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Human resource management

Submitted to

Maam naseem habib

Submitted by

Umair Jameel

Registration no.


Section: A

Semester 4

Department Of Humanities

COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus.

Question: 1
The lack of honest feedback on employee performance is one of the most obvious features
lacking in the performance management process. It is important that employees have specific
comments on how to improve their work or areas of excellence if this feedback is positive or
negative. workers will also be answerable to the customers for their events. Staff should talk
about harsh behavior and, if necessary, should be punished. Whether retraining or repressing or
removing the punishment in extreme cases.
Question: 2
I do not believe it is appropriate to revise the type itself but instead merely to make use of it
properly. They must not only rate equally on the basis of their results, but also make comments
on every job function. If an individual is outstanding or deficient in any particular sector,
information of what he / she does and why he / she has received the ranking they did must be
acknowledged. The method of ranking is really close where I work and needs to make clear
remarks. I should also recommend that they obtain an annual review either annually or at least.
This will inform them more formally about areas they will have to improve or things they do
Question: 3
For all employees, I would recommend an assessment twice a year. One who determines what is
expected of them from the start in every aspect of their position. Or, as a supervisor or manager,
ensure that the employee knows the code of ethics, actions, presentation, as well as the duties
and preparation they need to do in compliance with their work needs. I will take things a step
further with service drivers and even test the driving record. Does the employee already
experience a traveling violation or even an accident during the job?
Question: 4
Applying different techniques to optimize the evaluation process for administrators may be
boost. Standards must be set out on what administrators plan with both the appraisal and the
measurement. There must be time limitations which they must follow for an individual to make
an determination. They will undergo formal or informal training on the standards and the
repercussions of failure to meet the tests should be identified. When you do not follow the
expectations, nor do you expect your workers to deliver as expected.

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