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Make a detail research on Fiverr, Up works,

PeolplePerHours and Guru that should we start
working on them as a freelancer.
Q: How should we start working on fiverr as a
How it works

• Create a Gig: Sign up for free, set up your Gig, and offer your work to our
global audience.
• Deliver great work: Get notified when you get an order and use our
system to discuss details with customers.
• Get paid: Get paid on time, every time. Payment is transferred to you upon
order completion. Become a seller

• Q: How should we start working on upworks as a free

Getting Started
• Complete the Getting Started Checklist (on the Find Jobs page)
• Complete your freelancer profile (including skills, portfolio, and certifications),
which serves as your Upwork resume and is your most powerful tool for getting
• Download our free eBook "Build a Business You Love: Freelancing Tips from
the Pros"
• how should we start working on peopleperhours as a free lancer
• How do I work for PeoplePerHour.

How to Post a Gig to Fiverr

Important! Before you create your first gig (as we describe here), you should
experience how buyers see gigs so you’ll understand how to create a gig that
stands out!

• The project stream collates all your received proposals in a single place for you
to compare and review. Accept the proposal that best suits your project and
begin collaborating instantly by paying a deposit. PeoplePerHour protects your
money (in escrow) until you tell us you're satisfied and ready to release funds

Is your mind already made up? Great! Let’s take a closer look at the process of
creating a gig on Fiverr. Sure, it’s easy. Just about anyone can do it. But I’m going to
teach you how to do it well. It won’t be long before you’re chatting with your first
new clients.

Step 1: Create an Account

Before you can post your first gig, you’ll need to create an account. You can sign up
by either using your Facebook account, Google account, or email address. Once
you’ve chosen how you’d like to create an account, you’ll have to choose your
username and either create a password or enter an email address. Once your account is
created, simply go to your inbox, activate it, and go on to fill out your profile.
Step 2: Set Up Your Profile

The first thing most buyers will check for—prior to paying for one of your gigs—
is your profile. In it, Fiverr will ask you to include a photo and several key pieces of
information, allowing potential buyers to get to know you a bit more.

Pro Tips:

Make sure that you create a profile that delivers on each and every aspect:

• Profile Picture: Include a professional looking photo of your real face. This will
help to ensure potential buyers trust that you’re a real person, in addition to
making your profile appear more professional.

• Description: Use this section to introduce yourself to prospective buyers. Here,

you can include your areas of expertise, experiences, or anything else you think is
important—keep it relevant!
• Languages: Let others know what languages you speak and your level of fluency;
this is incredibly important if your gig includes skills like writing or translating.

• Tests Taken: This part of your profile will display the tests that you’ve completed
through Fiverr. Tests help to verify your skills, and can increase a potential buyer’s
trust. Just be careful, as you’re only able to take a test twice every three months;
however, Fiverr does give you the option to hide your tests scores if you do

• Skills: Here, you should include any skills applicable to the gigs you intend to
create. These include abilities you’ve gained through past jobs, hobbies, or other
life experiences. Fiverr only allows ten, so choose wisely.

• Education: Include where you attended college and your degrees.

• Certifications: List any additional certifications that may help you stand out from
the crowd.

Step 3: Start a New Gig

Once your profile has been set up, you can begin creating your first gig! To do this, go
to the “Selling” menu along the top of the screen, and in the drop-down menu choose
the “Gigs” option. From here, you simply need to click the “Create New Gig” button
to start the process.
Step 4: Write Your Gig Overview

The first section you’ll need to complete is the Gig Overview. Here, you’ll be
required to fill out three boxes:

1. The title of your gig

2. The category that it falls under

3. Relevant search tags

Pro Tips
Don’t skimp on this process. Keep the following in mind to write a compelling
overview that will entice a potential client:

• Gig Title: You’re only allotted 80 characters, so make them count, and ensure that
it’s clear and concise; you want your prospective buyers to know exactly what it is
that you’re offering. Also, write something that’ll stand out from the crowd by
keeping the title relatively original.

• Category: Based upon your title, Fiverr will automatically suggest a few categories
and subcategories, and typically one will match your offering. Although, if none
are appropriate, you’re free to choose from a plethora of options from their
dropdown menu. Find the category and subcategory that best fit your gig.

• Search Tags: Put the terms you believe a buyer would be most likely to search for
when looking for your service. You’re only allowed five terms, so be considerate.
These will vary greatly depending on what you’re offering, so doing a bit of
research into the most commonly searched terms in your category could help

Once complete, click the large green “Save and Continue” button along the bottom
right of the screen to advance to the next section.
Step 5: Price Your Gig

The pricing of your gigs has evolved quite a bit since Fiverr’s inception. The
platform currently allows sellers to offer up to three different packages:

1. Basic

2. Standard

3. Premium

Pro Tips
When filling out the scope and pricing section, there are some important things to
keep in mind:

• Number of Packages: It’s not necessary for you to use all three packages,
although many buyers do like additional premium options, so offer them where
possible. Additionally, according to Fiverr, those that offer triple gig packages can
earn up to 64% more per order.
• Name Your Package: Choose an eye-catching title for each of your packages, and
make certain that the difference between them is crystal clear.

• Package Description: Briefly explain what’s included in each package, and why
you’ve included it. You’re only allowed 100 characters here, so you may have to
get creative to fit in everything you’d like to say. Just make sure the offerings are
clear to any potential buyers.

• Delivery Time: How long you’ll take to complete a project. Depending on the
scope of the work, this may vary greatly between packages.

• Revisions: The number of times you’ll alter your work upon the buyer’s request.
Premium packages often include additional revisions.

• Price: Each package can be priced anywhere from $5 to $995 USD. Your basic
package should always be priced lowest, and your premium the highest.
Remember, you can always change your price later, so in the beginning, it may be
smart to keep them low to help build reviews.

• My Gig Extras: Here, you can charge additional fees for whatever extras you’d like
to add to your packages. There are some frequently used extras that can be
chosen from a menu, such as extra fast delivery and additional revisions. If there’s
an extra you’d like to include but isn’t available, Fiverr makes it easy to create
your own. Simply click the “+ Add Gig Extra” option at the bottom of “My Gig
Extras” and fill out its title, description, and price.

• Shipping: Fill in a shipping charge if you’re going to be sending a tangible product

and require compensation. You’re given the option to choose multiple prices
depending on the location.
Step 6: Give Your Gig a Description and FAQ

Along with your title, the description is one of the most important aspects of
creating a gig that will land you clients.
Here, you’re expected to go into great detail about your offer. For this reason, there’s
a 120 character minimum, and a 1200 character maximum for the description. Don’t
leave any important details out, as your buyers should have an accurate enough
description to determine whether or not what you’re offering will satisfy their needs.
Being too vague may lead to unhappy clients and negative feedback, potentially
destroying future opportunities on this platform.
Once your description is completed, the frequently asked questions (FAQ) will come
next. In this section, provide the answers to questions you’d expect to receive in
regards to your gig. This will probably need to be revised later, as you may not
know what many of your FAQ will be until after your gig has been active for
some time. Click the “+ Add FAQ” button to include as many FAQ as needed.
Step 7: Establish Your Gig Requirements

This is where you’ll include any requirements that are necessary for your buyer to
supply in order for you to complete the job.
You’re given three different methods of asking for this information, including:

• Free Text: With free text, you write in your requirements, and the buyer is
expected to fulfill them with a text message response (e.g. dimensions, weight,
essay topic).

• Multiple Answer: This option allows you to ask a question and give multiple
answer choices from which your buyer can choose. You need a minimum of two
answers to choose from, and can add more simply by clicking the “+ Add Optional
Answer” button.

• Attached File: If you require a file from your buyer in order to complete your
work, choose this option. You need to specify what this file should include in the
description window, and your buyer will be asked to upload it upon purchase.

You can add as many requirements as necessary by clicking the “+ Add Another
Requirement” button that appears upon submission of your first. If the answer to a
requirement is optional, you should unclick the “Answer is Mandatory” box.
Step 8: Add a Gallery to Your Gig

Your gig gallery can either be comprised of photos, a video, PDFs, or all of the
above. The files you choose to put in your gallery should all be relevant to your
gig’s offerings.
Pro Tips
Consider the following tips when determining the different file types for your gallery:

• Gig Photos: Most listings will include a photo that’s relevant to the service being
sold, especially if it’s a graphic or web design gig. Even if the job is something
that’s not easily photographed, such as a writing gig, still include a photo. Just
choose something relevant to the job, even if it’s not necessarily a work sample.
Fiverr allows up to three photos that can be dragged and dropped to your gallery.
Make sure your images are plagiarism-free, otherwise your gig may not be

• Gig Videos: Other than gigs in the animation and video categories, adding a gig
video is optional, although they can be helpful. According to Fiverr, gigs that
include a video receive up to 200% more orders, as well as enjoy 40% higher user
engagement levels. Videos cannot exceed 75 seconds in length, nor can they
include personal contacts.

• Gig PDFs: These should only be used when further clarification is needed, and a
PDF is the best format for accomplishing this. This option is generally reserved for
writers, and others whose work examples are most likely to be in a PDF text
format. Fiverr allows for two PDFs to be attached to each gallery.

Step 9: Publish Your Gig

This is the final – and by far the quickest – step to creating your gig. Simply click the
“Publish Gig” button and it’ll go live. Once live, your gig can then be promoted
through a social platform, such as Facebook or Twitter, simply by clicking the
provided link. According to Fiverr, gigs that are promoted through social
platforms are up to three times as likely to sell, so it’s a good idea to consider this
Getting the Most Out of Your Gigs
Now that you’ve created your first gig on Fiverr, next comes the difficult part: landing
a client. Most buyers on this (or any) platform want to see reviews from which
they can judge your work quality. When starting, you won’t have anything other
than the few examples uploaded to your gallery to show.
Therefore, when just beginning, it’s often a good idea to keep your prices low to draw
in more clients, and raise your rates once you’re more established. You should also
look into search engine optimization (SEO) for your gigs, as this is a great tool for
driving organic traffic. Another successful tactic is to use your profile to establish
yourself as a brand, helping you to become a recognizable force to those who scroll
through Fiverr regularly.

The best way for you to build your first Fiverr gig? Buy someone else’s in a gig on
Fiverr. It will only cost you $5 and you can buy something you need – a Fiverr image
gig to look professional or someone to proofread to your gig content are the two
best options.On top of looking more professional and getting more clients from
Fiverr, when you buy a Fiverr gig, you understand the process 100% – how someone
looks at thumbnail images to choose which gigs to try, How is the price displayed,
and even how the ordering process works. This guarantees that your Fiverr gig will
be the best it can be because you made your gig attractive to your customers AND
made the process of buying a gig simple. When done, jump up to start your first gig!

By following these tips and tricks, researching how to succeed as a freelancer, and
looking through Fiverr’s forums for expert advice, you’ll be able create gigs
optimized for success on Fiverr, or any freelance platform you may choose!

You name here

Featured snippet from the web

• Step 1: Create an Account. Before you can post your first gig, you'll need to create an
account. ...
• Step 2: Set Up Your Profile. ...
• Step 3: Start a New Gig. ...
• Step 4: Write Your Gig Overview. ...
• Step 5: Price Your Gig. ...
• Step 6: Give Your Gig a Description and FAQ. ...
• Step 7: Establish Your Gig Requirements. ...
• Step 8: Add a Gallery to Your Gig

What is Upwork and how does it work?

Upwork is a web service where freelancers can set up profiles, specify their
areas of expertise, and show off their work in order to find gigs. Clients can
create job postings explaining what they need, the required timeframe, how
much they are willing to pay, and other details. Freelancers can look through a
feed of job listings and submit proposals to jobs of interest. Customers can
also look at talent profiles and invite freelancers to submit a proposal.

Upwork is a hub that enables clients and freelancers to find each other and work
In a nutshell, Upwork is a hub that enables clients and freelancers to find each
other and work together, ensuring the safety of both parties. All
communications and file transfers can be done through the website, as well as
logging the time you have worked. Upwork will serve as a mediator for
payments. They make sure clients pay, but don’t release the funds to talent
until the job is done. This brings peace of mind to everyone involved.

Don’t miss: Top freelance sites for finding paid work online

Of course, the website will take a cut. Upwork’s fees are 20% of the first $500
you get from a single client. The percentage goes down to 10% of whatever
the client pays you between $500-$10,000, and 5% for anything that
surpasses the $10,000 threshold.

What kind of work can you find at Upwork?

Upwork is mostly all about freelancing work, which usually revolves around
specific categories. These are mostly artistic, or skilled labor positions that are
temporary. Here are some common jobs you can find at Upwork:

• Photography/editing
• Video production
• Web design
• Marketing
• Social media managing
• Graphic design
• Programming
• Software development
• Literature/editing/writing
• Copywriting
• Content strategy
• Advertising
• Teaching
• Translating
• Voice overs
• Art direction
• Music
• General labor

How Should you sign up for Upwork?

Think of Upwork as the Facebook of the gig economy; you may not like it, but everyone's
using it.

I have taken on some gigs using Upwork and believe it’s worth signing up as a
part of your freelancing efforts. Chances are it won’t become your main
source of income (and it shouldn’t), but it’s a large network that can help you
reach clients who otherwise wouldn’t find you.

Think of Upwork as the Facebook of the gig economy; you may not like it, but
everyone’s using it. Freelancers need to follow the crowd if they want more
gigs. Upwork’s Wikipedia page mentions the service has 12 million registered
freelancers and five million clients. Those are numbers you simply can’t

The website and apps work like a charm and the experience is pretty straight-
forward. The secure payment process is also nice to have.

After starting an Upwork contract, both parties are contractually obligated to keep their
business relationship within the confines of Upwork for two years.

Of course, there are some downsides to using Upwork. The most obvious one
is that fees can add up. 20% is a high number. The number doesn’t get any
lower unless the client starts paying you more. And even then, 10% to 5% is a
high price to pay in the long run.

Because Upwork made your business relationship possible, they make you
agree to keep all transactions exclusive to the platform for two years. After
accepting a gig, both parties are contractually obligated to keep their business
relationship within the confines of Upwork until 24 months are up. The only
way out of this is to pay an “opt-out fee”. If these terms are violated, both
parties will receive penalties and possibly face legal disputes.

That’s quite the commitment. But then again, the relationship probably
wouldn’t have happened without Upwork. More work is always better,
especially for a freelancer.
How to sign up for Upwork?


If you have decided Upwork is for you, here’s how to

get started with the platform.

1. Sign up for an account at

2. You can download the app from the Google Play Store and tap
where it says “New to Upwork? Sign up”, but that will just redirect
you to the website.
3. Fill out the required details and specify if you want to be a client or
a freelancer. Selecting the latter will require you to enter a
4. Read and accept the terms.
5. Create a password and select your country of residence.
6. Hit the Create my account button.
7. You will receive a verification via email. Go to your email, open the
message, and select the Verify email button.
8. Fill out your profile and enter all required information.
9. At the end, you will be asked to input a phone number and verify it
through a code you will receive via text.
10. Submit your profile.
You are now part of Upwork! You can search for jobs, send proposals, and
get to know the platform. Play around with it and see what it’s all about.

Secondary steps
While it may seem like you are ready for prime time, there are secondary
steps to take. Some are required and others just help you get more jobs. Let
us guide you through them.

• Verify your ID here. This is a requirement.

• Make sure to add some work history so clients know what you
have done.
• Click the View profile option in the home page and make sure you
add as much information as you can. Clients like to see detailed
• Consider creating specialized profiles. These are great if you have
multiple areas of expertise or want to target different audiences. If
you knit and take photos, photography clients likely don’t want to
see all your knitting information, and vice versa.
• Look through your profile settings to make sure everything is
customized for your specific needs.
• Read all about the terms of service and Upwork payment
• Take a look at Upwork’s freelancer education hub for tips.
• Check out available webinars to learn more about the system and
increase your chances of getting jobs.
Understanding memberships and connects

In order to send job proposals to clients one must have Connects (think of
them as tokens). Each job proposal costs a set amount of Connects, ranging
from one to six. These will be returned to you if a project is canceled without
making a hire, or if the job post was removed for violating terms of service.
Furthermore, no Connects are required when a client invites you to send a

Related: 7 easy passive income ideas to make money while you sleep

You get some Connects to get started, but they will run out and you will need
more. This is when you’ll have to pay up. Using the free Upwork membership,
you can purchase extra Connects for $0.15 each.

Those who have signed up for the Upwork Plus membership will get 70
connects per month. This membership costs $14.99 per month and offers
some added benefits. Let us break down what each membership provides.
Free Basic Membership:

• Buy Connects as you need them for $0.15 each.

• Unused Connects rollover up to 140.
• Hourly protection to ensure you’re paid for each hour worked.
• Fixed-price payments are secured through milestones.

$14.99 Plus Membership:

• 70 Connects/month.
• Your profile will never be set to hidden due to inactivity.
• Setting to keep your earnings confidential.
• View competitor bids for any job.
• Customize your profile URL.

How to get a job at Upwork?


1. Click on the Find work tab and look through the feed. Alternatively,
you can look for specific jobs using the search bar.
2. Find a gig you want to sign up for, open the job page, and read
through the details.
3. Select the Send a proposal button to… well, send a proposal.
4. In this section you will get to introduce yourself, talk about your
expertise, provide ideas to the client, and mention your payment
expectations. You can also send samples of your work.
5. If the client is interested in working with you, he/she will continue
the conversation with you via messages.
6. Given that both of you agree to work together, a contract can be
Getting paid by Upwork
There are multiple payment options and systems you can opt for. Much of it
depends on your agreement, payment method, and preferences. To learn the
ins and outs of payments just go to Upwork’s dedicated page.


Personal tips for working with Upwork

I have some experience with Upwork and want to share some tips to
beginners. Being a freelancer is no easy feat, so I know you are looking
for all the insight you can get.

• Get a nice profile picture: First impressions count, so getting a

professional headshot or a nice photo is always a plus.
• Fill your profile completely: Clients like to see your previous
work, portfolio, and other details. Most importantly, a full profile
shows your commitment and attention to detail.
• Perfect your proposals: Proposals are your main introduction to
clients, so make them count. I like to find a balance between
friendliness and professionalism. This sends a message that I am
personable, but also serious about my work. If you can send work
samples, make sure it’s your best. Make sure to get across why
you are worth their time and hard-earned money.
• Attend local events: I often get emails from Upwork, inviting me to
local workshops, networking events, and meetups. Go socialize
and learn from others!
• Be responsive: Don’t you hate it when you reach out to a
business and they take forever to answer back? Your clients do
too, so always be responsive and reply to messages as soon as
• Guarantee your work: I always tell clients I will not stop working
until they tell me they are 100% satisfied with results. This makes
them feel at ease about hiring me. It also shows them I take their
project seriously and they won’t be let down. Humans make
mistakes and clients understand that; it’s how we deal with them
that makes the difference.
• You can say no: Like any platform, Upwork has a healthy amount
of lowballers. Make sure no one is abusing you and paying you
less than what your work is worth!
• Pick your battles: I used to send proposals to every job that
crossed my path. This may have increased my chances at getting
gigs, but it also took a lot of my time. Since time and connects are
money, my pocket was also affected. Not to mention I almost
always got jobs I actually wanted and worked hard for, so why
waste my time with other gigs? Focus on the jobs you know you
are good at and can leave a good impression.
• You can go above the client’s budget: If you know you can
deliver solid work that is worth more than the client’s budget, don’t
be afraid to send a proposal with a higher price. Just make sure to
convince them you are worth it and they might give in.
• Always be honest: Be honest to yourself and the client. Some of
these gigs are complex, extensive, expensive, and very important.
Only sign up for gigs you know you can plan well and handle. Not
every job is for you, and knowing your limitations is crucial. Do your
best to fix mistakes (again, we are human). If you can’t, inform your
client right away so they can plan accordingly. Don’t lie about your
abilities or experience, either. Always be honest!

Not every job is for you, and knowing your limitations is crucial.

How can i upload a gig on fivver

In the My Gig Extras area, select from the list of items available. If you would like to add unique
customized Gig Extras, then click Add Gig Extra, and then fill out a title, description, amount of
money you will charge, and how long it will take you.


You can create a new job post or, if you’re part of a team, you can also reuse a previous job post from a
colleague. It’s best if you have the following info on hand, although you can always leave your draft job
post and come back to it later:

• Details about your project: Include the timeline, budget, significant milestones, and key
• A description of the type of expertise you’re looking for: Consider the type of skills and level
of experience your freelancer will need, as well as any other requirements your project may have,
such as previous experience in a particular niche or specific language skills.

You may also want to prepare for a test project: It may not be necessary to include information about
a paid freelancer test project you have in mind, but figuring it out ahead of time can help make the overall
process more efficient.

Here’s an overview of the process from start to finish. Read on for step-by-step details…

• Step 1 — Job Post Title

• Step 2 — Job Post Description
• Step 3 — Job Post Details
• Step 4 — Identify Expertise
• Step 5 — Job Post Visibility
• Step 6 — Project Budget
• Step 7 — Review and Post

Step 1 — Job Post Title

The first thing you’ll be prompted for is a job post a name. Capturing the most important pieces of
information in an eye-catching title isn’t always easy, here are a few best practices to help you narrow
down your options:

• Try to summarize your end goal or deliverable (i.e. launch new site, series of blog posts)
• Include the most essential skill requirements to get the deliverable you need (i.e. WordPress
developer services)
• Give a brief description of the project and the expected deliverables (i.e. Need a designer to
create a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation for a webinar)

You’ll also be prompted to choose a job category. Select the appropriate category and sub-category for
the skillset you need. Depending on the category, the Upwork site will offer prompts throughout the rest of
the process to help you optimize your job post.


This step is one of the most important: Getting a great freelancer’s attention means writing a great
project description. In an analysis of job posts on the Upwork site, one of the factors that stood out
among job posts that got a poor response was a short description. Looking specifically at jobs posted via
mobile device, 30 percent of the descriptions were 100 characters long or less! Just as it’s unlikely that a
one-line proposal would make your shortlist, top freelancers are looking for details.

Here’s some of the information you may want to include:

• Explain your project and the deliverable(s)

• Describe the type of skills the freelancer you’re looking for should have (i.e. skill level, type of
• Highlight anything that’s unique about the project or team

Feeling stuck? You’ll find lots of sample descriptions in Upwork’s Hiring Guides. You may also want to
check out these tips to help you write an awesome job post.

It may also be helpful to share relevant project files for freelancers who want to submit a standout
proposal. This could include:

• Examples that help illustrate what you’re looking for

• A document with more detailed project/deliverable requirements
• A style guide or similar reference documentation
• Inspiration or ideas, such as a concept or mood board
Step 3 — Job Post Details
This section collects additional project details or guidelines for proposals that will help freelancers get a
better understanding of your project and help you get proposals that better meet your needs. This may
include identifying the type of project you have or requesting a cover letter.

Depending on the job category you indicated in Step One, you may also be prompted for additional
information. For example, if you indicated that you’re looking for a developer, you may be asked to
confirm your target platform, whether your application uses APIs, and its current stage of development.

You may also want to include a screening question, which can be a tool to help you quickly sort
freelancers who take time to respond from those who don’t. The Upwork site may offer suggestions
related to your project. Or you can use the screening question to request a quick action from freelancers,
such as including a keyword in their subject line.

Step 4 — Identify Expertise

Identifying the skills and expertise that are most important helps ensure the right type of freelancers
will see and be interested in your post. Based on the information you’ve already entered—such as the
category you chose up front—the Upwork site will offer a number of suggestions. You can choose from
these suggested skills, or add new ones if needed.

How many skills should you select? Upwork’s own analysis indicates that selecting two or three skills is
the sweet spot: Specific enough to be relevant to freelancers who have essential expertise without adding
the noise of related-but-not-essential skills.

Step 5 — Job Post Visibility

Upwork enables you to determine who can see your job post. You have a few different options so you can
share your post broadly or keep it to a select few.

By indicating qualifications your project needs, you can tailor your job post to match Upwork’s filters. For
example, you can indicate if you’d prefer to work with:

• An independent freelancer or an agency

• A freelancer with a high Job Success Score
• Someone in a particular location
While freelancers who don’t meet these requirements can still submit proposals, they’ll be notified about
your preferences.

Consider inviting specific freelancers to check out your job post to increase your odds of finding the
perfect fit: You’re 80 percent more likely to connect with top talent when you send an invitation. If you’re
part of a team, consider inviting freelancers your company has worked with in the past that have the skills
you’re looking for.

Step 6 — Project Budget

Should you organize your project and payment structure as an hourly or fixed-price project? For a more
in-depth look at which project type might be the best fit for your project, read this post.

Here’s a brief overview:

• A fixed-price project has a set price that’s either paid all at once or by milestone—
predetermined deadlines that break your project into smaller pieces of work. The funds are
deposited into escrow at the beginning of the project and/or milestone, then released as you
approve the work.
• An hourly project is paid by the hour, with the freelancer tracking the time they spend working
on your project. Hours are then billed on a weekly basis; as the client, you can set a cap on the
number of hours billed every week. While hours can be tracked manually, time tracked using the
Upwork app may qualify for Hourly Payment Protection.

How you structure your project post will determine the rest of the information you’re prompted for in this

First, indicate the level of experience you’re looking for. Then, if you’ve chosen an hourly project, indicate
how long you expect the project to last and the amount of time you anticipate it will take on a weekly

Fiverr In Detail!
Fiverr TipsTips for Sellers

Jul 2016
Jul 2016
Jul 2016

Jul '16
It’s Mehrdad from (MOD NOTE: Promotion deleted) . Here’re some tips for first timers on
Fiverr. Hope it helps.


A Good question to ask before signing up on Fiverr. You can sell anything (services) that you
want to sell. You can sell your prayers and blessings also for dollar 5. Yes, I said you can sell
blessings and prayers also on Fiverr to earn money.

A gig that I found last week on Fiverr with title, “I will pray for your girlfriend”. Check the Gigs
shown in attached image and I am sure, you can’t stop your laugh after knowing these Gigs.

You know what, some of those Gigs are making $100 a day almost without doing anything.

But here I won’t recommend you to do the same. You should sell your skills. Sometimes it’s
hard to think of something to sell. I did some research and brainstorming to come up with some
things you could offer.

For example,

If you are painter then you should offer the services of painting.

If you are good at writing then you should sell your writing skills.

If you are a blog designer then you can offer blog designing services.

If you are a teacher then you can offer classes.

If you are a logo designer then you can offer logo design services.

If you are a singer then you can sing a song for your buyers.

If you are a dancer then you can sell your dance videos or show live dance for your buyer.

You can also offer;

Handwriting services (thank you notes, greeting cards, etc.)

SEO help

Edit articles or blog posts

Write resumes and cover letters

Write product descriptions

Help people get Facebook or Twitter followers

Create video advertisements

Help troubleshoot website problems

Help people set up their websites



Transcribe audio files

Help people brainstorm – come up with ideas

Create PDF files

Get rid of computer viruses, malware, and many more other stuffs.

Anyhow…let’s get to the first step.


1-Create a gig to sell your service

In the Gig Title field, write a title up to 80 characters.

Your title should be short, clear, and to the point.

In the Category drop-down menu, select the appropriate category and then subcategory for your

In the Description field, write a description of your Gig up to 1,200 characters. Be as detailed as
possible so buyers will be able to understand if this meets their needs.

In the Tags field, add a minimum of three words or phrases that best describe your Gig.
Click Save & Continue.

1-1 Pricing:
In the Delivery Time drop-down menu, select the amount of days it will take for you to complete
your Gig.

In the Included Revisions drop-down menu, select the amount of revisions you include in your
Adding Extra Fast Delivery
You have the option to deliver your Gig extra fast and charge accordingly.

To set Extra fast delivery:

In the My Gig Extras section, select the Extra fast delivery checkbox and indicate how many
days and how much money you will charge.

Note: If you select Extra fast delivery, the amount of days for the extra fast delivery cancels out
the amount of time you indicated in your extra services.

Adding Extras:

The number of extra services you can offer depends on your status; see Fiverr’s Levels. These
fields are optional.

In the Add Gig Extras section, fill out your unique customized Gig extra. To add more extra
services, click Add Gig Extra.

Note: For each extra provided, select the checkbox and fill out your extra service description.
Make sure you select the amount of days it will take you to complete and for how much money.
Adding Revisions and Source File Pricing

You are able to better control requested revisions, while maintaining the buyer’s right to request
revisions by defining your modification pricing. You can also charge for the use of your source
file deliveries.

To set revisions:

In the My Gig Extras section, mark the checkbox next to Additional Revision.
Select the number of extra revisions, the cost, and duration per each modification.

To set source file pricing:

In the My Gig Extras section, mark the checkbox next to Source File.
Select the amount you charge for the delivery of your source files. If purchased, you cannot
deliver your work without uploading the source files.

Note: The Additional Revision and Source File pricing features are available in certain
categories only.

Shipping & Handling

If you provide a product, you can charge shipping fees.

Select the checkbox, and select how much you charge to a specific country and then to
everywhere else.
Note: If you have multiple orders enabled, you can select how much you charge.

Click Save & Continue.

1-2 Requirements:

Tell your buyer what you need to start the order. You can define instructions for your Buyer as
free text, a multiple choice question, or a file upload.

In the Requirements #1 field, enter the details of your requirement.

In the Answer Type field, select either Free Text, Multiple Answer, or Attached File.

Note: If you select Multiple Answer, answer fields will be displayed. Fill out the multiple choice
answers you want the buyer to select. You also have the option to allow more than one answer.

If you require the Buyer to provide the information you selected, mark the Answer is mandatory

Click Add.

When finished defining your buyer requirements, click Save & Continue.

1-3: Gallery:

In the Cover Photos area, drag an image or click Browse and select an image.

Your cover photo should be in JPEG format, 1100 x 260 pixels, up to 2 MB, and you must own
the copyrights.

Note: This field is optional. Only certain categories provide the option to upload a cover photo -
see the list.

In the Portfolio Photo area, drag an image or click Browse and select an image.

Upload photos that describe or relate to your Gig. The photos can be samples of your work. Each
image should be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format, a minimum of 550 x 370 pixels, and up to 5 MB.
The image should be owned by you. Do not use copyrighted images otherwise your Gig won’t be

In the Gig Video area, drag a video or click Browse and select a video. (This step is optional)

Click Save & Continue.

1-4: Publish:

Publishing and Promoting Your Gig


You will see various social networks in which you can promote your Gig. To promote your Gig,
just click an icon and fill out the details -(Source: 1)

Click Finish.

##Important note##

As a new user, you can create up to 7 Gigs. Level 1 sellers can create up to 15, Level 2 sellers
can create up to 20, and Top Rated Sellers can create up to 30 Gigs.

2-Managing orders:
Managing orders is a crucial step of your success on Fiverr. Never disappoint your buyers.
Always give your best to satisfy your buyers. Never try to cheat your buyer because you do like
this even for a single time then you can lose all your reputation and may also start losing your

How I lose my buyers, if I do cheat my buyer?

Remember, Fiverr business and the success is totally depend on the buyers review and comment.
Also, you can’t comment yourself on your gigs or you can’t ask anyone to give fake positive
comments because only your buyer can comment after making the payment and delivery of
work. So, never think to spam or cheat your buyer or Fiverr.

You will get success only if you make your buyer fully satisfy.

Never work for only money on Fiverr, always work hard to build your good reputation and to
collect positive reviews from your buyers for your Gigs.

##Secret Tips##

1.In starting, it may take some time to earn money on Fiverr but once you start getting
positive reviews and comments then the number of your sales will be multiplied.
2.Always deliver your work on time. If you won’t deliver your work on time then it will be
highlighted on your profile and readers may lose trust in your services.
3.Always reply messages and queries on time. If you make your replies late then again it
will put negative impact on your profile. It will show your average response time on
your profile.

3- Deliver your work

Once logged in, click the Dashboard icon.
Within the TO-DOS section, find an active order and click Deliver Now.

Within the Order page, you can click Deliver your work at the top or scroll down to the bottom
and click Deliver Now.

To attach your delivery, click Upload Work.

Note: The single file limit is up to 100 MB. Your total files can add up to 150 MB. If you are not
delivering a file, then you will be prompted to confirm that no file is attached.

In the ‘DESCRIBE WHAT YOU’VE DONE’ field, write a brief description of your delivery.

I have delivered my work, but amount not credited in my account, why?

Fiverr takes 14 days after delivery to credit your amount in your account. It is a rule made by
Fiverr to protect users against scam and fraud.

Trust me guys, If you would follow the given steps then you can also earn money from Fiverr.

#5 Getting paid by Fiverr:

As I already told you that we get $4 for a $5 sale. Fiverr’s commission is 20%. Also, the
minimum payout is of $4. You can get your payments via Paypal.

#6 Additional Tips for Fiverr users:

1.Only offer the gigs that can be completed quickly.

2.Create multiple gigs to increase the chances of you sale.
3.Offer an incentive for your repeat orders. It is not compulsory or any rule but you can do
this to win the trust of your buyer.
4.Keep your response time low & make custom orders. It is an exclusive proposal that a
seller can create in response to specific requirements from a buyer.

What does Seller Level mean on Fiverr?

Here are the requirements to qualify the levels.

#New Sellers

30 days active on Fiverr

Completed at least 10 individual orders
Maintain a 4 star rating and above
Have a low cancellation rate

Level #1
Completed at least 50 individual orders in two consecutive months
Maintain a 4.5 star rating or above
Have a low cancellation rate

Level #2

Maintain a high star rating (4.7-5 star rating)

Exceptional customer care
Have a low cancellation rate
Community leadership
Volume of sales

#7 Earn more & rank your Fiverr:

If your Gigs rank better then you can also earn bigger. To increase your sales and rank your Gig,
just try to deliver more and more impressions on your Gig. You can share your Gig on all major
social networking websites like, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reditt, and
other social sites. You can offer your Gigs by posting in socail networking groups. These steps
are must at start. Once you start getting orders and manage your profile with Good and positive
reviews then you won’t need to promote or share your Gigs on social sites. If your Gig ranks on
Fiverr then it will show your Gig at top in search results and you will get potential clients.

At last, I just want to say that you should always Avoid negative reviews by clearly
communicating with your buyer, asking questions before completing the work, and stressing the
importance of a 5-star review at the time of delivery. Try to deliver more than your gig
advertised, if possible.

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