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In class, we talked about appositives (noun or noun-phrases that modify/rename a noun before or

after it). There can also be words/phrases that don’t necessarily “rename” a noun, but rather add
extra information to a sentence. That information is separated by commas, just like it is with
For this assignment, you must add commas as needed to set off the extra information in each of
the sentences below. Some may be appositives, while others may not. Please rewrite each
sentence on your OWN paper.
1. The class feels Professor Crow that you should retire.
2. My mother not my father disciplined the children.
3. These peaches believe it or not were grown in my backyard.
4. Everyone admires Larry who always sees the bright side of a bad situation.
5. My twin sister who spends a lot of time at the gym is in excellent shape.
6. A person who spends a lot of time at the gym should be in excellent shape.
7. Watch out for Phil a man whose ambition rules him.
8. The movie starts soon doesn’t it?
9. Where did you put my books Tom?
10. And now my friends we will examine the evidence.
11. His wife Belinda speaks French and Spanish.
12. Coin collecting which teaches a great deal about history is also fun.
13. Her favorite food much to our surprise was ketchup sandwiches.
14. Poe died in Baltimore not Philadelphia.
15. We have the right to complain don’t we?

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