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Fourth Grade - C Week


Standards Being Addressed:

Cr.4.4: Present the final version of personal created music to others, and explain connection to
the expressive intent.
Pr.5.4a: Perform music, alone or with others, with expression and technical accuracy, and
appropriate interpretation

● iPads
● Commercial Examples -
● Canvas quiz

Students will describe what musical elements make a good commercial jingle. Students will
create a plan for their project including what product they want to sell and what the music for the
jingle will sound like.

Activity #1: Hellos/Attendance

Activity #2: What makes a good commercial jingle? - Starting our commercial project
1. Ask students what makes a good commercial jingle
a. Write their answers on the board
2. Listen to some commercial jingles with the students -
a. What do these jingles have in common? Is there anything our list missed? Are
they usually in major or minor? Fast or slow? Why?
3. We are going to work on a project this week making our own commercial jingles. Today I
want you to make a plan for your jingle. What do you want to sell? Will it be major or
minor? Does your jingle have words? What kind of pictures might accompany the jingle
to help sell your product?

Assessment: Were the students able to musically describe what makes a good commercial
jingle? Did the students finish making plans for their projects?

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