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Research Title: Music as a strategy of coping with Academic stress: A qualitative study among

Senior High School Students

FORMAT: The goal of this grounded theory is to describe the experiences of senior high school
students of Colegio De Sta.Ana De Victorias in using music as a coping strategy for academic
stress. At this stage in the research, Music will be generally defined as the science or art of
ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a
composition having unity and continuity.

General Question

How do the senior high school students describe their experiences in using music as a coping
strategy for academic stress?

Sub Question

What are the benefits can the senior high school students gain in using music as a coping strategy
to manage academic stress?

This study hopes to establish deep insights on how music can be more useful as a coping strategy,
the study could be of importance to the following:

To Students. The outcome of this study could help the students feel more idealistic and good. It
assists students with beating stress and enhances their concentration while studying.

To Teachers and Professors. The result of the study could inspire them to use music during their
discussion or making of their presentation to be more effective for the students.

To School Administrators. The result of this study could provide awareness that music can be used
as an alternative technique in midst of Covid-19 for creating and developing good learning

To Parents. This study could lighten the parents that using music with their child affects the
emotional well-being that can achieve good changes in their mind and help them feel more
satisfied, sure, and content as a parent.

To Future Researchers. This could serve as reference for future researchers to conduct further
studies related to the topic.

COPING STRATEGY is psychological patterns that individuals use to manage thoughts, feelings,
and actions encountered during various stages of ill health and treatments

ACADEMIC STRESS- Academic stress is mental pressure installed onto the student's brain due to
overload of excess and unnecessary loads of school work and high parental expectations.

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