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Deactivation feature of Cu/SiO2 catalyst in methanol decomposition

Article  in  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy · May 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.03.160


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7 authors, including:

Shaojun Qing Xiaoning Hou

Chinese Academy of Sciences 11 PUBLICATIONS   86 CITATIONS   

Gang Feng Xiang Wang

Nanchang University Nanchang University


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Deactivation feature of Cu/SiO2 catalyst in

methanol decomposition

Shaojun Qing a,d, Xiaoning Hou a,d, Lindong Li a, Gang Feng c,

Xiang Wang c, Zhixian Gao a,*, Weibin Fan b
Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan, 030001, China
State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion, Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan,
030001, China
College of Chemistry, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China

article info abstract

Article history: The deactivation of Cu/SiO2 catalyst in methanol decomposition, which demonstrated a
Received 18 January 2019 unique characteristics with time on stream, was studied in this paper. Based on the vari-
Received in revised form ation of methanol conversion, three catalyst samples with different testing time were
12 March 2019 obtained, enabling dynamic investigation of the deactivation process in three stages. These
Accepted 16 March 2019 samples were fully characterized by BET, ICP-OES, XRD, TEM and H2-TPR techniques. The
Available online 19 May 2019 results indicated that copper sintering, coking and loss of silica all contributed to the
catalyst deactivation during the whole reaction process. It was found that the rate of both
Keywords: copper sintering and silica loss decreased with increasing the reaction time, while the
Cu/SiO2 coking rate decreased initially from 0 h to 200 h and then increased in the final stage from
Methanol decomposition 200 h to 296 h. The catalytic performance of regenerated samples showed that the deac-
Deactivation tivated catalyst with different testing time had nearly the same initial activity, but revealed
Copper sintering a big change with time on stream, especially for the 296 h tested sample. The findings
Coking obviously revealed that sintering of Cu slowed down while silica loss continued at
Loss of silica decreased rate after testing for 200 h, and the increased rate of coking might be due to
structural change of the catalyst. It was also found that the loss of silica had an accu-
mulating effect, i.e. drastic change of catalyst texture could be made due to gradual loss of
silica, which in turn led to fatal catalyst deactivation.
© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

reduction of environmental pollution become more and more

Introduction important. The automobile industry is the second largest after
the petrochemical industry. The pollution caused by its tail
In the twenty-first century, energy and environment as two gas accounts for about 42% of the total air pollution. There-
important issues have become important factors that deter- fore, developing clean alternative fuels to achieve energy
mine the sustainable development of the economy of all conservation and environmental protection is of great signif-
countries. In view of this, development of new energy and icance. Methanol was thought to be a clean alternative fuel for

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z. Gao).
0360-3199/© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16668 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 6 6 6 7 e1 6 6 7 4

automobile, and it could be used in two ways. First, methanol the catalyst deactivation was due to the sintering of copper
was directly used as engine fuel [1,2], or as the methanol fuel metal particles.
cell vehicles [3]. Second, methanol was converted into In our previous work [22], we have shown that a Cu/SiO2
hydrogen using the technology of methanol steam reforming, catalyst, which was prepared by the simple impregnation
and then used for the hydrogen fuel cell vehicles [4]. method using a starch modified SiO2 as the support, demon-
For the direct use of the methanol as a fuel, the actual strated superior catalytic performance for methanol decom-
result is not ideal, mainly due to the low calorific value of its position. After initial rapid loss of catalytic activity, the
unit volume and high vaporization latent heat. Instead, using catalyst revealed stable activity up to 200 h. Repeated prepa-
the hydrogen-rich gases as a fuel, which are produced by ration demonstrated same trend of catalytic behavior with the
methanol decomposition with using the heat of automobile stable activity changed within 5%. Unexpectedly, a slower
exhaust onboard of a vehicle, the thermal efficiency of the than the initial activity decrease was observed after 200 h,
engine can be improved greatly. It has been reported that the showing a unique feature of deactivation mode, i.e. fast ac-
efficiency of hydrogen-rich gases is 60% higher than that of tivity loss-stable-slow activity loss. Thus, a further investiga-
gasoline, and 34% higher than that of methanol [1]. In view of tion was initiated aiming at a better understanding of how the
this, study of methanol decomposition on-board is very catalyst decay was happened. To this end, the copper particles
important for the technology of directly using methanol as size, amount of coking and loss of silica of used catalysts with
engine fuel for vehicle. different testing times were characterized and the regenera-
The core technology of methanol decomposition (CH3- tion performance of used catalysts was also evaluated. The
OH ¼ 2H2þCO) is the catalyst, and there are two main catalyst obtained results revealed that the deactivation feature of Cu/
systems, namely noble metal catalyst [5] and non-noble metal SiO2 catalyst for methanol decomposition resulted from
catalyst [6,7]. Among these systems, the copper-based cata- combination effects of Cu sintering, coking and loss of silica,
lysts have been widely studied and used, as they are cheap which will provide new insight on dealing with the behavior of
and demonstrate good catalytic activity as well as high Cu-based catalysts.
selectivity for methanol decomposition [8e11]. However, the
short lifespan of copper based catalysts is a vital problem and
remains to be a great challenge for commercial applications. Material and methods
As summarized in several literature reviews [12e14], the
deactivation of copper-based catalysts are due to several fac- Preparation of the support
tors such as poisoning, coking, thermal sintering of copper
metal and physical damaging of the support. SiO2 Powder (an industrial product from Chongqing jianfeng
According to Spencer [12,13], coke deposition is not a major industrial group Co., LTD, contained Fe with mass fraction of
problem in CO/H2 involved reactions due to the low activity of 0.02%), starch and deionized water were mixed by a kneader,
copper for breaking CeO bonds or for forming CeC bonds. and then the mixture was extruded as a strip. The obtained
However, for methanol involved reactions, coking does cause strip was dried in air for 10 h at 100  C. For the above prepa-
to catalyst deactivation as shown by several other papers ration, the mass fraction of SiO2 and starch was controlled to
[15,16]. Cheng reported that the deactivation of Cu/Cr in be 85.0% and 15.0%, respectively.
methanol decomposition was caused by carbonaceous depo-
sit and the deactivated catalyst could be completely regener- Preparation of the catalyst
ated by oxidation with O2 [15]. Jackson et al. found that the
retained material associated solely with copper was adsorbed CuO/SiO2 catalyst with 18.4% Cu loading (wt of Cu per gram of
methanol/methoxy, and was more akin to a carbonate under catalyst) was prepared by equivalent-volumetric impregna-
oxidizing conditions [16]. tion method. First, the support was impregnated with an
Solı's et al. studied copper based catalysts (CuMn2O4 and aqueous solution of Cu(NO3)2 for 24 h. Subsequently, the
CuCr2O4 spinel or CuO/CeO2 and CuO/ZnO) for methanol mixture was dried at 120  C in air for 12 h. The dried sample
steam reforming, and claimed that the catalyst deactivation was calcined at 300  C in air for 2 h at the heating rate of 3  C/
could be attributed to the concomitant effect of coke deposi- min, and the obtained sample was named as CuO/SiO2. The
tion and sintering [17]. A similar conclusion was also made for reduced form was performed in pure H2 at 300  C for 2 h and
steam reforming of dimethyl ether by Faungnawakij et al. [18]. denoted as Cu/SiO2-R. The tested samples were denoted as
Zhai et al. pointed out that coking was one reason for catalyst Cu/SiO2-X, where “X” was the testing time in hours. The re-
deactivation in methanol synthesis, but the main cause was generated samples of used catalysts were named as Cu/SiO2-
the sintering of Cu particles [19]. X-O, which were obtained by calcining the used catalysts at
Recently, Cu/SiO2 was studied for the hydrogenation of 300  C in air for 2 h.
dimethyl oxalate (DMO) to ethylene glycol by two research
groups. Lin et al. suggested that sintering of copper mainly Catalyst characterization
attributed to the unstable active centers, which were
caused by methanol, the CO split from methanol and the The specific surface area of the catalysts was characterized on
oxidation of alcohol [20]. Wen et al. revealed that the loss a nitrogen adsorption system (JW-BK122W). The samples were
of silica from the Cu/SiO2 in the forms of TMOS played an pre-treated at 80  C for 1 h under vacuum, then the
important role in the aggregation of copper particle, which adsorptionedesorption isotherm was determined at liquid
led to poor stability [21]. These two papers concluded that nitrogen temperature of 196  C.
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The reducibility of fresh and regenerated catalysts was

investigated by hydrogen temperature programmed reduction
(H2-TPR) on a FINESORB-3010C multi-function adsorption in-
strument. For each run, a catalyst sample of 30 mg was loaded
into a quartz tube and pretreated at 300  C in Ar for 30 min,
then cooled to room temperature (RT). Subsequently, H2-TPR
was started from RT to 400  C at a heating rate of 10  C/min in
10% H2/Ar. A thermal conductivity detector (TCD) was used to
monitor the consumption of H2.
To identify the crystalline phases and estimate the relative
crystallinities, the samples were characterized by the X-ray
diffraction patterns (XRD) on a Rigaku MiniFlexIIdesktop X-ray
diffractometer. The analysis condition is 30 KV and 15 mA in a
2q range of 10e80 at a scanning rate of 5 /min with Cu Ka
radiation. With the XRD data, the Cu or CuO crystalline size
was calculated by Scherrer equation [D ¼ Kl/(b cos q), K ¼ 0.89,
Fig. 1 e Variation of methanol conversion with time on
l ¼ 0.154056 nm, b was the half height width of the diffraction
stream on fresh and regenerated Cu/SiO2 catalysts
peak, q was the X-ray diffraction angle].
(t ¼ 300  C, WHSV ¼ 1.56 h¡1, p ¼ 0.01 MPa).
The high resolution transmission electron microscopy
(HRTEM) images of the catalysts were obtained by a JEM 2010
microscope operating at 200 kV. The samples were dispersed
in ethanol by ultrasonic for 30 min. One or two drops of the In order to investigate the cause for the unique deactiva-
obtained suspension liquid was deposited on copper grids tion feature, the catalysts after testing for 20 h and 296 h in
coated with amorphous carbon films. methanol decomposition were regenerated by calcining at
The coke content was analyzed by using a vario EL CUBE 300  C in air for 2 h, then the obtained samples Cu/SiO2-20-O
equipment. Under the procedure of oxidation at 1150  C in air and Cu/SiO2-296-O were evaluated under the same condi-
followed by reducing at 850  C, the carbon on the used cata- tions. The results (Fig. 1) showed that the initial methanol
lysts was finally converted into CO, which was detected by conversion could be completely restored even after testing for
TCD. The carbon content was calculated by the peak area with 296 h. The variation of conversion with time on stream of
the quantitative curve. regenerated sample Cu/SiO2-20-O was similar to that of fresh
Copper content of fresh and regenerated catalysts was catalyst within a testing of 80 h, but the long term tested Cu/
analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission SiO2-296-O showed drastic changes. These results indicated
spectrometry (ICP-OES) on a Thermo iCAP6300. The obtained that the deactivated catalyst could be regenerated with the
data enable the calculation of silica content. initial conversion being restored, but the conversion varied
with time on stream in a different manner for the long time
Catalyst testing tested catalyst, which might be accounted for by the accu-
mulating effect of silica loss as will be detailed later.
Catalyst testing was carried out in a 10 mL fixed-bed down-
flow reactor. Prior to catalytic reaction, the catalyst was Characterization of catalyst samples
reduced in pure H2 at 300  C for 2 h. After that, methanol was
fed into the reactor with micro pump and the velocity was The specific surface area and pore diameter of fresh and re-
3 mL/h. The products were analyzed by the gas chromato- generated catalysts were listed in Table 1. The data showed
graph with thermal conductivity detectors. The reaction that the specific surface area decreased while the average pore
conditions were 300  C, atmospheric pressure, weight hourly diameter of regenerated samples increased with increasing
space velocity (WHSV) of 1.56 h1. the reaction time, indicating the structure change of the cat-
alysts after testing for methanol decomposition.
To identify the phase composition of the catalyst samples,
Results XRD characterization was carried out, and the patterns for
samples in their reduced forms were shown in Fig. 2a. The
Catalytic performance broad diffraction peak in the range of 2q ¼ 15e31 can be
assigned to SiO2 [23,24], and the diffraction peaks at around
The catalytic and regeneration performance of Cu/SiO2 for 2q ¼ 43.27 , 50.40 and 74.13 are ascribed to the (111), (200),
methanol decomposition was shown in Fig. 1. On the fresh Cu/ (220) planes of metallic Cu, respectively, which are similar to
SiO2 catalyst, the methanol decomposition showed a complex those of cubic Cu (JCPDS no.04-0836) [25,26].
conversion change tendency within 296 h. The methanol For tested samples, the Cu peak intensified with narrowed
conversion decreased rapidly from 98.4% to 77.2% during the peak width, suggesting increased Cu particle size. The copper
first 20 h, then decreased very slowly up to 200 h, and, then crystalline size, which was calculated from the XRD data of
decreased fast from 71.6% to 45.6% in the third stage up to the (111) peak broadening by Scherrer equation, was listed in
296 h. Obviously, the decrease rate at the last phase was lower Table 1. The copper crystalline sizes in Cu/SiO2-R and Cu/SiO2-
than that of the first phase. 296 were also obtained by TEM/HRTEM technique. As shown
16670 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 6 6 6 7 e1 6 6 7 4

Table 1 e Physicochemical properties and chemical compositions of fresh, tested and regenerated samples.
Sample dCua/nm Cb wt% S m2/g Dpore nm dCuOc/nm Cud wt% SiO2 wt%
Cu/SiO2-R 8.0 0.53
Cu/SiO2-20 8.9 1.24
Cu/SiO2-200 11.6 2.76
Cu/SiO2-296 11.8 5.42
SiO2-20 e 2.71 e e e e e
CuO/SiO2 104.2 34.5 8.6 17.2 78.5
Cu/SiO2-20-O 101.9 40.6 6.2 19.5 75.7
Cu/SiO2-200-O 83.2 50.5 6.4 32.6 59.2
Cu/SiO2-296-O 74.0 54.7 7.1 38.7 51.7
Cu crystalline size was calculated from the XRD data (Fig. 2a) of the (111) peak broadening by Scherrer equation.
Carbon deposit.
Crystalline size of CuO was calculated from the XRD data (Fig. 2b) of the (111) peak broadening.
Determined by ICP-OES, wt of Cu per gram of catalyst; e) the support was modified by starch, so the fresh catalyst contained a few of carbon.

in Fig. 3(b and e), the Cu (111) plane with a d-spacing of methanol transformation and this results was consistent
0.208 nm was identified [22,27]. The copper particles in Cu/ with the change of specific surface area and pore diameter
SiO2-R were in the range of 4.13e9.83 nm with average particle (Table 1).
size of 7.66 nm (Fig. 3c). With Cu/SiO2-296, the copper ranged From the H2-TPR profiles (Fig. 4), it could be found that
from 7.2 nm to 19.2 nm, giving an average value of about the reduction peak area of Cu/SiO2-20-O, Cu/SiO2-200-O and
12.5 nm (Fig. 3f). The calculated crystalline size from XRD was Cu/SiO2-296-O, normalized by catalysts amount, were larger
8.0 nm for Cu/SiO2-R and 11.8 nm for Cu/SiO2-296, respec- than that of CuO/SiO2, demonstrating increased copper
tively. It could be found that there existed a small difference content in the tested catalysts, and thus the reduction peak
between the two methods, but both revealed the same sin- area increased with increasing the reaction time. These
tering trend for the tested sample. Hence, the use of size data results were further confirmed by the characterization of
derived from one method seemed reliable when the variation ICP-OES. The data (Table 1) showed that the copper content
trend was solely considered. in the CuO/SiO2, Cu/SiO2-20-O, Cu/SiO2-200-O and Cu/SiO2-
After oxidative treating of the tested catalysts with air at 296-O were 17.2%, 19.5%, 32.6% and 38.7%, respectively.
300  C for 2 h, the regenerated samples were also charac- Combined with the change of specific surface area and pore
terized by XRD (Fig. 2b). As expected, only diffraction peaks diameter and XRD results (Fig. 2), it can be concluded that
attributed to CuO and SiO2 were observed. Surprisingly, all the change of copper content was caused by the loss of
the calculated crystalline size of CuO in Table 1 were found SiO2.
to be smaller than that of fresh CuO/SiO2 (see discussion Apart from sintering of Cu and loss of silica, coking also
section). took place during the reaction. Quantitative analysis of coke
By comparing the SiO2 peak intensity in Fig. 2a and b, deposition in the tested catalysts was also performed, and
big changes could be noticed with tested samples. This can the results were listed in Table 1. It was obvious that coke
be attributed to structural change or loss of SiO2 during formation was obvious and its amount increased gradually
with time on stream up to 296 h. Over the SiO2 support, the
methanol conversion decreased from about 20.0% to 3.2%
within 20 h, and the coke formation was three times larger
as compared with that of Cu/SiO2-R.


Characteristics of Cu sintering

The sintering behavior of metals has been found to be affected

by many parameters, such as temperature, atmosphere,
support, metal-support interactions, metal loading, pore
structure, poisons and so on. According to Spencer [13], the
predominant sintering mechanism of metals is vacancy
diffusion, which suggests a relationship with cohesive energy.
Combined with the order of stability for metals
(Ag < Cu < Au < Pd < Fe < Ni < Co < Pt < Rh < Ru < Ir < Os < Re),
it is not hard to understand that the copper-based catalysts
Fig. 2 e a) XRD patterns of reduced catalyst and tested
are more liable to sintering than other commonly used
samples; b) XRD patterns of fresh and regenerated
metallic catalysts, such as Ni and Fe [13,28].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 6 6 6 7 e1 6 6 7 4 16671

Fig. 3 e TEM/HRTEM images of Cu/SiO2-R (a, b) and Cu/SiO2-296 (d, e). and the particle size distribution of Cu/SiO2-R (c) and
Cu/SiO2-296 (f).

Among many factors, temperature seems to have the copper-based catalysts have to be used at relative low-
largest impacts on metal sintering. Generally, the sintering temperatures, usually less than 300  C.
liability can be indicated by the Tamman temperature of a Therefore, in this study, all the investigations were
metal. When the temperature reaches near this value, the performed at a relatively high temperature of 300  C in
migration ability of a metal is enhanced [29]. Copper metal has order to study the sintering behavior of Cu/SiO2 catalyst
a pretty low Tamman temperature of 405  C [30], so the effectively. The size of copper metal can be obtained by
both XRD and TEM characterizations. The obtained average
copper particle size with TEM method (Fig. 3) showed about
6% differences as compared with that of calculated from
XRD data (Table 1). Hence, the XRD derived copper crys-
talline size data for all samples have been used to investi-
gate the sintering behavior of copper.
From the listed data (Table 1), the average sintering rate
for a certain testing period can be calculated as shown in
Fig. 5a. The results showed that the copper sintering rate
decreased with increasing the reaction time. Bartholomew
reported that the sintering rate of supported metals such as
Ni and Pt decreased with increasing reaction time [29].
Based on quantitative GPLE treatments of the sintering ki-
netics, the sintering rate would become very slow after a
certain time, which seems to be applicable for our Cu/SiO2
system. Hence, with the fresh Cu/SiO2-R catalyst, it can be
speculated that the sintering rate is fast during the initial
testing period. In fact, the observed sintering rate was
pretty big during the initial period and became very small
Fig. 4 e TPR profiles of fresh catalyst and regenerated after 200 h (Fig. 5a).
16672 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 6 6 6 7 e1 6 6 7 4

Fig. 5 e a) Average sintering rate of copper particles, b) Average silica loss rate and c) average coking rate.

Loss of silica and coke formation mg  h1g-cat.1, respectively (Fig. 5c). These data indicated
that the coking rate was fast during the initial and the final
The content of SiO2 decreased drastically with prolonged period. These abnormal findings may be caused by the loss of
testing time (Table 1), suggesting the loss of silica was SiO2 support. After the initial fast coking stage, coke might
happened during the whole reaction process. This phenome- cover most of the active sites on the support surface, which
non of dynamic silica loss was also evidenced by character- led to a decreased coking rate during the second stage. In the
izations with H2-TPR, XRD and N2-BET. Since the loss of silica third stage, the accumulated loss of silica caused structural
was serious in methanol atmosphere, we denote this phe- change of the support (Table 1), and thus induced accelerated
nomenon as the methanol catastrophe. As reported in a pre- the coke formation.
vious literature [21], methanol could react with silica to form
tetramethoxysilane, which led to the loss of silica. In view of Deactivation feature of Cu/SiO2 catalyst
this result, the reason of the silica loss in this study may be
also caused by the same mechanism. Based on the content of As shown in Fig. 1, on the Cu/SiO2 catalyst, methanol
SiO2, the average of silica loss rate was calculated and the data decomposition showed a complex conversion change ten-
was shown in Fig. 5b. It could be found that although the loss dency that was characterized by one rapid decrease in the
of silica existed during the whole reaction process, the first 20 h, very small decline between 20 h and 200 h, and
average of silica loss rate decreased with increasing the re- then accelerated decrease after 200 h. The two serious
action time. deactivation stages, from 0 to 20 h and 200e296 h, had one
For the coke formation, it is generally thought that coking common feature of fast coking rate (Table 1 and Fig. 5c). In
is not serious on copper catalysts as compared to nickel, iron view of this, coking was thought to be one of the main
and cobalt catalysts and acidic catalysts [12]. However, our reasons for the deactivation in these two stages. Except for
results revealed carbon deposition was obvious on Cu/SiO2 this, copper sintering was obvious during the stage from
catalyst for methanol decomposition as shown in Table 1. 0 to 20 h (Table 1 and Fig. 5a), while the accumulated loss
This may be attributed to the support, which was an industrial of silica was not big. In contrast, during the stage from
product containing few impurities. To verify this issue, the 200 h to 296 h, the results completely reversed. Therefore, it
starch modified SiO2 support was tested for methanol could be concluded that the catalyst deactivation was
decomposition under the same conditions for Cu/SiO2-R. The mainly caused by the copper sintering and coking during
results showed that the coke formation within 20 h was three the stage from 0 h to 20 h, and by loss of silica and coking
times larger as compared with that of fresh Cu/SiO2-R (Table from 200 h to 296 h, respectively. However, this conclusion
1). This result also indicated that coking was hindered by could not be applied to the stage from 20 h to 200 h, as the
introduction of Cu on the support. copper sintering, coking and loss of silica all existed, but
Based on the amount of carbon deposit (Table 1), the the deactivation was not obvious. This phenomenon re-
average coking rate was calculated and the data are shown in flected that the active sites of Cu/SiO2 for methanol
Fig. 5c. The average coking rates at the three stages, from 0 to decomposition might not be solely copper surface, which
20 h, 20e200 h and 200e296 h, were 0.355, 0.084 and 0.277 deserved further in-depth investigation.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 6 6 6 7 e1 6 6 7 4 16673

Catalyst regeneration
The tested catalysts can be regenerated by oxidation treat-
ment with air. With such a treatment, carbon deposits are In conclusion, using Cu/SiO2 to catalyze the methanol
burned off while sintered copper is oxidized to CuO. XRD decomposition, serious deactivation was happened both in
characterization data revealed that the size of CuO particles the initial stage from 0 to 20 h and the final stage from 200 to
become even smaller than that of fresh catalyst (Table 1). 296 h, demonstrating a dynamic feature of the deactivation
Previously, we have demonstrated CuO in Cu/SiO2 can be process. The catalyst deactivation in the initial stage was
reshaped by Reduction-Oxidation (RO) treatment, resulting in mainly caused by the copper sintering and coking, while in the
an annular morphology consisting of even smaller nano CuO final it was largely resulted from coking and loss of silica. The
particles [24]. The above results indicate that Reaction- deactivated catalyst with testing for 20 h in methanol
Oxidation process had similar effects as the RO treatment, decomposition could be completely regenerated, but the
probably via a mechanism involving the Kirkendal effect deactivated catalyst tested for 296 h could not be completely
[31,32]. Consequently, the following reduction of the regen- regenerated due to substantial loss of silica. The concept of
erated sample would give rise to a highly dispersed Cu cata- methanol catastrophe was introduced to emphasize the
lyst, which is confirmed by the completely restored initial gradual loss of Si and the irreversible structural changes that
conversion rate as shown in Fig. 1. Although the sintered led to fatal deactivation after a certain time and to varied
copper can be regenerated, the catalytic performance with catalytic behavior of the regenerated catalyst.
time on stream varied depending on the former testing time.
When the catalyst was tested for 20 h, copper sintering and
coking was serious, but the loss of silica was not obvious, so Acknowledgments
the catalyst could be completely regenerated. However, for
Cu/SiO2-296 catalyst, the loss of silica was serious, so the This work has been financially supported by the National
texture of the catalyst changed drastically as compared to that Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 21503254 and
of fresh catalyst, thus the methanol conversion varied with 21673270).
time on stream in a different manner. These results reflected
the huge impacts of SiO2 loss on the long term catalytic
performance. references

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