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Chakra Mantras
The following Mantras are chosen for their ability to balance and support your entire system.

They are attributed here to specific chakras based on different factors including: the presiding
diety, the overall function of the mantra, or the presence of the syllable associated with the seed
sound of the chakra.

Each of these mantras offers multiple benefits. Ancient mantras are some of the most universal
spiritual technologies available, and are by no means limited to the association with a particular
chakra. While you may find it helpful to center your attention within a specific chakra, the
healing energies will travel where they need to go and do whatever needs to be done.

First (Root) Chakra

Mantra to Ganesh, Remover of Obstacles

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha

This mantra is used to dispel or remove internal obstacles that are holding you back. You don’t need
to know the nature of the obstacles, just hold the intention for their removal. “This mantra unifies
us within. When there is oneness, there are no obstacles.” –Deva Premal and Miten

Om – a seed sound, called The Sound of the Universe – vibrates to the 6th chakra and
integrates male and female energies
Gum – seed syllable for Ganesh
Ganapati- another name for Ganesh, the god of Oneness and Unity
Yei – syllable that activates shakti (energy)
Namaha – ends many mantras, means “I offer.”

Mantra to Lakshmi, Giver of Abundance

“OM Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha”

In this mantra we call on Lakshmi, who personifies abundance and blessings. This is
abundance in harmony with Divine Oneness. At the highest level, abundance is the energy of
expansive creativity in all forms.

Shreem – seed syllable for the principle of abundance

Maha means great – greatness in all ways.
Lakshmi – the goddess of abundance and blessings
Yei – syllable that activates shakti (energy)
Namaha – ends many mantras, means “I offer.”

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018


Fourth (Heart) Chakra

Vishnu Mantra – Mantra to Oneness

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

“Om is the name inside of me which is aware of the unity of all things.” This is known as a
“Mukti” (liberation) mantra and a spiritual formula for attaining freedom.

Mantra to Tara, Divine Mother

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Swaha

This mantra opens your heart to give and receive love, to experience yourself as fully loved and
held. In this way you are able to heal your heart and radiate love to the world.

Mantra to Avolokiteshvara and Kuan Yin

Bodhisattvas of Compassion
Om Mani Padme Hum

This is known as the mantra of compassion. It is attributed to 5th Chakra as well as heart,
because it enables us to embrace polarity and hold all extremes in order to embody compassion
for all.

Fifth (Throat) Chakra

Mantra to Shiva. Balances entire system.

Om Namah Shivaya

Each syllable of this mantra corresponds to one of the elements of the chakras. . Om calls the
energies down. Each following syllable moves from the root up: Na(earth), Mah(water),
shi(fire), vaa(air), ya(ether). When chanted properly, each syllable activates certain energy
centers within our bodies as we meditate upon the energy of Lord Shiva

When sung with intention the mantra balances the entire system and connects you above and
below to the light.

Sixth Chakra: Jivatma (the individual soul)

Mantra to Guru Rinpoche

Om Ah Hung, Benza Guru. Pema Siddhi Hung

I invoke you, Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava! By your blessing may you grant us mundane
(health, wealth, success) and supreme (enlightenment, liberation) realization.

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018


Seventh Chakra: Oneness

The Gayatri Mantra - The Essence Mantra

Om bhur bhuvaha svaha

Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayat

English Translation: We meditate on the transcendental Glory of the Deity Supreme, who is
inside the heart of the earth, inside the life of the sky and inside the soul of Heaven. May S/He
stimulate and illuminate our minds.

This mantra is also known as the Sun Prayer. In “The Book of Runes,” Ralph Blum says the
following about the Gayatri Mantra:

“While reciting the Gayatri, visualize the sun's rays streaming forth into the world, entering
your heart, then streaming out from your heart's center and back into the world. You are
saying to the sun You can address the Sun in this way:

You who are the source of all power,

Whose rays illuminate the world,
Illuminate also my heart
So that it too can do Your work.

Thisa powerful and life-enhancing prayer. “ ~ The Book of Runes, Ralph Blum

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018


Mantras for Healing

Mantra to the Medicine Buddha
Teyata Om Bekanze
Bekanze maha bekanze
Radza samudgate soha

One of the most important mantras for healing, it asks for release from all experiences of
duality, and healing from all forms of illness, including the illusion of separation.

“It is like this. Medicine Buddha,

You are the King, the Supreme Healer.
Please remove illness, illness and the great Illness.
Now I offer this prayer.

Moola Mantra
Om Satchitananda Parabrahma
Purushothama Paramatma
Sri Bhagavati Sametha
Sri Bhagavate Namaha

Hari om tat sat

Hari om tat sat
Hari om tat sat
Hari om tat sat

Mantra for unification and healing from the Divine Masculine and Feminine. Powerful for all
forms of healing, from internal unity to healing for the Earth.

SAT - truth
CHIT - pure consciousness of the universe that is infinite, omni-present manifesting power of the
ANANDA - bliss, love and friendship nature of the universe.
PARABRAHMA - supreme being in his absolute aspect. It is the supreme creator.
PURUSHOTHAMA - the energy that incarnates as an Avatar to help and guide mankind and relate
closely to the beloved creation.
PARAMATMA - supreme inner energy that is imminent in every creature and in all beings, living and
SRI BHAGAVATI - the female aspect, which is characterized as the supreme intelligence in action, the
power (the Shakti). It is referred to the Mother Earth (Divine Mother) aspect of the creation.
SAMETHA – together, in communion with SRI BHAGAVATE - the male aspect of the creation, which
is unchangeable and permanent.
NAMAHA – salutations, prostrations.
HARI OM TAT SAT – God is the truth. “Oh Divine Force, Spirit of All Creation, Highest Personality,
Divine Presence, manifest in every living being. Supreme Soul manifested as the Divine Mother and as
the Divine Father. I bow in deepest reverence.”

Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School July 2018

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