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Why do you think students using critical thinking skills, through engaging in The Learning Cycle

science concept delivery method, by comparing and contrasting characteristics/attributes of a scientific

concept/idea/phenomenon, will show significantly greater gains in students' critical
thinking/analytical skills and comprehension, than those students who teachers have students write
science definitions, read sections in a textbook, and look at corresponding pictures for understanding
science? (OR.....Why do students learn better using the Learning Cycle method, which foster critical
thinking skills, rather than memorizing definitions and answering textbook questions?
The Learning Cycle Method includes Exploration, Concept Development and Concept
Application. (The stages might have different terminologies based on the work of different
researchers but the concept remains the same)

In exploration phase the children are given individual or group activities based on their
understanding of the concepts and to explore their related prior knowledge. It might
include experimentation, problem solving tasks etc. In concept development phase, the
children are asked about their results and learning of exploration phase, based on these,
group discussions are initiated and the knowledge gaps can be filled by the teacher or
facilitator. In the third phase of concept application, the children are asked to apply the
learned concepts to their future experiences and to add on to their prior experiences.
This phase can be supported by relevant examples.
The students learn better using Learning Cycle method which fosters critical thinking. This
is because, this methods helps in comprehensive learning. In this method the students
take an active role and help in developing child-centered classes. The pedagogy using
learning cycle method helps in critical thinking and problem solving. The children explore
their own learning under the guidance of teacher. It also helps in developing divergent
thinking. Using group tasks, this method also helps in social learning through interaction
and discussion with peers. Interaction with peers and classmates exposes the children to
number of diverse thoughts and perspectives, which also strengthens divergent thinking
and creativity in learners.
Whereas, memorizing and answering textbook questions does not really poster critical
thinking. It does not play role in conceptual clarity as much as learning cycle method
does. It limits our knowledge and might lead to convergent thinking, which is a hindrance
for critical thinking and problem solving.

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