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When designing a task, see to it that what you are trying to target are the competencies that you

set at
the beginning of the lesson through an activity.

Learning Task need to be deliberately planned

Teacher must ensure that the particular task learning processes to be observed contributes to the
overall understanding of the subject or course.

There are standards in designing a task.

1. Identifying an activity that would highlight the competencies to be evaluated.

2. Identifying an activity that would entail more or less the same sets of competencies.

3. Finding a task that would be interesting and enjoyable for the learner

When designing a task, see to it that what you are trying to target are the competencies that you set at
the beginning of the lesson through an activity.

Using Taxonomy, Teachers will have to identify what task will be given to his/her learners. If it is a group
work activity, determine the tasks and distribute to the members of each group.

For example, if the activity that you want your students to do is to create a pamphlet as your learning
competency. You need to identify the researchers of the group who will take charge of the relevant and
correct information to be included in the pamphlet, a writer who will be writing the context for the
pamphlet, a lay out artist for the proper placement of written write-ups, and a designer for color
blending and proper placement of texts and graphics.

Each task should be given instruction on what to do and what output to contribute to the group for the
creating of the final output. This is what we called “Scaffolding”.

So what is Scaffolding? Scaffolding is a process in which teachers model or demonstrate how to

solve a problem, and then step back, offering support as needed. The theory is that when
students are given the support they need while learning something new, they stand a better
chance of using that knowledge independently.

Learners will be properly guided if we give them correct Scaffolds that they can use as guide in the
process of creating the output.

Task designing should be connected with your learning competencies that you want to evaluate and
develop for your learners.

Another Example: Chosen Topic is Understanding biological diversity

Possible Task Design • Bring the students to the pond or creek

• Ask the learners to find all living organisms near the pond or creek

• And then Bring them to school playground to find as may living organisms they can find

Observe how the students will develop a system for finding such organisms,

classifying the organisms and concluding the differences in biological diversity of the two sites.

Another example to fully grasp what is task designing is.

Chosen topic: FOOD CHAIN

Possible Task Design: Show the concept of Food Chain through dramatization

The instruction for this is in a group of seven each member will choose a role between Plant (Producers),
Animals (Consumers), Predator, sun, narrator, leader, choreographer

This is to see to it that each learner will become an active member of the group, will develop
accountability and responsibility through the given task. This will also ensure proper monitoring of
progress of the learners.

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