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One of the top consumptions that I consume has got to be Caffeine.

Whether it
be from Coffee, Bang, Red Bull or any other energy drink, you name it I've tried it! I feel
like I can't Start my day without some sort of caffeinated drink. I know that this probably
sounds bad but I have gotten into such a bad habit of it that I can't get out of it. If I don't
have any caffeine within the afternoon of the day, I start to get moody and develop a
headache because of it. But once I have that sip of Red Bull or coffee it's gone in
minutes! I need to start drink it every other day and hopefully get myself down to like
only drinking coffee like on the weekends (as a reward for the week) but it's really hard
when you get in the habit of getting up and making myself a coffee or stopping at a gas
station before going into work to get a energy drink. I also spend a lot of money on
those kinds of drinks whether it be coffee or energy drinks. It takes up a lot of money
that I could be using for something else.
When this consumption had first started it definitely wasn’t as bad as it is now.
My parents have always drinked coffee from when I could remember. They mainly
would only drink it on the weekends as a reward as to the finish of the week and to give
themselves a little “Treat” you could say. My mom had then started on this coffee weight
loss program that my aunt had got her on. This is when my mom had started to drink
coffee every morning within the last two years.
My consumption problem had started back to when I was in High School my
junior year. I had always craved coffee in the morning before school, so when I did I
Would make myself just a small cup of coffee to drink before school almost every day.
Then in my Senior year of high school is when I would go get coffee from Beans and
Brews when I craved coffee. This is where a lot of my money would go besides my car
payment. A lot of my friends would go get coffee as well so it would intrigue me to get
more then one cup of coffee within the day.
Coffee has a lot of benefits when it comes to consumption. “Researchers have
looked at the benefits of drinking coffee for conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and liver disease. There is evidence to support
some, but not all, of these claims.Coffee contains a number of useful nutrients, including
riboflavin (vitamin B-2), niacin (vitamin B-3), magnesium, potassium, and various
phenolic compounds, or antioxidants. Some experts suggest that these and other
ingredients in coffee can benefit the human body in various ways.”

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