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1641 CFE 105B 10:30-12:00 TH


Religious Involvement
A. Live streaming of church’s Sunday mass
B. January 24, 2021 8:00-9:00AM
C. Online participation and watching via Facebook live

Until now, we are searching for a solution to our current situation. We are still
searching for real honest to goodness healing. The cure has been politicized. Certainly,
access to this cure will further show the great divide between the rich and the poor. The
readings invite us to look at the situation beyond the physical nature of the disease and
the physical things we are suffering from. Also, provide us with a more in-depth insight
into our approach in this pandemic beyond the physical and vaccine we are craving and
looking for. Our situation is not just physical but also spiritual in nature. Therefore the
cure is spiritual in nature.
Our God is a God of second chances. God will always provide us the grace to be
saved to be healed, but we must do our part that is humbling ourselves and asking
forgiveness to God and each other and turn into our wicked ways. God provides us the
way and chances, but he asked us to do our part. Avoid being selfish, greedy, and looking
for our needs first when the Lord asks us always to include others.
The reality of the world is passing. We grow old, come, and then go through
difficult things, but we are still standing. Everything is passing; it's just not we don't
know the difference of what is going to do with this passing world. Old habits are hard to
break. We cling to the things that make us happy, but we know these things are just
passing fantasy. We ask God to give us wisdom because it will let us know the difference
and appreciate the importance of our life. Do not wait; this is the time of fulfillment. The
opportunity to learn from what we are going through. We can call God more often than
we used to. Let's not waste the opportunity to call on God and see his face more clearly.
And it's our turn to respond to His invitation.

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