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Fairytale Monologues Samples – Exploring Perspective

Sample One – Cinderella with a Twist

I know things seem bad right now but if you hear me out you would understand!
My dad died when I was younger, so I lived with my stepfamily. They made me their
maid! I had to cook, clean, wash clothes, and dust. Then I had the chance to marry the
prince! And you know what they did? They told him I was a bad wife and broke us up.
He left me for my sister. They ruined my life. So, I ruined theirs, well ended would be a
better word. Since they wanted me to cook for my sister’s, I cooked an amazing dinner,
something I knew they would DIE for. One thing led to another and then the party
began! You should’ve seen their faces. But they had it coming. They made me clean
24/7. I couldn’t even make friends! My only friends were my mice, I talked to MICE!
They Literally drove me to insanity. With all the commands “Cinderella clean this’
“Cinderella wash that”, “Cinderella, cook this”. Funny thing is my name is Ella! If you
were in my situation, you would’ve done the same. Yes, I know, Murder is bad and yes I
deserve my charges, but I was punished my whole life for no reason! I needed to break
out of it. I had a chance to change all of this, and they took it away! The cops think I’m
crazy because I told them about my fairy godmother, I PROMISE SHE IS REAL! They
say that It was just shock after the murder and that I was unstable. UNSTABLE! I’m not
crazy I’m misunderstood. You know what? All I gotta do in prison is live! I get to be free
for once! Maybe Prison isn’t such a bad idea after all.

Sample Two – Pea’s Perspective from The Princess and the Pea
Hi! I’m a pea just a regular pea that helped a girl become a princess. I think I
deserve some credit. Anyways let’s go back to the day it all started... It all began with
me at Area... Oh that’s a different story let me start over, it all started with me at a
magnificent castle on a plate in the kitchen just relaxing with all my other fellow pea
friends, until the dumb duke came and ruined the fun. He’s always coming at the worst
times and spoiling everything, the only thing was he hadn’t done really anything lately to
get me annoyed, so I had no idea what was going on. Then one of friends told me he
might be taking one of us away and when I mean away, I really mean that were
probably going to end up dead or in this case squished to death. The last pea got
squished to death and I don’t think that's a good thing in my opinion. Also you might
think why would a pea like me care, but peas lives matter too! That’s why all of the peas
including myself were screaming like our lives depended on it because it did. Yet of
course the duke didn’t hear us, so it kinda just went downhill from there. So, on I was
the pea picked up from the plate and moved to this bed a very comfy bed. You might
think why would being sent to a comfy bed be the worst thing in the world I suggest you
keep listening. Anyways back to the story, I had no idea what was going on I was
scared that I wasn’t going to make it for a good minute until I realized that they were just
sending me on vacation that’s all it was. It was just me laying on a comfy bed for hours
thinking and listening to nothing it was silent, peaceful, it was paradise. After that, all I
saw was a beautiful girl that almost looked like a princess and then I saw the duke.
They then began to stack huge mattresses on me, who would think that's a good idea to
determine if this girl is a princess. See I’m a tiny little pea I was traumatized I can’t look
at mattresses the same way anymore. The only thing that was shocking was that she
kept saying she felt me under the mattress I mean she kept feeling me all the way until
we were to the ceiling. I have a feeling that they were calling me fat or something and
I'm offended by the
way. After all that happened, the girl became the princess, and I still don’t know her
name. I also have back pain for my whole entire life now, so right now I’m going to go
confront her and tell her that I need my credit. U know what if she doesn’t give it to me,
she should go under like a thousand mattresses and feel what I felt next time. Hey you
princess, I made you a princess... wait ... wait to listen to me. Why can’t she hear me?
Oh, wait I’m a pea.

Sample Three – Pinocchio Modernized

Where was I yesterday? Well... I got some news. The doctor told me I can’t lie
anymore! He said it’s the reason my nose has dramatically lately. I’m 100% sure he’s
lying. I’m pretty sure he’s not a real doctor. Because a real doctor is supposed to make
sure I stay healthy, not make sure I’m not lying. Right? Anyways, I don’t know how he
expects me to stop lying, like it just comes naturally to me. And besides, it gets me out
of trouble. I’m just so amazed at the fact that he expects me to stop lying! It’s just SO
FUN! My mom keeps saying “your doctor’s right”. But no, he’s not right. They even
tested me! Can you believe that? The made me lie to them to see if it would grow! And
guess what? They had the AUDACITY to say that “it grew right before their eyes!” I was
shocked to say the least. They lied to me right in front of my face. I felt hurt. How could
they lie about such a thing? But I have a plan. (pause) Ok so, every time I lie I’ll drink a
whole bottle of water to try and stop my nose from growing. (pause) I’m pretty sure it’ll
work. And besides, I’m old enough to make my own decisions and if I choose to keep
lying, then so be it. (bell rings) Oop, well there’s the bell! See you later! And don’t tell
ANYONE about my plan!

Sample Four – Ring’s Perspective from Rumpelstiltskin

I was happy with the miller’s daughter. She treated me well and polished me almost
every day. But then the king had to tell her to spin straw into gold. That’s when the real
trouble started. She was taken to a small room full of straw and was told to spin it by
morning or die. The miller’s daughter began to cry, and I felt so sorry for her! Then a
little man appeared. From the moment I saw him, I didn’t like him. Anyway, he took her
necklace! The necklace was one of my best friends! And I’m pretty sure that they were
taken without consent! We have feelings too! I never saw the necklace again. I still
miss them. But then, the small man turned the straw into gold, and everyone was
happy. Including me!

Well, has happy as I could be with one of my best friends gone. But then, a
couple days later, the same thing happened! The little man appeared and asked for
something. And then! The miller’s daughter gave ME to the little man!! She didn’t even
ask if it was ok with me! She just handed me over! Like, hello! There is no consent in
this! I have feelings! I have opinions! Do you think I want to be handed over to this
dirty little man who will probably lose me in a bet? NO! Ugh, these people never learn
to ask us. It’s like we’re inanimate objects. I just don’t get it! Anyway, I couldn’t tell
them this because they can’t understand me.

I tried to make known that I did not want to leave, but no matter how hard I tried, I
was still handed over. When the little man took me, his hands were rough and
calloused, unlike the miller’s daughter, who had soft hands. Now, I’m still with the little
man, whose name I’ve learned is Rumpelstiltskin, but I get the feeling that something
big is going to happen soon.

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