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Love Your

Serotonin Barley!

Gain control over your serotonin production and benefit. Serotonin is the feel-good
neurotransmitter that controls dietary satiety and many other emotions.

Remember tryptophan, the amino acid involved in relaxation? When absorbed into the
brain, tryptophan converts to serotonin. When you have a higher level of serotonin, you
are less likely to raid the refrigerator, toss and turn at night, and feel upset with yourself if
you make a dietary slip-up. Tryptophan is absorbed better when other amino acids are not
present in high concentrations. For example, although tryptophan is high in chicken, milk
and other high-protein foods, other amino acids in those foods block its absorption.

Complex carbohydrate meals like this one facilitate tryptophan absorption. Love that
Serotonin Barley gives you a delicious bed for your favorite vegetables.

5 fl. qt Distilled water
1T Mustard seed (Whole)
27 g Ginger root, raw sliced
30 g Garlic cloves, raw sliced (USDA: Medium clove, 3g.)
454 g Barley, Pearled raw (1 lb.)
227 g Shiitake mushroom, cleaned, chopped to bite size (½ lb.)
110 g Onion, raw, medium, cleaned, chopped (2.5” diameter)
100 g Bok choy (Chinese cabbage, pak choi), cleaned and chopped to bite size

Add mustard seed, ginger, and garlic to water in a large pot.
Bring to a boil.
Add barley.
Return to the boil.
Cook on a low boil for 30 minutes.
Add vegetables.
Return to the boil.
Cook on a low boil for 5 minutes.

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