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Video Reflection 8: Musicality 2

Date of recording: March 30, 2021

Time of recording: 12:35pm

Other information (e.g., grade, class, number of students, etc.):

First grade class
20 students
One student with an IEP
3rd music class of the week

1. Watch your video and describe the musicality of your teaching

I showed musicality in my teaching by modeling singing for my

students. In my modeling I made sure to show the students phrasing,
dynamics, and other musical elements. I also try to teach with musicality
by singing simple directions that the students are used to instead of just
saying them. Some directions that I do this for include, “walk quietly
straight to your seat.” Another way I show musicality in my teaching is by
saying things in a rhythm, and when we are doing something with music, I
will keep things in the rhythm instead of breaking the rhythm to give

2. Watch your video and describe the musicality of your students’


My students are showing musicality by adding dynamics to what

they are singing. In this game, they are using music to communicate,
which is teaching them how you can communicate through music. My
students are also able to keep a beat going between two different
exercises when I want them to. My students echo my musicality.

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