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keletal traction[edit]

Although the use of traction has decreased over the years, an increasing number of orthopaedic practitioners
are using traction in conjunction with bracing (see Milwaukee brace).[citation needed]
Harrison et al. (2005) found that mirror image (opposite posture) postural corrective exercises and a new
method of lumbosacral tilt traction resulted in 50% reduction in trunk tilt and were associated with nearly
resolved pain intensity in this patient population. [3] These researchers felt that their findings warranted further
study in the conservative treatment of chronic low back pain and spinal disorders.

Spinal decompression[edit]
Spinal traction as a means of spinal decompression is often applied without directly touching bones as other
methods of traction do. This is sometimes isolated inside-out by inflatable girdles or use of the transversus
abdominis muscle. It is also done in conjunction with thigh-supported flexed-hip traction (inversion chairs, back
hyperextensions) or done in conjunction with whole-leg traction (boots, tables) via inverted forms of
Traction of the spine (except the cervical) also occurs with upright suspension of the body from the arms, such
as with pull-ups, dips, captain's chair, chinnings (chin up exercise) or other fitness movements with the feet

Mechanical Traction in Physical Therapy[edit]

Mechanical traction can be used for patients with cervical and lumbar spinal disorders such as cervical
radiculopathy or lumbar spinal stenosis. It may be applied mechanically through the use of an apparatus with
two different modes: intermittent or continuous.
Physiological goals:

 Separation of vertebral bodies

 Movement of facet joints
 Expansion of intervertebral foramen
 Stretch of soft tissues
When mechanical traction is combined with other physical therapy modalities such as passive mobilization,
massage, stretching and active exercises, it is an effective treatment for pain reduction in cervical or lumbar
spine disorders. [4]
Recent guidelines have been put forward for the use of cervical traction to treat cervical radiculopathy. Only low
quality evidence has been released and the authors of these guidelines encourage researchers to intensify
studies on tractions effect on cervical radiculopathy.[5] Researchers have also demonstrated lumbar traction to
be advantageous in treating low back pain. [6] Three studies in 2017 confirmed an increase of nutrient and water
flow into the intervertebral discs after traction treatment. [7]

The purpose of traction is to:

 Regain normal length and alignment of involved bone

 Lessen or eliminate muscle spasms
 Relieve pressure on nerves, especially spinal nerves
 Prevent or reduce skeletal deformities or muscle contractures
 To provide a fusiform tamponade around a bleeding vessel
In most cases traction is only one part of the treatment plan of a patient needing such therapy. The physician's
order will contain:

 Type of traction
 Amount of weight to be applied
 Frequency of neurovascular checks if more frequent than every four hours
 Site care of inserted pins, wires, or tongs
 The site and care of straps, harnesses and halters
 The inclusion of any other physical restraints / straps or appliances (e.g., mouth guard)
 The discontinuation of traction

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