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Serve greens, fruits, whole wheat, low-fat dairy products, and diets high in lean protein. Reduce the
intake of foods rich in saturated fat and cholesterol. Any fat is needed for good health.

However, not all fats are created equal. Reduce the intake of saturated fats, which are unhealthy for
your heart, such as butter, strong shortening, lard, and fatty cuts of meat.

A. Review of System

 Skin: Denies diaphoresis or rashes temperature 35.9 degree Celsius

 Head: Rounded, no masses and tenderness
 Hair: Thick Hair curly.
 Eyes: No rhinorrhea or conjunctivitis
 GI: Denies heartburn or indigestion
 Ears: Symmetrically aligned, no masses
 Nose: Symmetrically aligned
 Mouth/Throat: Denies trouble swallowing, non healing sores, dry mouth hoarseness
 CV: Denies chess pain
 Lymph: Denies tender or swollen neck glands
 Cardiovascular: 120/80mmHg , 84 bpm
 Respiratory: Denies SOB or cough
 Urinary: Color pale yellow Normal I/O

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