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Printing information and copyright details
Thank you so much for purchasing my Botanical Living Planner! I worked very
hard to create the art, lettering, and structure for you to enjoy throughout the
whole year, and it means a lot to me that you are using it. I hope you are excited
to tackle the year with enthusiasm!

Please feel free to print this planner for your personal use. If you choose to print
this planner at a local print shop or office supply store, they may request a print
release. A print release is included below for your use.

Print Release:
I, Shelby Abrahamsen, the creator of the Botanical Living Planner, give the
original purchaser permission to print the included printable pages for his or
her own personal use.


Copyright statement:

The Botanical Living Planner is copyrighted by Roaming Fox Media, LLC and is
intended for the purchaser’s individual use only. The printable pages may not be
distributed or shared by the original purchaser. Additionally, the included print-
able pages may not be altered or sold for profit in any way by anyone other than
by the original creator.
Table of Contents
You can print this planner out to use in a standard size binder by simply using a
3-hole punch on the pages. I have included a cover page for the outside cover of
the binder, as well as spine designs to fit 1”, 1.5”, and 2” binders.

You can also print this planner at 62% to make it fit into an A5 sized Filofax
planner or A5 sized binder.

If you use a bullet journal and don’t want to give up your journal, simply use
your bullet journal as a collections journal and use this planner for day-to-day
planning. This is an ideal solution for those who want artistic and creative
spreads but don’t want to spend the time setting them up.


The cover is perfect to be printed off and slipped into the front cover of a
binder. Alternatively, you can 3-hole punch it and make it the first page of your


If you are using a binder to house your planner, you can cut out the spine design
that fits your binder (1”, 1.5”, and 2”) and slip it into the spine pocket. That way
you can easily see what the binder is for when it’s sitting on a shelf.


I created four different colors of the index pages for you to use in your planner.
If you want to use these index pages, simply number each planner page as you
use it on the bottom corner. Then go to the index, write down the page number
in the left-hand column and write what the page is in the right-hand column. As
you continue to use your planner and fill it up, you will easily be able to find
old pages. I deliberately left the pages free of numbers so you can add your own
pages in if you desire.
New Year Worksheets
Last Year in Review

To better set new goals for the new year, it is helpful to look back over the past
year to assess what progress you have made. Fill out the prompts to get an idea of
how you have grown in the past year, then use that information for the next

New Year Goals

This page simply gives you the space to prominently declare your new goals for
the new year. You want to make sure your goals are easy to see throughout the
year as you get further away from the energy of the new year.

You can write general goals, but I would suggest you make your goal specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. That will give you a better position
to attack your goals using the next worksheet -- your Master Plan.

Master Plan

Your Master Plan is your roadmap to your goals. Select one of your goals from
the previous page and write it in a box labeled “one big goal”. Then brainstorm
three steps you could take in the next 12 months to work toward that goal. This
makes your large goals seem less overwhelming because it breaks it down into
smaller pieces. Try taking your broken down steps and assigning one or two to
each month, writing it down in your future log.

Long Term Planning

Future Log

As you do your regular planning, you will often run into tasks or events that
need to be dealt with in the future, such as doctor’s appointments or
holiday-related tasks. The future log is a place to jot down those future tasks.
Then, when you turn to a new month, you can flip to your future log and
transfer that information to your calendar so you don’t forget.
Thumbnail Calendar

A thumbnail calendar is a quick and easy reference for you throughout the year.
I find it especially helpful when scheduling appointments and planning events
without having to flip to a certain part of the planner.

Monthly Pages

These beautiful and artistic calendars are perfect for jotting down deadlines,
appointments, holidays, and anything else you want to keep track of each

Habit Tracker

The best way to break bad habits and establish good ones is by using a habit
tracker. Write what habits you want to track (good and bad) at the top. Each day,
fill in the box for that habit if you accomplished the habit and leave it blank if
you did not.


Every month is full of little moments that are worth jotting down to keep.
Otherwise, they might fade away and be gone forever! Use this space to write
down any accomplishments, events, or heartfelt moments that you want to
cherish forever. It might help to add the date next to each memory.

Gratitude Log

Being grateful for one thing every day (big or small) can have an astounding
effect on your overall attitude. Filling out a gratitude log is easy -- every night
before bed, simply write out one thing that you are thankful for. This can be
something big like getting a raise or something small like having a particularly
enjoyable meal. It only takes a minute, but has a large impact on your life.
Weekly Pages
*A note about weeklies*

I created two versions of weeklies for each month. In this PDF, I include one
copy of each type of weekly (one page for the one page layout and two pages for
the two page layout, resulting in 3 pages total).

In order to have enough weeklies for each month, you need to make sure to
print duplicates of the weekly layout you prefer.

One page layout

I created this one page layout for folks who enjoy seeing all their week in a
glance. Everything is easy to see, compact, and simple. If you don’t need a lot of
space for your planning, this one page layout is perfect for you. On the “week
of” line, write out which week of the month it is (ex. Week of Jan 6th - Jan 12th).

Two page layout

I created this two page layout for folks who enjoy having plenty of space to
write out their plans and tasks. You can easily lay them out side by side in your
binder so you can see it all at once, or you can have the weekly be front/back on
the same page. On the “week of” line, write out which week of the month it is
(ex. Week of Jan 6th - Jan 12th).
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