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Sanaani, Nur-Fatima, M.



-this is the initial ways of a writers and in which the techniques of an individual author in the
writing form, this can be categorized from a distinct author to author, which depends upon
(syntax, word choice, and tone). Also it can be described as a voice that readers listen or imagine
when they begin to read the work of the author.

2. What is literary ANALYSIS?

-the goal of the literary analysis, it analyzed what you have been able to read, it means that it
examine what you have been reading, and it also has the categories of key point, it initially try to
search some of the typical quotes to fit your initial critics to be able to fit on your analysis, it also
fill out an outline.
3. What are the DIFFERENT STYLES for literary analysis?

- Cultural Analysis. Cultural literary analysis seeks to explain a new understanding of a text using objects,

practices, and ideologies representative of a culture's values, beliefs, and laws.

-Feminist Analysis- theory is an approach that focuses on the way women are represented in literature.
This mode of interpretation is important not only to understanding how gender affects characters in a
work, but also in understanding the societal values that are reflected by the work.

-Historical Analysis- looks at a text through a historical lens. By forming an understanding of the time
period in which the text takes place and is written, historical critics translate new meaning from the text
based on its roots, the social events, and the historical elements of the time period that impacted the
author’s writing.

-New Criticism-analyses text based solely on the text itself. Ignoring historical, biographical, cultural, and
additional outside contexts, new criticism focuses on internal contexts. A few of the devices studied by
new critics are language patterns, plot, content, diction, setting, structure, style, theme, and literary

-Psychological Analysis-seek to understand a text by examining and postulating on the author’s

intentions, the reader’s responses, and the psychological state of the characters in the piece.

-Reader Response Analysis-shifts the focus away from the author and other outside elements of the text
and analyzes the reception of the text through the various lenses of its readers. Each reader response
analysis varies based on the experiences and background of the reader and how they perceive the text.

4. List some of the literary artists and their works of the ethnolinguistic group that you belong.

- Laila Lalami,  The Moor’s Account

- G. Willow Wilson,  Alif the Unseen

- Rabih Alameddine,  An Unnecessary Woman

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