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Anggota : (XI MIPA 2)

Aracelly Isma D. 05
Gemma Mutiara P 09
Kylau Ratu M. 10
Nania Riswanda N 16
Wanodya Kalya K. S. 29
A Hat Seller and The Monkeys
Once upon a time, there was a hat seller, he was walking in the
park while offering his wares. He was tired and hopeless, because since
morning no one has bought his wares. After walking some distance, he
found a shady tree. he sat down and rested under the tree. He felt
exhausted and finally fell asleep.
As long as he slept, it turned out that the tree was a place for 2
monkeys to live. The monkey is very ignorant, they take all the
merchandise without being noticed by the seller. All his hats were
carried up the tree.
After a few hours, the seller woke up. He was so shocked, "where
are all my hats?" shouted the seller. However, the seller heard the sound
of the monkeys laughing at him. The seller knows that the monkeys stole
his wares. The seller was very angry with the monkeys. Even though the
monkeys just wants to trick the seller.
The monkeys returned all the hats. Monkeys apologized and
promised not to repeat again. Finally the seller continues selling, and
will never take a break under that tree again.
Moral value : don’t ever to prank people.

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