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ISSN 10193316, Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014, Vol. 84, No. 6, pp. 441–448.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014.

Original Russian Text © V.G. Gorokhov, 2014, published in Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, 2014, Vol. 84, No. 11, pp. 1002–1009.

The scope of problems associated with scientific and technological advance is extremely wide. Methodolog
ical analysis of the development of engineering sciences, along with a sociohumanistic review of innovations
under elaboration, undoubtedly constitutes the necessary base for an effective strategy of controlling techno
logical advance, which is turning into a paramount task under the growth of diverse risks. However, the phi
losophy of technology, which is a young discipline, and methodological studies as its most complex and labor
consuming part were duly recognized only in the past few decades. The problems faced by the philosophy of
technology are covered in the article published below.
DOI: 10.1134/S101933161406001X

Engineering Sciences: History and Theory

V. G. Gorokhov*

Traditionally, not only commonplace conscious emerging when not only specialists and scientists but
ness but also the classical philosophy of science viewed also the entire society, especially customers, become
engineering disciplines as part of the applied area. involved in the generation of new knowledge. This
Arguments in favor of this point of view were based on means that bureaucracy, as it creates new regulations,
an appeal to American experience and the history of reporting forms, and standards and, thus designing
the development of sciences in the United States. reality, becomes a legitimate producer of new knowl
However, neither of them genuinely confirms this edge. Something like that was already observable in
allegedly obvious fact. On the contrary, American Russian history when J. Stalin was proclaimed “a great
experience has shown that, without new theoretical engineer of socialist construction” and an equally
studies that accompany the use of “ready” scientific great “engineer of human souls.” The result of this
knowledge, even the smallest amount of progress in socialist construction is universally well known: the
the practical sphere is impossible. Gulag and sharashkas, which enslaved workers, engi
As a rule, the adherents of the above point of view on neers, and scientists [2, p. 142]:
engineering sciences give the example of T. Edison—a Integrals and a club, philosophy and a hammer, a
“heavenborn” inventor, alien to pure science, who scientific laboratory and a factory, a scientific paper
made true the American dream upon rising from an and a rifle, technology and Marxism—all these are
ordinary telegraphist to an internationally acclaimed the links of the extensive offensive against the
inventor. However, Edison, who would often play to the remains of capitalism in our country and the weap
public and act as a hick, created the first scientific– ons of our tornadolike onslaught on ageold back
technological laboratory. Apart from him as a generator wardness.
of ideas and a manager, the personnel of that laboratory The only difference is that now we are struggling
included not only practitioners but also theoreticians against the remains of socialism to strengthen capital
(for example, specialists in mathematics, physics, fine ism and create an information society.
mechanics, electrical engineering, and so on), who
would develop his ideas to implementation [1]. Edison’s We could give a large number of common miscon
activity is only one of the numerous facts from the his ceptions about engineering sciences. All of them are
tory of science and technology that refute the trivial associated with historical myths, rooted in public and
truth that natural science and mathematics generate sometimes professional consciousness, and with an
new knowledge while engineering sciences merely unwillingness to study the real history of science. This
apply it to engineering practice. is partly the fault of representatives of engineering dis
Recently, another noteworthy idea has become ciplines, who refuted their own history and refused to
popular, which relates to the interpretation of the consider their branch of knowledge as a source of the
essence and role of engineering knowledge, namely, advance of modern science. Although outdated books
the idea of “postscientific rationality,” allegedly and textbooks have been “expelled” from libraries for
technology, new works often reproduce the theses pro
* Vitaly Gorokhov, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), is a professor in the Depart posed in the old editions. Over the past few decades,
ment of Interdisciplinary Problems in the Advancement of Sci the situation has begun to change owing to the fact that
ence and Technology of the Institute of Philosophy of Russian
Academy of Sciences, Tomsk State University. at least the philosophy of science has begun to get rid
email: of false stereotypes and has turned to the study of the


history of engineering sciences and to the develop formed, similar to the scientific communities of that
ment of the philosophy of engineering. time; scientific–technical journals were established;
research laboratories were created; and mathematical
theories and experimental methods were adapted to
THE HISTORY OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES engineering needs. The logical result was the emergence
AND ITS METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSIS of engineering theories in addition to naturalscientific
The first classical engineering sciences emerged ones. The works performed within the walls of the Paris
when technology could no longer develop without the École Polytechnique specified the initial prerequisites for
regular use and generation of specialized scientific the formation of one of the first such theories, i.e., the
knowledge, primarily in mathematics and natural sci theory of machines and mechanisms.
ence. This genuinely revolutionary change was associ
ated with the development of a new type of higher sci Natural science knowledge and laws can be used to
entific–engineering education, i.e., higher engineer solve practical engineering tasks only when they are
ing schools. For successful engineering activity, significantly specified and modified within engineer
handicrafttype onthejob training has become insuf ing theory. Thus, application cannot happen automat
ficient, which is confirmed, for example, by the fact ically; it requires the development of a special—engi
that England, which had long been a leader in techno neering—theory. To bring theoretical knowledge to
logical advance, lost its leading positions in the late the level of practical engineering recommendations,
19th and early 20th century to Germany, where such this theory develops special rules that establish corre
education had become systematic. spondence between the sphere of abstract objects
described by it and the constructive elements of real
In the course of the Industrial Revolution, several engineering systems, and operations of transferring
new social institutions emerged, aimed primarily at the theoretical results to the sphere of engineering prac
development of technologically oriented science. In tice. Engineering theory is oriented not to explain and
England, these institutions were private, while in cen predict the course of natural processes but rather to
tralized France, owing to the government efforts in construct engineering systems, remaining a theoreti
establishing engineering schools, many such organiza cal study, even with certain specific features.
tions appeared. The most important of them was the
École Polytechnique in Paris, which became a model for In classical scientific–engineering disciplines,
analogous educational and, at the same time, research engineering theory develops under the influence of a
establishments in Europe and America, oriented toward certain basic naturalscientific or mathematical disci
the development of sciences with a view to meet practi pline, from which it initially borrows theoretical
1 schemes and models of scientific activity. For exam
cal engineering needs. That was a kind of mutation in ple, radioengineering theory was based on the appli
culture, because during the French Revolution many cation and specification of the theoretical electrody
universities had been closed, and the citizens were namic schemes of M. Faraday, J. Maxwell, and
expected to receive more practiceoriented education. H. Hertz to solve the problem of wireless transmission
While France focused on the theoretical prepara of information. Since the initial theoretical schemes of
tion of engineers, engineering science being under natural science theory are subject to substantial modifi
stood rather as a mere application of science to engi cation, we should speak about the wide development of
neering practice, the German higher engineering theoretical studies not only in natural but also in engi
schools developed the idea of autonomous engineering neering sciences, as well as about the increased role of
science as a harmonious combination of scientific the basic, theoretical, research, dictated by the needs of
ory and engineering practice. The term engineering accelerating scientific–technological advance.
science was first introduced in daily use by the French To specify regularities of the development of engi
engineer B. de Bélidor, who published the book The neering knowledge, let us compare the contribution of
Science of Engineers at the Artillery School in 1729 [3]. G. Marconi and F. Braun to the development of radio
The development of engineering sciences was associ engineering. Marconi’s inventive contribution was
ated with shaping engineering knowledge along the lines minimal. Initially, he used scientific discoveries and
of other disciplines, primarily mathematical and natural technical results of other scholars and inventors in cre
sciences. As a result, professional communities were ating a useful and potentially profitable device, dem
onstrating his commercial skills. That was the final
In Russia, the first higher engineering school, the Institute of stage of scientific advance. Previously, the transfer of
the Corps of Railway Engineers, was founded in St. Petersburg
in 1809 by the Spanish engineer A. de Betancourt (previously, a new knowledge took place exclusively in one direc
professor of the Paris École Polytechnique). As opposed to the tion: from science to engineering and then to com
École Polytechnique, which worked in the capital of France, in mercial implementation. With time, however, the
the Institute of the Corps of Railway Engineers, at Betancourt’s
suggestion, undergraduates were to devote their last year at the opposite information flow emerged, when Marconi, in
institute exclusively to practice. This institute had great influ targeting to reach as great a distance of wireless mes
ence on the development of engineering activity in Russia. sage transmission as possible, went beyond the sphere



of knowledge in which science of his time could help “Wireless telegraphy” was initially an applied
him and began to study problems that had no ready research trend in electrodynamics. Later it was consid
answers from the existing theories [4, pp. 198–200]. ered as a new division (research area) of electrical engi
That was a feedback process, the generation of new neering, aimed at struggling against various noises aris
information from the sphere of experience that stimu ing during the radiation, receipt, and use of highfre
2 quency current. A significant part of early courses on
lated new scientific studies.
radio engineering was devoted to electrical engineering,
On the one hand, the physical processes that took because radio engineering employed various standard
place in any new technical device required additional electrical engineering devices and elements. Hence,
studies, but, on the other, it was becoming clear that radioengineering circuits were initially considered as a
the introduction of new appliances into commercial kind of electricalengineering circuits, working on
production and their subsequent spread in the market highfrequency currents. In this case, we can speak
posed before the researcher and inventor tasks that about transferring the initial theoretical scheme and its
went beyond the “discovery–invention–patenting” respective notions, ideas, and analytical methods from
chain. The ability to unite all these spheres and to solve the adjacent engineering theory. Thus, theoretical radio
the entire scope of tasks was demonstrated by Braun, a engineering formed along two main lines: first, specify
brilliant theoretical physicist and, at the same time, a ing the theoretical scheme of electromagnetic interac
talented practitioner. He not only patented his inven
tions, developed by the basic naturalscience theory
tions competently and in a timely manner but also cre
ated a firm for their promotion in the market, which (electrodynamics), when the range was filled with the
later amalgamated with other businesses and began its values of practically used radio waves, and, at the same
production under the brand name of Telefunken [5, time, methods of studying their physical properties were
pp. 13–15, 19, 21]. We can consider Braun, who being developed; and, second, through generalizing
sought to bring radio engineering to the level of radio partial theoretical models that had resulted from ana
physics, as one of the creators of physical–engineering lyzing the designs of various radioengineering systems
studies and physical–engineering education. This is in solving specific engineering tasks.
the characteristic given to him by his students and our The history of theoretical radio engineering is a
future Academicians L.I. Mandel’stam and model example (an historical ideal type) of the way of
N.D. Papaleksi, who continued his work on developing forming an engineering theory under which the initial
scientifically funded physical radio engineering [6].
point, on the one hand, of the development of new
Braun was the first to understand what specific elec equipment and a new industry and, on the other, of an
trical processes took place in the radio transmitter and engineering theory and a scientific–engineering disci
radio receiver. Proceeding from theoretical consider pline, is interaction between naturalscience theory
ations, he concluded that it was necessary to connect and experiment in physics. This interaction provided a
inductively the spark gap in the radio transmitter, as well powerful impulse for the elaboration of radio engi
as the coherer, with the antenna. This made his transmit neering theory, without which it would have been
ter much more effective and thus made radio communi unthinkable to solve modern engineering tasks, for
cation across the Atlantic possible. The cat’swhisker example, on calculating and designing nonlinear radio
detector, invented by Braun, soon replaced the coherer engineering systems. Radio engineering practice
proposed by the French engineer and inventor E. Branly. posed difficult questions that could not be answered
Mandelstam and Papaleksi noted the following [7]: without turning to theoretical studies. In particular,
The entire technique of transmission has undergone this was the case during the transfer to the use of new
numerous changes since Braun implemented the wave bands and the creation of new radio electronic
closed loop into practice. The explosive spark dis
charge transmitter was replaced by M. Wien’s trans equipment or during the development of a new ele
mitter after the fundamental discovery of the circuit ment base. The introduction of vacuum tubes, then
spark …. The use of vacuum tubes led to complete semiconductors (for example, transistors) and solid
modification and the emergence of perfectly new state circuits, and lately nanoelectronics into radio
opportunities, which had hardly been imaginable in electronics has always been accompanied not only by
the first years of the development of this area. 3
(Note, however, that popular scientific literature building a new theory of these elements but also by
usually says nothing about the role of Braun’s discov 3 For
example, in vacuum tubes, we consider the flight of elec
eries [see, for example, 8, pp. 166–193].) trons in the free space between the cathode and the anode and
the effect of the grid on it, and not the movement of electric cur
2 In
Russia, A.S. Popov experimented with the wireless transmis rent in the conductor, or the distribution of magnetic and force
sion of signals in a similar way, but he did not find sufficient sup lines. Consequently, a theory that is alternative to the electrody
port from officials. Only later was the importance of his discov namics of Faraday–Maxwell–Hertz, where the Newtonian
ery for the country recognized: in Soviet Russia, both the radio principles of remote action operate, is rather applicable here.
industry and theoretical and applied developments in this sphere Thus, engineering practices require the coupling of seemingly
received serious state support. theoretically incompatible pictures of physical reality.



the development of new methods of the analysis and Association of Engineers on the part of Russia and the
synthesis of theoretical schemes. Union of German Engineers, the Union of German
As we see from the above examples, it is the infor Certified Engineers, and the Union of German Tech
mative, realizable in specific historical–scientific nicians on the part of Germany.
samples, methodological analysis of engineering (as An important stage in the formation of the philos
well as naturalscientific) theories that allows us to ophy of technology as an independent philosophical
understand better the real mechanisms of the func trend came in the 1970s–1980s, when West German
tioning of modern science, the production of new sci philosophers began to formulate a new research pro
entific knowledge, and the interaction between sci gram in the philosophy of technology and published
ence and engineering. This boosts the magnitude of the collection Techne, Technik, Technologie, edited by
the corresponding methodological studies of theoreti professors H. Lenk and S. Moser of Technical Univer
cal knowledge in engineering sciences for the philoso sity in Karlsruhe [9]. The results of the implementa
phy of science and engineering. Such methodological tion of this program were summarized by the Georgius
studies are able to enrich philosophy, help substan Agricola Society in a largeformat tenvolume collec
tially in understanding the problems that emerge at the tion Technik und Philosophie, in which one volume was
front edge of scientific and technological advance, and 4
called Technology and Culture [10].
also promote the effective influence of philosophy on
the engineering and scientific thinking of representa The main problem in the consolidation of various
tives of various fields of science and engineering, on studies and in the making of the philosophy of tech
the norms of the organization of contemporary scien nology as an independent trend in modern philosophy
tific and engineering knowledge, and, finally, on the was the distinction between its subject and the subjects
governmental scientific and engineering policy. In this of the history of technology, on the one hand, and the
context, it is interesting to consider the recently origi philosophy of science, on the other. Among the main
nated sustainable trend of increase in the share of indicators in the classification of works as belonging to
research in the philosophy of engineering in the total the philosophy of technology and not to the philoso
volume of works on the philosophy of science, in par phy of science or the history of technology is the inclu
ticular, in the sphere of science methodology—the sion into the circle of the topic under study of the
growing number of studies on the methodological methodology and history of engineering sciences. The
analysis of engineering sciences. history of technology, as a rule, has paid little attention
to the development of the theoretical basics of tech
nology and scientific–engineering knowledge, and the
THE MAKING OF THE PHILOSOPHY philosophy of science has been traditionally interested
OF TECHNOLOGY AS AN AUTONOMOUS primarily in spheres that most affected the worldview
PHILOSOPHICAL DISCIPLINE and the scientific picture of the world, primarily theo
The philosophy of engineering is the established retical physics and mathematics, and later biology.
name for an independent field of contemporary philo Engineering sciences in this respect have been consid
sophical knowledge oriented toward the study of the ered to belong to the peripheral applied field of knowl
most general regularities of the development of engi edge and have not received the attention of serious
neering, technology, engineering and technological researchers in the philosophy of science. The situation
activities, design, and engineering sciences, as well as changed only by the end of the 20th century, when
their place in human culture in general and in contem society began to demand that science be more ori
porary society in particular; the relations between ented toward engineering practice and even basic nat
human beings and machines; the relations between ural science began to be considered as the motor of
machinery and nature; and the ethical, esthetical, glo engineering progress.
bal, and other problems of technological progress. The At the XIV International Congress of Logic, Meth
first publications on the philosophy of engineering odology, and Philosophy of Science, which was held in
appeared in 1877–1898 (E. Kapp, F. Bon, E. Zschim 4 An important role in the development of the philosophy of tech
mer, F. Dessauer, and others in Germany and
nology in Germany has been played by the Union of German
P.K. Engelmeier in Russia). In the 1900s and 1930s, Engineers (Verein Deutscher Ingeunieure, VDI), where the spe
within the philosophy and history of technology, there cial research group called Man and Technology started working
was an intense discussion of technological and cultural in 1956, which has the Philosophy and Technology working
problems, as well as of the importance of these disci committee within its structure. Among the committee’s main
objectives are the study of the interconnection between contem
plines in the structure of engineering education. porary technological development and its social consequences
Another research trend in the theory of invention has and the realization and interpretation on an interdisciplinary
born results that are still valuable nowadays. Note that basis of the mutual influences of engineering, social, and cul
tural relations with a special focus on the fundamentals of engi
societies of both countries participated in raising and neering activities. In Russia, a similar role was played by the
discussing these problems: the Polytechnic Society, Russian Engineering Society and the Polytechnic Society, and
the Russian Technical Society, and the AllRussia later the AllRussia Association of Engineers.



July 2011 in Nancy (France), the methodological and and German on problems of the philosophy of tech
philosophical problems of engineering won wide rec nology [12–20].
ognition for the first time in the history of this event.
Note that the participants in the discussions were
interested not so much in new achievements in tech THE PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY
nology as in the epistemological aspects of engineering AND A NEW STAGE IN THE DEVELOPMENT
knowledge. The discussion considered the content of OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES
the notion of “technoscience,” the nature of the inter In the first section of this article, we tried to show
action between basic science and technology in the characteristic features of engineering sciences and
postindustrial society, the notion of “design” and its the process of forming engineering theories. The
role in applied research and technological develop important point, however, is the study of contempo
ments, and the model of the interrelationship between rary trends in science and technology. If, for natural
basic and applied research. Thus, the main accent was, sciences, the purport of laws is directly proportionate
for the first time, made on the study of engineering and to the degree of their general validity, for the cognition
designing sciences and not on other philosophical of historical events in their specific conditions, as
problems of engineering and engineering develop M. Weber stressed, the most general laws, mostly
ment. As was stressed in the discussion at the sympo deprived of contents, have, as a rule, the smallest pur
sium, nowadays it is impossible to ignore basic episte port [21]. Our meaningful–methodological analysis of
mological problems in engineering, engineering activ the history of engineering sciences is based on the
ities, and engineering sciences. The change in the analysis of the history of science, which bridges the
attitude of philosophers of science to engineering dis gap between philosophical reasoning, on the one
ciplines was also reflected in the basic collective hand, and the purely evidential description of histori
monograph Philosophy of Technology and Engineering 6
Sciences, recently published in the series “Philosophy cal–scientific facts, on the other.
of Science” in Holland [11]. In recent decades, significant changes have
occurred in scientificengineering disciplines that
Unfortunately, works of Russian scientists on the allow us to speak about the making of a qualitatively
philosophy of technology, which are, in fact, even new, nonclassical, stage of their development, which is
more progressive, are little known in the West, because characterized by new forms of organization of knowl
in their overwhelming majority they have not been edge and activity. Nonclassical scientific and engi
published in foreign international editions. In this neering disciplines differ from classical engineering
respect, we should learn from the Dutch who recently sciences in the complexity of theoretical research, no
have actively been entering the world arena, engaging matter which form of implementation it takes and how
their young specialists not one by one but as coordi it is formed. In classical engineering sciences, theory
nated teams. In recent decades, they have published a was built under the influence of a certain basic natural
series of collective monographs in English, engaging scientific discipline, from which theoretical means
leading scientists from other countries. Even Ger and samples of scientific activity were borrowed at the
mans, the acknowledged leaders in the philosophy of initial stage, while many contemporary scientific
engineering disciplines have no such single basic the
technology, have to consider the Dutch school and the
ory, because they are oriented at solving complex sci
new situation in philosophical science in general.
entificengineering problems. Simultaneously, new
Therefore, in recent years each research institute has specific methods and means are developed within
allocated funds for translating German scientists into them, which are absent in any of the synthesized disci
English, editing these texts by English speakers, and plines and which are specially adapted for solving a
publishing them in peerreviewed journals. Note that given complex scientificengineering problem. There
this practice covers all research fellows and not only fore, classical engineering sciences are subject oriented
the bosses and venerable specialists. The author of this toward a certain class of engineering systems (mecha
article is also trying to follow the new principles of the nisms, machines, radiotechnical devices, radars, etc.),
international philosophical dialogue and, over the past and complex scientificengineering disciplines are
five years, primarily thanks to close cooperation with problem oriented toward solving a certain type of com
the Institute of Technology Evaluation and System plex scientificengineering problems, although the
Analysis of the Karlsruhe Research Center (Ger objects of their research may partially coincide. This
many), has published more than ten articles in English
6 It
was most influenced by the works of Academician V.S. Stepin
5 The sector of the philosophy of technology was established at on the meaningful–methodological analysis of the development
the RAS Institute of Philosophy as early as 1988. Later it was of scientific theory in classical and nonclassical natural science
transformed into a working group, which is now part of the sec by the example of electrodynamics [22, 23]. This perennial
tor of interdisciplinary problems of scientific and technological research resulted in books and textbooks published under the
development. aegis of the RAS Institute of Philosophy [24–27].



differentiation into classical and nonclassical scien naturalscientific and engineering theories blend
tificengineering disciplines is rooted in the develop almost fully, since a naturalscientific experiment
ment of engineering activity itself and designing. In a becomes inseparable from designing, and the results of
certain framework, the traditional spheres of scientific such research are aimed simultaneously at explaining
research and engineering practice continue to func and predicting the course of natural nanoprocessors,
tion and solve specific scientific and technical prob as well as at designing new artificial nanostructures.
lems; however, it is very important to picture what this On the one hand, nanotechnoscience builds explana
framework is like and what limitations it imposes. tory schemes of natural phenomena based on mathe
matical assumptions and experimental data and for
Technoscience, which is being formed at the begin
mulates predictions of the course of certain natural
ning of the 21st century, represents a symbiosis of nat
processes, and in this part, it reproduces the method
ural and engineering sciences; therefore, the method
ological principles of classical natural science. On the
ological distinctions obtained previously after the
other hand, similarly to how it happens in engineering
analysis of both fit well into the empirical material,
sciences, it constructs not only the designs of new
new for the philosophy of science. Basic research in
experimental situations but also the structural schemes
natural science is becoming increasingly more prob
of nanosystems unknown in nature and technology.
lem and project oriented, aimed at solving specific sci
entificengineering problems, making it very similar to Another trend in the development of engineering
engineering science and finding its expression in sciences is associated with the powerful growth in the
defining this new stage in the development of science science intensity of technologies, which cannot be
as a stage of technoscience, the most brilliant repre compared with traditional handicraft technologies any
sentative of which is nanotechnology. longer. Nano, bio, info, and cognitive technologies
break into the social, biological, and psychical spheres
Nanotechnology is recognized today as a key scien
of human life, producing corresponding philosophical
tific sphere not only because it leads to a change in the
discussions as a natural result. Inside the scientific
entire scientificengineering landscape but primarily
engineering community itself, the demand emerges
because society awaits positive economic, environ
for understanding processes that are generated in our
mental, and social results in the very near future. Nan
society by new technologies and their positive and
otechnology may serve as an informative example of
negative consequences. Therefore, even in mono
several new philosophical–methodological problems
graphs and at conferences dedicated to narrowly spe
associated with the coalescing of science and technol
cialized problems, we can observe still humble
ogy and requiring special analysis. In nanotechnology,
attempts to discuss the deep social, philosophical, and
research is often initiated by an engineering task, hav
epistemological issues of technological progress.
ing a project form, and, in fact, being problem ori
Numerous publications have appeared in which spe
ented. As an example, we may mention research into
cialists analyze such topics within various engineering
the chemical nanoassembly of transistors from carbon
sciences, although previously such investigations were
nanotubes to obtain a more complex nanostructure.
the prerogative of professional philosophers.
The chief problem here is to bind individual nanotubes
into a nanocircuit and to visualize this nanocircuit for At the same time, new scienceintensive technolo
measuring the input and transfer characteristics of the gies have become so complex and multifaceted that
nanotransistor obtained [28, pp. 77–94]. Thus, the neither narrow specialists nor philosophers are able to
research problem is determined by an engineering comprehend them independently. Specialists who
task, since a transistor is an important component of involuntarily and inevitably intrude into the sociohu
the electronic industry, and in this case, it is simulta manities sphere with their innovations lack the culture
neously an object of research. To achieve its greater of the humanities and the knowledge of the philosoph
miniaturization, a goal that is, in fact, dictated by the ical tradition for discussing and analyzing engineering
social order, it is required to develop evernew tech and technological innovations, whereas philosophers,
nologies and materials among which transistors made with few exceptions, lack even a perfunctory under
from carbon nanotubes are considered the most prom standing of the mechanisms of the development of
ising. The binding of carbon nanotubes among them new technologies.
selves into a functional circuit is also an exceptionally
Thus, a hardtosolve dilemma arises to bridge
complex engineering task.
these two worlds, which are somewhat incompatible
In technoscience, scientific research is practically with each other. The introduction of a “History and
always accompanied by computer simulation, and Philosophy of Science” course for postgraduate stu
what we see on the display screen has already been dents of all specialties, which also includes the philos
mediated by one theory or another, which served as the ophy of technology, is partly an attempt to overcome
basis for a given measuring system, and its mathemat the existing gap; however, in practice, the philosophy
ical assumptions, “wired” into the program of simula of technology is often considered as necessary reading
tion modeling. In technoscience, differences between only for those who specialize in engineering sciences.



Such an approach is wrong in principle, first, because 11. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Ed. by
technology largely determines our way of life today A. Meijers (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2009), Vol. 9: Philos
and, second, due to those changes that scientific ophy of Technology and Engineering Sciences.
endeavor itself undergoes. As for the philosophical 12. V. Gorokhov and C. Scherz, “Der (Nicht)Umgang
analysis of engineering sciences, it still lacks validity Mit Technikfolgen in Russland,” in Fallstudien zur
and ties to specific historical realities, and this also Ethik in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Technik und Gesell
hinders bridging the gap between the philosophical schaft, Ed. by M. von Maring (KIT Scientific Publish
ing, Karlsruhe, 2011).
and narrowly specialized views on problems of con
temporary technological development. Many 13. V. Gorokhov, “Scientific and technological progress by
researchers avoid the comprehensive study of science Galileo,” in Departure for Modern Europe: A Handbook
of Early Modern Philosophy (1400–1700), Ed. by
and technology, which implies reference to scientific H. von Busche (Felix Meiner, Hamburg, 2011).
engineering disciplines and technical theories, prefer
ring to limit themselves to the assertion of the fact that 14. V. Gorokhov, “Nanotechnoscience: A new theory of
modern technology,” Int. J. Technol., Knowledge,
“the majority of engineering sciences have their own Soc., No. 4 (2010).
theories” [29, p. 3] and that “they are inbetween
15. V. Gorokhov, “Methodological problems of nanotech
mathematical and naturalscientific theories and noscience,” in Nanoscale Phenomena: Fundamentals
engineering practice,” including “elements of deduc and Applications, Ed. by H. Hahn, A. Sidorenko, and
tively axiomatic theories” [30, pp. 110, 114, 118]. I. Tiginyanu (Springer, Heidelberg, 2009).
We may conclude that the rapid progress of science 16. V. Gorokhov, “Scientific investigation, technological
and technology poses anew many old philosophical development and economical governmental support:
problems before scientists and brings to the fore a the historical development of RADAR science and
number of new methodological, social, cognitive, and technology I,” Investigated in Russia 12, 1347 (2009).
other issues and collisions, the understanding of which;
requires a high philosophical level. Scientists are V. Gorokhov, “Scientific investigation, technological
development and economical governmental support:
unable to comprehend these problems without philos the historical development of RADAR science and
ophers. However, the philosophers of science and technology II,” Investigated in Russia 12, 1401 (2009).
technology will not cope with this task without close
cooperation and dialogue with scientists that are 17. V. Gorokhov and H. Lenk, “NanoTechnoScience as a
experts in the subject matter. cluster of the different natural and engineering theories
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