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Emma Dean

Mr. Nichols

Human geography

10 May 2020

Protestant vs Catholicism Religious conflict

Catholicism was founded in Judea in the first century CE by the Roman Empire. Their

teachings began with Jesus Christ. It is the largest Christian church, with approximately 1.3

billion baptized Catholics worldwide as of 2018. The Protestantism movement began in Northern

Europe in the early 16th century as a reaction to medieval Roman Catholic doctrines and


The conflict began when a man named Martin Luther found Catholicism to be incorrect

as they centered their faith more around good works rather than basing it off of their personal

relationship with God. He felt that there were many errors in the catholic doctrine in which he

published the Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 and created the protestant church. Luther published the

Ninety-five theses as a reaction against abuses in the sale of indulgences by the Roman Catholic

Church. This led to a lot of conflict between the two religions as the Catholics were separated

from other Christian religions. 

The conflict between the two religions is that they highly disagree when it comes to

doctrines and “rules” protestant Christianity is more focused on a personal relationship with God,

while Catholicism is thoroughly based off of good works and they emphasize on Mary and feel

that they need to worship her. Protestant Christianity does not worship Mary at all, as we just see

her as the mother of Jesus. Catholicism also focuses more on the confession of your sins and they
make every member confess their sins to the pope, rather than to God. This is a huge conflict

between the two because Protestant Christianity follows straight from the Bible and believes that

the Bible is very clear about the fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and has already

forgiven us. Protestant Christianity focuses more on the fact that we have a personal relationship

with God and we are to confess our sins to him, rather than another human being. The conflict

between the two has made a huge impact in our world in many ways. They both have changed

the way people view Christianity.

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