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3 Rs of Waste Management

1. Reuse
Reusing is the act of taking old items that you might consider throwing away
and finding a new use for them. Get the most mileage out of the materials you
encounter. Jars from grocery store foods can be used to store leftovers or to take
lunch to work. Use old clothing as cleaning rags. Sometimes materials can be reused
by other people. Working computers and parts can often be donated to community
centers or charitable organizations. Clothing can often be donated and given a
second life.

2. Recycle

This is probably the most well-known and well-understood of the 3 R’s. If

you have recycling pick-up services, you will be familiar with recycling paper,
plastic and metal materials. These materials are carefully processed at TC
Recycling. The separated and processed materials will later be processed into other
goods. Buying recycled goods is another way to participate in this part of the 3 Rs.
You may start to notice more and more products with a "Made from Recycled
Material" stamp. These products are no different from standard goods; they're just
helping to make the most of valuable resources.

3. Reduce

Reduce the amount of materials and goods you consume. This might mean
limiting the amount of purchases you make in the first place. Do you really need
another bottle of nail polish, or another pair of black shoes? To determine your true
needs and avoid impulse buys, try the three day rule: if you want to buy something
non-essential, wait three days. If you're still thinking about it three days later, then
you can buy it. More than likely, you will have forgotten about it. There are other
ways to reduce your consumption without limiting purchases. Buying foods in bulk
often means less packaging waste. Buying in bulk is useful if you are sure you will
need the full quantity you're buying. Otherwise, it could be wasteful if you can't use
all of the goods before they expire. Budgeting can also help you reduce resource
consumption. If you are thinking about a new computer, but your old computer
works well, save up your money little by little until you can afford a new one
without using a credit card or payment plan. By the time you've gotten the money
saved up, you may actually need the new computer, or you may have realized
there's a better use for your saved-up money. Turning off lights when you're not in
the room, unplugging electronics when not in use, and fixing drippy faucets are
other ways to reduce your consumption of essential resources. It will also lower your
utility bills - bonus!

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