids
attack the tooth enamel and begin to destroy it.
Over time, this reaction of sugar and bacteria
causes tooth decay, that is, cavities
3) Use fluoride toothpaste Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps prevent


cavities in children and adults by making the
tooth surface (enamel) stronger against acid
attack that causes tooth decay
4) Brush your teeth twice a day Brushing your teeth twice a day can help
remove food and drink debris stuck to your
teeth, preventing prescription dental plaque.
Dental plaque is a sticky and clear layer on the
surface of the teeth that is not cleaned and can
harden and become tartar
5) Go to the dentist regularly By doing regular dental check-ups, problems in
the teeth and mouth can be detected as early as
possible and maximally resolved immediately
3 1) Dividing your meal schedule Can help control your diet so you dont overeat
and your body is no longer dependent on sugar
2) Sport Exercise can balance fluids, maintain healthy
How to maintain your body weight organs, maintain bone strength, tighten skeletal
muscles, and burn fat
3) Adequate rest Adequare rest time is important for the body to
avoid stress
4 How to prevent and treat the acne 1) Apple cider vinegar The benefits of apple cider vinegar for acne is
to kill acne-causing bacteria. Apart from acetic
acid which has antibacterial and antifungal
effects, apple cider vinegar also contains citric


acid, lactic acid, and succinic acid. S
2) Honey Can treat acne. Honey which contains anti-
inflammatory and antibacterial properties is
able to relieve inflammation and swelling of
3) Aloe vera One of the benefits of aloe vera on acne prone
skin is as an anti-inflammatory
4) Green tea One of the catechin compounds in green tea is
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)
5) Sports Sweating while sports can make your skin
cleaner. When you exercise, the sweat glands
will produce a lot of sweat that comes out of the
skin pores
6) Chamomile because extra Kyoto Chamomile is useful as an
antibacterial and antioxidant, helps acne heal
faster and prevents further skin damage
7) Sulfur The benefits of sulfur for the face is to treat
acne. Sulfur works similarly to benzoyl
peroxide and salicylic acid, which are often
included in acne medicines. According to one
study, using sulfur is more suitable for treating
moderate-sized, inflamed, and comedonal types
of acne
8) Zinc supplements In several studies, oral medications containing


zinc have been shown to be able to treat acne
effectively. The reason is, zinc helps in
reducing inflammation, inhibits the growth of
acne-causing bacteria, and suppresses the
activity of oil glands
9) Fish oil supplement It has been proven that the omega-3 content in
fish oil can reduce inflammation, including
inflammation that causes acne
10) Wash your face 2x to day To prevent the skin from becoming dry

11) Use acne spot medicine Spots medicine is available in pharmacies

12) Wear a special acne mask You can also make your own face mask with
honey, green tea, chamomile
13) If necessary, take acne medication You need to go to a beauty doctor to get a

5 How to prevent from diarrhea 1) Kepp the home environment clien Keeping the house clean, avoiding trash that
causes germs to grow, keep the water clean and
diligently clean the water container and keep
the house ventilated
2) Wash your hands diligently a. Prevent Various Diseases
b. Kills Germs.
c. More Effective than Hand Sanitizer.


d. Prevents Potential Antimicrobial
3) Use fresh food ingredients such as fresh vegetables and green vegetables,
and freshly cut meat

4) Avoid spicy food The danger of eating too much spicy food or
too often is that it can cause the surface of the
stomach to become fragile, so that the stomach
becomes easily injure
5) Food must be cooked and hygienic 1. washing hands
2. cook at the right temperature
3. washing fruits and vegetables
4. clean the kitchen
6) Giving children the rotavirus vaccine a) Teach children to brush their teeth from
an early age
b) use toothpaste with fluoride
c) Avoid children drinking milk while
d) Encourage the child to regularly check
with the dentist
6 How to prevent from influenza 1. Influenza is the only respiratory virus that A common viral infection that can be
can be prevented by vaccination, 60% of flu deadly, especially in high-risk groups. The flu
is reduced by vaccines. attacks the lungs, nose and throat. Children,
2. Keep your hands clean with soap and older adults, pregnant women, and people with
water or use a hand sanitizer. chronic diseases or weak immune systems are
3. Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when at high risk. Symptoms include fever, chills,


coughing or sneezing. muscle aches, cough, runny nose, headache, and
4. Do not hold your face with unsuitable fatigue.
hands. This is the easiest way for germs to The flu is treated primarily with rest and
enter your body. fluids to help the body fight infection. Over-
5. Smiling and laughing can help boost your the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relievers
immune system. can help relieve symptoms. Annual vaccines
can help prevent flu and limit its complications.
Symptoms include fever, chills, muscle
aches, cough, runny nose, headache, and fatigue
dehydration, loss of appetite, skin flushing,
chills, body aches or sweating.


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