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Lesson #4 - E stands for “Execute.”

Welcome back to the final session of the Follow-Through Formula. Today we’re focused on the

most important lesson of all, which is all about executing. In other words, taking courageous,

consistent action to bring your goal to life.

So, this lesson is going to be a quick one, because I want you to get right to it and just dive in. No

more planning, no more pondering, no more preparation, it is action jackson time. But I do want

to share one little mantra that I use — especially when the goal or project that I’m working on is a

little scary and outside of my comfort zone. And that mantra is this:

Start Before You’re Ready. Start BEFORE You’re Ready.

Look. Most of us can talk about or think about an important project for months and

sometimes even years before actually doing anything about it. But do not confuse activity with


You see, if you’ve had trouble following through, it’s not a lack of competence that’s holding you

back, it this nasty little fear-based lie that we can tell ourselves called, “I’m not ready yet.” You see,

“I’m not ready yet” is one of the deadliest, most insidious dream killers around.

And if you’re honest, I’ll bet “I’m not ready yet” has probably stopped you a few times in the past.

Well my friend, here is the secret you need to know: the world’s happiest and most successful

people never feel ready to make a bold move – they just GO! They understand that waiting to “feel

ready” before taking action is kinda like waiting for Queen Elizabeth to willfully step down from

the throne. I mean come on now, most likely, that ain’t gonna happen.

That is why starting before you’re ready is the key to executing like a champ and mastering

following though. It helps you sidestep your fear and drive straight into action-based learning.

Remember high school physics? A body in motion tends to stay in motion. Starting before you’re

ready really kicks inertia’s lazy ass out of your way and puts momentum on your side. Because

when you stop thinking and you start executing, you literally create this environment that pulls

you forward. All of a sudden there are appointments and deadlines and real life progress. The

follow-through train has left the station and there’s nowhere to go except full steam ahead.

And look. This last step is all about execution, so once you get started, don’t stop. When it comes

Pg. 1 Follow-Through Formula © M ar ie Forl e o I ntern at ion al m arieforleobsc h o o l .c om

to follow-through, tenacity matters more than tactics or technique. Be relentless about this, and

do not stop taking action until you can drop the mic and say “You know what? This. Is. Done.”
Do This Now: Download your Fun Sheet below. I want you to work through the prompts, and

you’re going to figure out the single most important action you could take right now to EXECUTE

on your goal – even if you don’t feel ready.

Is it making a phone call? Is it making an outside appointment with some kind of professional?

Or perhaps it’s just telling a few people you trust about your goal and your commitment to make it

happen. There’s no right answer, but I’ll bet you know it in your heart whatever it is that you have

to do. So I want you to think about it, get moving, and start before you’re ready.

And with that, great job! You have just completed the Follow-Through Formula! So let’s review our

four key directives to getting things DONE.

D: Decide and Define: choose ONE priority and define your outcome so it’s clear, specific, and

achievable. Set yourself up to win.

O: Organize Your Life Around It: if it’s not scheduled, it’s not real. Plan for problems in advance.

N: No Train: get yourself a first class ticket, eliminate non-essentials, and say yes to less.

E: Execute: start before you’re ready. Be relentless and don’t stop taking action until you’ve

reached your goal.

And that’s it! Make these four directives your personal disciplines, and trouble with following

through will be a thing of the past. You did such great work, congratulations! Thank you for

joining us, and I’ll see you soon.

Pg. 2 Follow-Through Formula © M ar ie Forl e o I ntern at ion al m arieforleobsc h o o l .c om

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