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Task 1. Big Picture Questions

Question 1 – Name 4 countries that have a great educational system. Based on what you learned in this course, what are 3
similarities that these countries have in common? In other words, what are some factors that have helped these countries to
excel in the area of education? 
After reading the required book and looking at the PISA website I found four countries that have great educational systems
according to the PISA test scores and the book: Finland, South Korea, Poland, and China, who was number one for the 2018 PISA
test on all three subjects. Although these countries approach education differently, they have all succeeded in having some of
the top educational systems in the world. Some of the reasons why they have top educational systems is because of how they
treat education in their country. All of these countries treat their educational system as almost a high stakes system; the top test
scores get you into the best colleges and the highest paying jobs. The second thing these countries have in common and stems
from having a high stakes system and that is they hold their students to a very high standard, they expect their students to do
well, thus the students do well. Another thing that I found in common with these countries, was how much each country valued
their education system. They treated education there like how we treat sports here. There was not any focus on extracurricular
activities, it is all on education. And lastly, another factor that these countries have in common is how they treat their teachers.
They hold their teachers to a higher expectation and have higher standards people to pass if they want to become teachers.
Question 2 – Based on what you learned in this course, do you think the top performing countries are influencing other
countries? In other words, describe how the countries which are listed highest in terms of PISA scores are having an affect on
other countries? 
The top performing countries are influencing other countries. I feel like that is one of the reasons why the PISA test was made in
the first place, so other countries and look at each other and see what they are doing and see if they can or need to make any
changes to better their education. Countries that are lower ranking and look at other countries that are improving and doing well
in their education and see if they can make any changes to help out their education system. Also, it is only natural to be be
competitive with each other, if a country sees that another country is doing better it will make them change their education
system (hopefully for the better) so they “beat” the other country.
Question 3 – Do you think that countries who pay little or no attention to educating its citizens can/will have a negative
impact on the world in the future? Support your answer.  
Education can bring a country together, reduce poverty, and drive a country to modernization. Countries who pay little or no
attention will see the opposite effect. When there is little or no attention on education the country can be easily torn apart,
conditions become poorer, crime rates go up and other negative effects. Also, without learning children are not prepared for life,
work, or even being an active citizen in their country. They are left without the basic resources to survive life. So, when a country
does not educate their citizens, that country crumbles and falls into poverty and war. You can see these effects in Uganda and
Nepal; children are not getting educated and poverty and death rates are high. When a country is stressed like that you see
global effects like war and immigration. Overall, when a country is not educated it puts stress on the rest of the world.

Question 4 - How does education in other countries compare to the system of education in the U.S. from your observations?
It seems to me that the United States has a pretty good education system, especially compared to some of the countries that are
having conflict. One advantage that the U.S. has compared to some of the countries that are struggling is that the public school
system is free of religion. Religion removes conflict and control and the people can just focus on getting their students educated.
After looking at Thailand they are having huge conflict and unrest right now and it all stems from religion. One thing that other
countries do differently though, especially the countries that have higher scores than the U.S. is they hold their teachers to
higher standards and pay them accordingly. I feel like if the U.S. held their teachers to higher standards, better training, and let
the teachers teach what they see fit, I feel like the success rate for students would rise.

Question 5 - Name some populations that are denied a good education? For example, we all know based on experiences in
this class that women and girls are denied a good education in parts of world (sadly). What are other groups of people that
are denied a good education?
Sadly, there are many different populations that are denied a good education. The top of the list would be the poor. The poor in
the U.S. are denied good education because parents cannot afford to pay to take their kids to top notch private schools and
some cities seem to allocate their funds to schools who are doing better. Poor countries around the world are denied free
education systems because of the lack of funding as well. Another population that is denied a good education are people of the
minority group. I feel like the U.S. does its best with this issue, but it is still seen in schools all over the U.S. There are school that
comprise mainly of minorities and they receive less funding than their neighboring school that compromises mainly of the
majority group.
Question 6 - Think about the things we discussed in this course – name some things you could now do differently in your
future classes because of the information learned in this course? In other words, we want you to be self-reflective (thinking
about your thinking) – tell us some things you could in your future class to make it better based on items we learned about
with regard to learning about educational systems around the world? It could things like helping diverse learners, or perhaps
being more aware about students who may live in more rural areas of your district and don’t have access to technology (these
are just some ideas I had).
I feel like during this whole course my vision of how I wanted to teach has changed in a good way. I do not have much
experience with teaching a classroom, just a lot of volunteer work, but through what I have learned in this class I have used it to
help shape me into how I want to teach my students. One thing I will do differently in my classes is do my best to hold each
student to a high standard, I want each of my students to know that no matter what their background they can achieve big
things. But with that being said, I feel like I need to become more aware of my students’ background, so I do not set them up for
failure. For example, one student may have access to the internet at home and the other does not. I want to make learning as
equal to all my students as possible no matter what.

(questions 7a through 7e) Let’s say that you are the ruler of your own country - think about some of the factors/conditions
that go into having a great educational system. And please have a little fun with these questions, too.

Question 7a - What would be the name of your very own country? What would be the name of the capital of your country?
Make something up! Have fun, be silly.
Country – Northern Lots-o-land
Capital – Little Bit-o-land

Question 7b – What would the population be? Big or small? Come up with a number. Why would be the size that you choose?
Would you want over 1 billion people in your country? Would you want under 1 million? Tell us why.
Honestly, I would make the population small, mainly because I am an introvert and feel more comfortable with there are less
people around. I also think that a smaller population would be easier to manage and there would be less stain on resources. I
feel like a bigger population more people would be limited on what they want or could do, but with a smaller population more
people have more options.

Question 7c - Do they have access to technology (very briefly tell us about technology in your country)?
Being a humble, smaller population, we would do our best to have the best available technology. To succeed in today’s economy
and to raise children to strive in today’s world we would do our best to make sure we have top technology. For example, in our
capital, Little Bit-o-land, all citizens and all who enter will have access to the internet no matter where they are. Our schools will
be funded to the best of our abilities, so they have the technology to allow our students to be competitive with the rest of the
world. I feel like a lot of people look down on technology, but the reality is technology is our future and we need to be prepared
for the future if we want to be successful.

Question 7d – Would your country be mostly rural? Urban? Suburban? A combination? Why?
I would like a combination of all. We need the countryside to provide food for the people and to provide space for people who
want more room for themselves. We need Suburban area because some people like living in larger communities and just be a
drive away from the city. Having an urban area as has many advantages as well; a place to do business, having everything you
need in one place. Having a combination of everything creates a great combination of diversity in people and in the work force. I
feel like if a person has an option on what they want to do they are happier, rather than having to work a dead end job because
that is the only option out there.

Question 7e- Come up with at least 4 more facts/factors that would have impact they have on your country’s educational
system. In other words, think about conditions/factors that have led to the creation of great educational systems around the
world. Now, what condition/factors would like to see in your very own country?
Some facts that would have an impact on my country’s educational system:
1. I would like elite schools to train our teachers, teacher held to higher standards and treated better
2. I would like education to be free to everyone, equal access to education
3. I also would like to stop supervising teacher on what/how to teach and give them but also have a contining assessment
of each teacher to make sure they continue to do quality work.
4. I would make education more individualized; every child learns differently and we can not expect every child to learn
the same way.

OPTIONAL – If you would like to draw an outline of country in Word (using tools found in Word), include some clipart and/or
freehand then insert that picture of your country and place it here, please do so. This is optional of course, but I love seeing
how creative students can get! Only do this if you have some free time.

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