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7 Unconventional Painting Surfaces You
Must Try
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4 years ago Abby Schukei 0 Comments

Although I’d love to use canvases with my students on a regular basis, the reality
of my budget means we’re usually painting on paper. When we do have a project
or two where we can bust the canvas out, I can see the excitement in my Watch the
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students’ eyes. The novelty of a different surface is a welcome change of pace. American
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I started thinking, why not push this idea even further? If you can put gesso on
and Art
it, you can paint it.
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Here are 7 unconventional painting surfaces you ARP Funds for
Your Visual Arts
should try with your students! Program


Have you ever tried painting on a globe? There is something about painting on a
sphere that makes the painting process super fun. If you’ve been to an antique
store you know globes can be expensive. But every once in a while you can find
an inexpensive one that has seen better days. Garage sales, swap sites, and even
your own social studies department are great places to look!

If you’re having trouble finding globes, try other spherical shapes. Old sports
balls are another great option!

2. Toys

Maybe you have some old toys around your home from when your kids were
young or even from when you were a kid yourself. Most likely they’re sitting in a
box collecting dust. Why not make use of them in your classroom? Of course,
thrift stores, garage sales, and flea markets are also great places to hunt. You
might even consider asking your students to bring in old toys they’d like to

3. Pizza Boxes

Do you feel as if there are pizza parties happening every day at your school?
Between student organizations and the staff lounge, there always seems to be
pizza boxes laying around. These are a great alternative to canvases!

Although they don’t produce the same look, they can still produce the same type
of feel. Make sure to pick and choose your pizza boxes carefully because, well,
some are a little gross. Most of the time, a little gesso will take care of those
grease spots. You might even consider checking with a local pizza shop to see if
they have any boxes to donate.

4. Metal Items

Metal is a great surface for paint. These items can vary from antique or vintage
items like wagons, oil cans, or cream cans to recycled items like mint or cookie
tins and soda cans. Using metal items is a great way to give your students a
different painting experience.

5. Furniture

Using the furniture in your classroom is another way students can enjoy a new
painting experience. Maybe there is a bench or table in your school in need of a
little love. You could even do a legacy project with the stools or chairs in your
classroom. Students will have to use their creativity to transform the furniture
in a way that makes sense with its shape.

6. Leaves

Using resources in nature also makes for a fun painting experience. Painting on
leaves is very similar to painting on paper. However, the natural element makes
a difference to our students. The key to this is finding leaves right as they have
fallen off the trees. If a storm ever comes through and knocks down tree
branches go pick those leaves while they’re still green! Fresh leaves are easier to
press and won’t crumble or break.

7. Old Shoes

Many of us probably try to donate many of our old shoes and sneakers.
However, sometimes they can be so worn out they just end up in the trash.
Instead, try saving your worn out shoes to use as an art project later on! This
gives students a chance to think about design as well. Could they design shoes
someone would actually wear? Or, students could push the boundaries of what
shoes could become. There are limitless possibilities!

So, the next time you’re pining for canvases you just don’t have, try out one of
these suggestions instead! You can also put the question out to your students.
“What can we gesso? What can we paint!?” They’re sure to come up with some
creative ideas.

No matter what surface you choose, mixing things up will be an engaging

process for your students. They’ll love updating a worn or obsolete item and
give it a second life!

Have you ever used an alternate surface painting project with your students?
How’d it go?

What unconventional surfaces do you like to paint?

Abby Schukei

Abby is a middle school art teacher in Omaha, NE. She focuses on creating
meaningful experiences for her students through technology integration,
innovation, and creativity.




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