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Tigng Anh (Co bane Nang cao) NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOL A. PHONETICS Giup hoc sinh luyén tap xay dung kinh nghiém lam bai, thyc hanh phat am, nam chde cae quy tac phat am va trong am co, ban, tang vén ty vung. C. READING Cung cé va phat trién ki nang doc hiéu, rén luyén thic déy ki nang doc lust va doc tim kiém théng tin, hoc thém nhung cGu tric ng& phdép va cach ding tu day &n y trong nhung bai doc kho. Tang cuéng ki nang xay dyng doan hoi thogi va cdc bai tap lam viéc theo nhém kem huéng dan. Gidp hoc sinh ty tin luyén tap noi bam sat tung chu de. B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Dang bai tap don ty qua hinh anh, dién tu, fim tu dat sai van canh. Hoc nhang ty vung mdi théng qua ng canh thyc té trong tiéng Anh, léng ghép cac ti mdi vao cdc don vi kién thc ngv phap. D. SPEAKING F. WRITING Ren luyén nhing cdu truce viét cau da dang, doc déo. Nang cao trinh do su dung ty vung co ban va nang cao, cach phat trién y tuéng trong ting chi diém: E. LISTENING Sach kam file nghe QR Code riéng bigt ting bai, givp hoc sinh dé dang luyén tap nghe hang ngay cae bai tiéng Anh ph hgp trinh do. Rén luyen phat am chuén tiéng Anh, Luyén ki nang nghe co ban : Nghe ném y chinh, dodn nghia ti mdi. coll OB... seems — Bo sdch Big 4 - BO dé Ty kiém tra 4 ky nang NGHE - NOI ~ BOC - VIET dugc bién soan nhéim gidp cde em hoc sinh Trung hoc co s6 duge cing cé va phat trigén toan dién cdc ky nang nghe, néi, doc, viét tiéng Anh. Déi ngo tac gid cba Megabook da bién soan bd 8 cuén sach ti lép 6 dén lép 9 theo chudin khung chuong trinh mdi cba Bé Gido dyc va Dao tao thich hgp véi cdc em hoc sinh muén trav doi téng hop kién thc tiéng Anh. Noi dung cua bé sach gom hé théng bai tap luyén 4 ky nang co ban gitp cdc em én tap kién thc tren lp va bai tap mé rong nang cao dé cdc em ran luyén va lam quen véi cac ki kiém tra danh Bo sch Big 4 - Bo dé Ty kiém tra 4 ky nang NGHE - NOI - BOC - VIET duce danh gid la nguon tu ligu hou ich cho gido vien, phy huynh va cdc em hoe sinh bén canh bé sdch gido khoa co ban. Mot diém daic biet cla bo sach do la tinh hién dai va sy tién dung khi cac em khéng can su dung CD dé cé dug bai nghe. Bo sdch dugc tich hop ma QR va ma Code gitp cdc em dé dang co duge file nghe chi vi 1 chiéc smartphone. Cac em hoc sinh sé cém théy ty tin voi kha nding ngon ngo ca minh khi én luyén tiéng Anh béi cdc bai tap vé 4 ky nang duge lién két vdi nhau theo logic bai hoc. Bo sach la sy dau tu ky ludng cla doi ngé tac gid va bién tap cla MegaBook nham nang cao 4 ky nang nghe, noi, doc, viét lam tang thém sy ty tin cua cae em hoc sinh vdi kha n&ing tiéng Anh cia ban than. ses AOOHAHHHHHHHGHHHH HHH HHH HH HN ii Hy 88888 HHH Hpyoeomowoygoyo00 Ii 1. A. them B. their 2. ——_B. through 3. A. thank B, that 4. A. healthy B, everything 5. A.birthday ——_B. although B Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. C. thin D. though C. think D. sixth C. breath D. third C. rather D. bath C. another D. there IED Write the following words in the right column. than through then thick these throw worth mouthful other as VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR [TTD Circle the odd word in following groups. 1. A. popular B. entertaining C. watching D. boring 2.A.audience —_B. viewer C. onlooker D. reporter 3. A. television B. newspaper C. magazine D. funny 4. A, documentary _B. cartoon C. comedy D. character 5.A. remote control B. volume bution —_C. TV viewer D. screen BED Frill each blank with a suitable word given in the blank. ee something. can always teaches children a. film producer 2. Aperson who produces afilmiscalleda.... b, game show 3. A place where you can see a lot of old things is c. weatherman on. 4. A book which tells you the information on TV programme d. programme (Ocarmesrton 5. A man who gives you weather forecast is a e. TV schedule 6. "Who wants to be a millionaire?” is a = Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D for each blank. 1. He wants to get high marks in the final exam,......... he is trying his best A. but C.and D. because 2. Ann didn’t come to my birthday patty «.......:s::ssssssuit rained heavily A.s0 B. and C. because D. although 3 ....she was lazy, she passed the exam last week A. Because B. Although C. So D. When EY tig 4-86 a ty idm hea 4K Nang Nghe -nSI- doc - vid iéng Anh (cd ban ve néng Cac) Ip 6 Top 2 4, Watching TV much is not good for our ey@8.....:.:seesesuitean make us short-sighted. A. but B. because C. so D. and 5. He likes travelling situsesssesesse discovering the world. A. and B. so C. but D. because 6. A comedian is a person who makes people laugh by telling jokes funny stories. A. so. B. when C. although D. and 7. How many TV.....ccscesseesseesreses are there in Viet Nam? A. comedians B. channels C. remote control __D. telephone Bo occeeeteeteeeeseescain kids learn from TV2. A. Where B. What C. When D. Who 9. Television keeps children from............4+:++++++-part in outdoor activities. A. take B. took C. taking D. token 10. Why don’t you go out and see movies with her? .. I'm so busy. A. so B. because C. then D. when Give the correct form of the words. ° 1. He wants to become a . vossssssbecause he likes making comedy people laugh. 2. This i8 GN....eeseseseeeessesprogramme. It gives viewers a lot of education knowledge. 3. Mr. Popeye is @....0....::ceseesssesscharacter, | like him very much fun 4, What do you think about this TV show? -Itis very ..... entertain S. VIVID i8 doo. esseesseseeecssssssessseeeeses television channel in Vietnam. nation REDD Find the mistakes and correct. 1. Where can we see that cartoon? ~ At 8.30 A B Cc D 2. How often do you watch “Thanks God you are here"? One a week A B Cc dD aT Sar =a 4 Big 4-66 8 ty kiém tra 4 ky ndng Nghe -ndl- dos vib! ling Anh (eo ban vel nding cao) lap 6 tape 7 ~ 3. Pre-school children makes up the biggest TV audience in the USA. A B Cc D 4. He likes cartoons so they are funny and colorful A B Cc D 5. Comedy is the more interesting than_fashion show. AB Cc D Give the word of opposite meaning to each given one. e Adjectives Words of opposite meaning boring difficult long good ssesitsssnttvasisaseesevenee quiet hard-working bright tall 8 Vig 4-69.48 iy dm tra 4 KF NGG NOhe-Nel- doc -vI6HHIéng Anh (63 ban va nang Cac) Gp 6 1G 2 . | | i competitions interesting comedy television programmes world Nowadays, (1) .... human. There are so many (2) has become the most popular media of cass for children such as cartoon series, (3)... all over the (4) . Through TY, children can see many (5) sevssenes people and places. They can also see many events and (6) sessed the world without travelling anywhere. Read the passage and do the tasks below. ‘WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? One of the most popular quiz programmes on television in the world is called Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? In Britain, the quiz master is Chris Tarrant. He asks the contestants fifteen questions. The first questions are easy but later they are more difficult. If you answer the fourteenth question correctly, you can win £500,000. You can win a million pounds if you can answer the last question. Of course, it is very difficult to come to the last question. All the questions on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? are multiple-choice questions. After you hear the question, you see four answers. Only one answer is correct. You have to choose the correct answer. If you don't know the answer to a question, there are three ways you can get help: you can ask the quizmaster to take Big 4-06 dB ky ken ra 4 KF nang nghe -nél- doo - vi iéng Anh (eaiban ve néng caa)1Op 6Gp2 9 oy : ; and music. By sitfing at home, watching TV, you can geta whole look | away two wrong answers; you can ask the studio audience which answer is right; or 7} you can telephone a friend and ask for help. You can only do these things once. Very few people win the million pounds. The first person won a millon pounds one year after the programme started. Today, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? , can be seen in more than 100 countries i and is now the world’s most popular quiz programme. A. Find the words in the text with these meanings a 1. ATV programme where people ask and answer questions. 2. The person who ask the questions. 3. The people who try to answer the questions 4. The people who watch the programme in the studio. B. Answer the questions 1, Who is the quizmaster in Britain? 2. How many questions do you have to answer? 3. How much do you win for the fourteeth question? 4, How many ways can you get help? 5.In how many countries can you watch the quiz show? TOY fig 4-86 a8 iy dm tra ky Nong Aghe -n6i- doc - vii Hléng Anh (ca ban vé nang cao) lap 61am 2 D. SPEAKING ~~ 19 Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your habit of watching TV. You should base on some suggestions below: - How often do you watch TV2 - How much time do you spend every time you watch TV? - Who do you often watch TV with? - What kinds of TV programs do you like? - Why do you like that/those program(s}? Work in pairs and do a role-play. Student A and B take turns to ask and answer questions about your favorite programs. Student A: . @ Student B: “Who wants to be a Tem! Funny Lunch millionaire?” - Type: Chat show Type: Game show - Channel: VTV 3 -Channel: VIV6 Time: 12:00 everyday - Time: 19:45 Tuesdays - MC: Mr.Cong To, Ms. Khanh -MC: Mr, Phan Dang Von, etc - Content: The players answer - Content: chat with a famous questions to get money. person, play some small games, have lunch and listen to music. 7" ae ———o oY Big 4-86 a8 tu kiém fra 4 k7 nding Nghe -n6l- age -wi6t ting Anh (co ban va nang cao) lap 6 1p 2 YT = a / 3 SN Quet ma QR 46 nghe You are going to hear a friend talking about one TV program. First, look at the picture . below and answer the following questions. - What TV program do you think it is? - Do you offen watch this program? = Do you like it? 1. Now listen and decide if the following statements are true (1) or false (F). 1. She is quite busy. 2. The program is on VIV1. 3. ltisshown oneveryTuesday, esas 4, She likes cooking, 5. Adults also enjoy watching this program. 2. Listen again and answer the following questions. 1. What time is the program on TV? 2. Who does she offen watch the program with? 3. What job does she want to do in the future? \ 12. 8g 4-80 a8 Wy kid tra 4 ky Nong Nghe -N6l- doe - vI6HKéng Anh (eo ban va nang cao) Gp 6 tap 2 _F. WRITING » Rewrite the following sentences using the given words below. 1. The music of the movie is good. Its content is not interesting, cette toteeneenesenneen : (but) 2. |.am interested in watching horror films. | love action films, too. > (and) 3. ~ (because) 4 Es (although) 5. o. (so) Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about your favorite TV program. You can base on some suggestions below: i = * pm - What is your favourite TV program? - Which channel is it on? - What time is it on? - What is it about? = Why do you like it? "Big 4-80 dB fu Kim tad ky Nong Nghe -nBi~ doc - viding Anh (ed Ban ve nang cao) ps tap 2 13 BED Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1A. teacher B. reason 2. A. marry B. fair 3. A. really B. near 4. A. pear B. hear 5. A. spare B. prepare C. idea Cc. Cc. Cc. C. square IED choose the word with the different stress pattern. 1A. prepare B. repeat 2. A. cartoon B. western 3. A. writer B. teacher 4. A. national B. cultural 5. A. cinema B. position C. purpose C. teacher C. builder C. popular C. family D. D. D. D. D. 9v9o9c0090 feature hair appear dear march police theatre career musician popular & Write the past form of the following verbs. “e 1. write 2. see 3. make 4. buy 5. ride 6. wear 7. hear 8. begin 9. meet 10, VW 12 13 14 15. 16 tell put speak know cut read go Big 4 - BG a8 ty kiém tra 4 ky nang nghe = nél- doc - wd" tiéng Anh (eG bin vd nang coo) 1p 6192 “15 Put the following verbs into the past tense. 1. Alan (not see)... Paul at school 2. Carol (bring)........seseeeneeeel her new laptop to school. 3. The baby (cry)...... sssssswall night long. 4. My brother (can)........:seecssssesee8wim when he (be)... .. four. 5. Charles (prepare)... suena nice dinner. 6. The children (eat).......c.:essesesssseseesd Cheese sandwich. 7. weereres OU (Sif)... «-snext to Mary? 8. There (be)... 4 lot of people at the match. 9. Peter [forgel my birthday, 10. The children (play)... .. football after school. ~ Find the words or phrases from the box into the correct column. “camping ——«soccer “shopping ‘fishing aerobics jogging badminton tennis swimming table tennis cycling housework volleyball homework video games do go play 16 Big 4-86 a8 ty Kiem ra 4 ky nding Nahe -ndi- doc - viét fiéng Anh (eo bain va ndng cao) 6p 6 Kap 2 a Choose the best answers (A, B, C or D). 1, Peter essere A. scores B. scored 2. Our school football team Saturday. A. wins B. won 3. Atthe weekend we can play d....ssesssssssn .. three goals for our team and made it a hat trick. C. plays D. played the match with Nguyen Du school last C. scores D. scored ..of badminton or join in a football match. A. sport B. game C. match D. break A. Playing sports helps us get ........ A. free B. fat C. fittest D. fitter 5. Minh’s dream is to become a ... A. loser B. champion C. contest D. gamer 6. I'd like to watch motor racing because it is very ... A. frightening B. exciting C. excited D. boring 7. My sister often...... poeerercd badminton in her free time. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play 8. When you go to the 200, don’t ........eeseesseseeesees the animals. A. do B. play C. watch D. tease 9. Sports and games . an important part in our life. A. play C. make D. do 10. Football is regarded ..... «seuthe most popular sport in the world. A. for C. like D. of Wa. sports do you like to watch on television? A. What B. How C. Do D. How often 12. usually play football when | have A. spare time B. good time C. no time D. times 13. In team sports, the two teams . better score. B. make. ... against each other in order to get the C. are D. compete © Big 4-89 dB tyhiém rad ky nang Nahe - dt = 696 - Whig Anh (eo ban va nang 666) 16p 6192 ° 17 VAL ceccccssesssesssseeeeees do you do judo? - Twice a week A. Why B. How offen C.Where D.When 15. Team sports are sometimes called...... Sports, _ A. compete B. competition C. competitor D. competitive a Complete the following sentences with the past form of the verbs in blanks. close as laugh | start stop walk 1. My father .........:s+2+.Math at university, 2. We were very tired so we .. soe walking. 3. 1 sitieeeseesento pick the bag up, but it was very heavy, A. The firemen «......cccssss++++++-dhe woman from the burning house. 5. The cat... to the tree: 6. After the film, we .......... se. home. 7. Ihwas very cold 50 We sssesssssessssessnen the window. 8. You are late! The lesson .. susseees fon minutes ago. 9. The teacher ............+++.4+.0 lot of questions yesterday. 10. The programme was very funny, we .a lot. TB. big 4-86 a8 1ykiéem tra 4 Ky nang nghe- nél- doo - vi ting Anh (ca ben va nang cao) Sp 6 Tap 2 C. READING ° B Read the following passage and fill one suitable word. My favorite sport My name is lisa and people (1) me Kitty. My favorite (2). is badminton. | like playing it (3). samy friend. | think it is a good sport. Every a will make people feel hot and uncomfortable, but when you (4).......csssssssesee badminton, you will be comfortable because in the badminton court, there (5)........0..many air conditioners. | usually play badminton (6) Sunday. | always play (7)essssssssssesseee my friend, Amy. She is good at badminton, But | am not very (B)eoccsccsseseeee ct this sport so when we play badminton, she hits the shuttlecock on my both sides. She makes me run and run, and | feel very tired. Sometimes | must jump high to hit the shuttle cock to the opposite side. Although this (9)... | still always practice because | will be healthier and fitter than before. Anyway, | think badminton (TO)..sessesssseseeeeesseethe best sport me tired, Big 4-86 dB hy Kiém trad ky nang Nghe -ndi- doc - vidi dng Anh (eo bin ve néng cao) 6s tap 2 19 ~f | | ¢ } =» Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the question. Cristiano Ronaldo was born in 1985 in Portugal. He is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world. Ronaldo became a soccer superstar. He played for English team Manchester United, Spain’s Real Madrid and for Portugal. He plays in midfield, from where he regularly scores goals. 5 ; ; 5 ; ; Ronaldo started kicking a ball around when he was three. He played very | skillfully. When he was ten years old, he joined Sporting Lisbon and became the only player in their history. } : } 5 In 2009, Ronaldo joined his boyhood heroes Real Madrid and became the most ‘expensive footballer in history. He earned a lot of money at that time. He broke Reall’s ns. In 2012, Diego scoring record in his second season with 53 goals in all compet Mara Dona said Ronaldo was “the best player on the planet”. 1. Where was Cristiano Ronaldo from? A. England B.The South _—_C. Portugal D. USA 2. He became a ..-Superstar, A. volleyball B. football C. tennis D. badminton 3. He began to kick a ball when he was..... A. ten B. three C. twenty D. fifty three 4. Why did Ronaldo become the most expensive footballer in history? ‘A. Because he played very badly. B. Because he practiced hard. C. Because he played skillfully. D. Because he earned a lot of money. 5. He was said to be the best player on the ........ A. world B, planet C. history D. supermarket 20 Big 4-86 a8 ty kiém fra 4 KF nang _nghe -ndi- doc wdl héng Anh (63 bn vS.ndng ca) 1p 6 Wp 2 is (J D. SPEAKING *” CLZiZ______) . a 1. Match the beginnings and the endings to make meaningful sentences. Beginnings Endings 1. ike a. | make more friends. 2. There are 11 players b. on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon 3. We try to get scores c. of relaxing after hard working hours. 4. |. go swimming alone twice a week, d, to play basketball 5. To go running every morning e. playing badminton so much 6. To go fishing is a good way f. in my school football team. 7. Playing football g. makes me feel healthier 8. After doing sports, h. teaches me to work well in a team. 9. When | play team sports, i. by kicking the ball into the goal. 10. You need to be tall j. | feel more focused on studying. 2. Work in pairs. Tell your partner about the kind of sports that you like. You can base on some suggestions below: - What kind of sports is it? - How to play/do it? + You play/do it alone or in a team? + How many players are there in the team? + How can you get scores? - How often do you play/do it? ee Now, tell your partner about why you like that kind of sports. © You can base on some suggestions below: How do you feel when you play/do it? = How is it good for your health? - What can you learn from playing/doing it? - Does it help your study? "Big 4-86 d8 ivi na 4 KP nang Aghe -nGI- dos -wsl Wéng Anh (eu ban va nang caoyiGp 6 1GD2 ¥ 21 = E. LISTENING a ust ma IEEE OR dé agho Listen to a friend talking about his sports activities every week. On which day does he do the kinds of sports below? Put a tick into the correct column. Basketball Football ‘Swimming Chess Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Listen again. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) 1. He goes swimming at 6 o'clock on Monday. 2. He plays basketball between 7a.m. and 9 a.m. on Tuesday, 3. His football team often loses the matches, tra 4 Ky ndng_nghe = ndl- doe - vit tng Anh (Ca ban va nGng cco) 6p 6 tap 2 _F. WRITING : @ Use the words below to make past simple sentences. 1. We/ compete/ a football team/ Stars School/ last week. 2. Teachers/ classmates/ come/ support/ us/ beginning/ end/ the match. 3. Some players/ not play well/ second half/ match 4. We/ not win/ football match/ the end 5. Write a mail (80-100 words) to your friend to tell him/her about the latest sports event in your school, You can base on some suggestions below: - What was the sports event? - When was it? - Who joined it? - What happened? - How did you feel about that? Dear .esseeeeessss Big 4-86 a8 Wid fra di nang NOH -ABl- doo vi6t Néng Anh (EO Ban va nding cao) IGP 6 tp 2Y 23 Love, ...{Your signature) 24 Y Big 4-8} a8 ty kidm tra 4k nang_ngho -n6\- doe vist Hiéng Anh (Co Ban va Nang cao) Kp 6 Gp 2 [BD Write the following words in the right column. follow, hole, night, buffalo, kindly, drive, style, chose, throw, sightseeing, behind, close, fine, old, bowl, wine. ri) Read aloud the following sentences. 1. The kids are following the buffalo, 2. He drinks wine at nights. 3. The boy is driving behind me. A. The children smile when Aying the kite 5. She opens the closet and feels cold. © Big 4-89 d8 ty kkém tra 4 ky nang Nghe -N6I- doe - vid dng Anh (co ban va ndng cao) Kip 6 tp 2 Y 25 eB Choose the word that has the stress on a different syllable from the rest in the group. 1.A. suggest B. rely C. compare D. empty .2.A. contain B. achieve C. improve D. enter 3.A. Europe B. value C. author D. avoid 4A. permit B. person C. perform D. perhaps 5.A. remove B. repeat C. effort D. prefer 26 Y Gig 4-86 d8 I Kiem 1ro-4 ky nGNG_NGHO-Nél- doc - vid Néng Anh (ed ban ves néng cao) 16 6 tp 2 Match the continents with countries and their capitals, Continent Country 1. Asia —_ lhaly 2. Europe Malaysia 3. Australia The USA 4. North America Australia 5. Africa Brazil 6. South America Egypt @ Choose the odd one out. 1.A. Hanoi B. Bangkok C. Thailand 2... Africa B. Europe C. Asia 3. A. exciting B. boring C. travelling 4. A. North America B. America C. South America 5. A. capital B. wonderful C. continent @ Put these verbs into present perfect tense. V1 (do) «se 2. He (vite). .ssee «+. a novel for two years. 3. | never meet)... canssseuthis girl before. 4, My brother (leave)......sssssssssseehome for 10 years 5.1 (not $ee)......s-ssessssssescty close friend since 2013. 6. My mother (buy)......-.....0s-uthis bike since last week. 7. Peter (Never s€6)...........s:essussse-10 Zebra before, 8. Nga (be).......c0:esssssssssssecto England for 3 days. 9. They (Hravel) 2... around the world once. 10. The teacher (tell) ........1..u.uthis story three times. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Capital Kuala Lumpur Canberra Rome Cairo Washington D.C Brasilia D. Tokyo D. Rome D. noisy D. Africa D. country 11+, all the housework. The flat is really clean now. Big 4 -B6 48 ty kidm tra 4 ky nang nghe - ndI- doc - vit tiéng Anh (ed ban va nBng cao) Kp 6 tap 2V 27 @ Complete the sentences using superlative form of the adjectives given. 1. Rome capital in the world. fascinating 2.-Tom and Jerry cartoon | have ever seen. _ interesting 3. Da Lat is city in Viet Nam. beautiful A, Thisis ... ....Street | have ever passed by. dangerous fo 1(his/Giltl|ispeemmeeeereneeeres ...Student in this class. friendly @ Find the mistakes and correct them in the following sentences. 1. | often went to a Korean restaurant for dinner with my family. A B Cc D 2. She likes the weather and food in Italy but | didn’t. peeereeres A B Cc D 3. He sent me a postcard and a present when he has been there. A B Cc D 4. It is the more popular landscape in Europe. A B cD 5. |have receive his letter from Japan for 2 weeks A B Cc D 2B Big 4-86 a8 ty HBr ta 4 Kj nang Nghe -nél- age - vB Ting Anh (ea bin veining C40) Kop 6 1G 2 _C. READING B&B Read the passage, answer the questions then choose the best answer, Sydney Opera House The Sydney Opera House is one of the most popular landmarks in Australia. lt is located on Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour. More than 7 million tourists visit it each year. There are so many restaurants, bars, hotels that surround the Harbour. It also gives a lot of different shows and performance every year. The Sydney Opera House is known as one of the busiest and the most wellknown centres not only in Australia but all over the world. eS ‘A. Answer the following questions + 1. Where is The Sydney Opera House? 2. How many tourists visit The Sydney Opera House every year? 3. Does it give any shows and performance every year? ; : ' & Big 4- 86 G8 fvkigm ra a ky néng nghe -ndi- doc - vit féng Anh (6d ban ve ning cao) laps fap2 29 B. Choose the best answer for each blank ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ } 1. People consider The Sydney Opera House 8G vacirssesnsnnee landmark in} ; Australia. ; ; }. A. beautiful B. small C. popular D. terrible 2. Every year, more than 7 million...............:-:--visit The Sydney Opera House. A. teachers B. scientists C. travellers D. builders 3. The Sydney Opera House is well-known in........+.::sese111108 Well as all over the world. 3 A. America B. Australia C. The USA D. Italy ; eres =) feo in like photos festival There are two (1)... and Ha Long Bay. Hue is a cly which is filled mostly by tees, so the weather here is in Vietnam | want to visit this summer: Hue city very COO, (2)... and quiet. However, it is not as busy and crowded as other cities (3).................Vietnam. Each year, the city celebrates a very fantastic (4).....c:sssse2sto introduce Vietnamese traditional food, flowers, trees, kite flying and costumes. Hue attracts a lot of visitors every year to its ancient tombs, temples, pagodas. The (5) Quang Ninh province. It is about over 100 (6)... place I'm planning to go is Ha Long Bay. It is in «from my house. It is seafood. | (8). take a boat ride to Tuan Chau (9)........000e01 nd sunbathe on the en Surely, when | visit both Hue and Ha Long Bay, | will take lots of (10)....... | (Yecond places kilometers island fresh 3 \ ; \ { \ { 4 ' \ 4 ; ; ; : : really a (7) landmark in Viefnam. ithas many islands, coves and nico} ; } 30 VBig4- 86 a8 IW kiém trad ky nang nghe -nédi- doc - vi6ttiéng Ann (ed ban va nang cao) lp 6 162 D. SPEAKING CLL, id ED |. Imagine your dream city. How is that city? What does it have? Write some main “® features of the city in the note below. r | 2. Now tell your friend about your dream city. @ Now compare the city you are living in with your dream city. You should base on some suggestions below: - How similar are the two cities? - How different are the two cities? — so Big 4- BG d8 tu kiém fra 4 ky nding nghe -nél - a9c -vi6!tiéng Anh (Ga ban va nang cao) ep 61902 ¥ 31 Look at the pictures below. Do you know the places? Write the names of the places, their cities and countries in the space given below. Name of the place City Country Picture A: vs pereeerneeey Picture B: Picture C: Picture D: Picture E: Picture F: 32. Y Big 4-89 a8 ty kidm tra a ky nding Nghe -ndl- dec vt iéng Ann (ca ban va nGng cao) Ip 6 Op 2 1. Now listen to a man talking about Paris, the capital city of France. Then decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). —————_________ 1. Paris is the least crowded city of France. 2. Itis often dry in this city. 3. There is a big art museum in Paris. 4. There is no famous church in Paris. 5. Paris attracts many foreign visitors. 2. Listen again and fill in the gap with a missing number. 1. Paris has an area Of.......cescesseeeeees square kilometers. 2. Summer days have the average temperatures between ... sss. Degree Celsius. 3. Paris attracts about .... .-million foreign visitors per year. Big 4-89 a8 Ry idm ia a Ky nang Nghe -nd)- doe - Vid ng Anh (eo Bn va nang cao)lap top 2 33 Ld Rewrite the following sentences using the given words below. 1. No cities in Vietnam are more crowded than Ho Chi Minh city. > Ho Chi Minh city is .ssessessseseee 2. | have never visited this beautiful place before. —> This is the first time .. 3. Itis the first time our team has won a > We have never .. 4. I last saw him 2 weeks ago. a Phaven’t cece sess 5. I started learning English in 2000. > | have Write a paragraph (80 - 100 words} to tell your friend about Sydney - a city of ‘© Australia. You should base on some suggestions below: - Known as the Harbour City - The largest, oldest city of Sydney - Among the world’s most beautiful and liveable cities - Home to the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge 34 Y Big 4-86 a8 hy kiém tra 4 ky nGNG_ Nghe - Ni - doe -viEt Hiéng Anh (ca ban ve AGNG cao) HP OTD? -Has air conditioning in all buildings and on most public transport. - Wonderful weather all year round (Summer: sunny, clear sky; autumn: warm; winter: cool; spring: the most beautiful season) - Activities for tourists: Going to the beach, sunbathing, bush walking, cycling, visiting famous structures. Big 4 B9 8 ty kiémn tra 4 ky nang nghe -néi- dac - vid héng Anh (ed ban va nding cao) lap 61802 Y 36 “ay us (Units 7, Review Choose the word with different underlined sound. 1. A. repair share C. fear B D. spare 2. A. without B. together C. bath D. leather 3. A.volunteer —_B. nightmare C. clear D. cheerful 4. A. borrow B. close C. work. D. cold 5. A. breath B, father C. ninth, D. thrill Choose the word that has the stress on a different syllabus from the rest in the group. 1. A. cathedral B. history C. electric D. specific 2. A. whenever B. whatever C. somewhere D. whoever 3. A. better B. circle C. report D. person 4, A. suggest B. paper C. letter D. brother 5. A. electric B. computer C. fascinate D. fantastic 36 Y Big 4 BG a8 tw kidm ira 4 KV Neng _Nohe -Néi- doc - vid ting Anh (ed bn va néng cao) 1p 6 tem 2 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR LUD Choose the odd one out. 1. A. skipping rope B. hide and seek C. puzzle D. skate boarding 2. A. boring B. laughing C. interesting D. surprising 3. A. New York, B. Rome C. England D. Kuala Lumpur 4. A. remote control B. screen C. channel D. sport 5. A. Pyramid of Giza B. landmark D. Ha Long Bay D. Big Ben tower wD Circle the correct picture and write the words. 1. On Sunday, the kids always go........s..cee.s002...With their friends, a ¢ 2.We 80 @ ssessssecseesncto change the channels when watching TV. 3 b. c 37 1. He likes playing basketball itis so funny, A. so B. because C. but D. although 2 ...will be the winner in this sport competition? AWho B. What Cc. Why D. When 3. He... out with his friends last week. A. go B. goes C. went D. going A. He voeecsessssseeesse08 @ NeW reporter since he .............from Boston university. A. worked / graduated C. works/ graduates B. has worked/ graduated D. worked/ has graduated BBY Big 4-86 46 tw hiém tra 4 kV ning Nhe -ndI-dos -vi6ITiéng ANH (66 ban ve NANG CaO) 6p 6 1G 2 5. Do Son is .-beach in Hai Phong. A. the more beautiful C. the most beautiful B. more beautiful D. most beautiful 6. This is the first time we.............4 Eiffel Tower in Paris. A. visit B. has visited C. have visited D. visited 7. My father likes watching TV... sieshe spends most of his time in the evening watching his favourite programmes. A. so B. because C. and D. but 8. Please oo... eee up, we are going to be late for school again. Ato hurry B. hurries C. hurry D. hurrying 9. A long film which is broadcast in short parts is G...essesscesseescese A. audience B.afilm producer C. TV series D. cartoon 10. A person who hosts an event i$ @...c.cccccccsseeeeee A. actor B.MC C. comedian D. reporter @ Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Albert Park is a relaxed and interesting place to spend the day. A B Cc D 2. This is the most wonderful weather | have experience this week. A B Cc D 3. He is going to take an umbrella but it is raining heavily outside. A B is D 4. She is the most happy woman in the world. A B c D 5. Skiing, skating and karate are my favourite games. A B Cc D Big 4- BO dé fy hérn fa 4 kV ning gHe = ABI Goo - vid! ng Anh (co ban va nding cao) lGp 6 Kop 2 ¥ 39 bd Put the correct form of the words. 1.We often go to the national park for... (entertain) 2. Cartoon is loved by. {teen} 3. Did you join the sport....... last week? (compete) 4. He plays tennis every day. He plays for a famous team. He is (spor) a... -man. 5. This river has been .. (pollute) 6.1 have never seen such a .. «film. (bore) 7. He is a famous tennis ..... {play) 8. This is the first time | have met such a ...........004 girl (friend) 9. There are a lot of high (build) 10.Have you ever visited such a (peace) 40 Big 4- 86 08 ty kibm tra-4 k¥ nding Nghe - Ndi - doc - vit Héng Anh (co ban va ndng cao) I6p 6 1p 2 Tom: Hi there. Ben: Hello Tom. Did you enjoy your holiday? Tom: Yes, It ( | (2.visit)..............many interesting places, but | (3. not have).............much time to buy souvenirs. | (4. go)............. to the beach and (5. sunbathe) weekend. How about your trip to England? Ben: Oh, It (6. not be}.......... so good Tom: Really? What ( do there? Beni | (8.gel)......00... sick, $0 | (9. stay) ...sosssee0 in the hotel and (10. watch). .a football match. 1.A. was B. were Cis D. be $ 2.A. visit B. was visit C. visited D. has visited $ 3.A.don'thave 8. didn'thave _C. not had D. didn’t has 4A. go B. was go C. went D. goes 5.A. sunbathed —_B. did sunbathe, don’t sunbathe _D. was sunbathe 6.A. wasn't B. weren't C. am not D. not was ; 7.A. do B. done C. doing D. did ' 8.A. got B. have got C. was get D. to get 9.A. staying B. stayed C. to stay D. did stay 10.A. watched —B. watching ———C. to watch D. has watched Big 4 -86 dB 1yKkbm trad KY nang: Nghe -nél- doe - vI6 Tiéng Anh (cd ban ve ning CaO) 1p 6 Kop 2 41 ie Fill in each blank with one, two or three words to complete the following sentences. Television watching influences children a lot. American children often spend _ from three to four hours a day watching TV. Some of them spend more time watching television than studying in the classroom. While television can entertain and inform our children of news and real knowledge, it may also influence them in bad ways. Time spent on watching television takes away their important activities such as reading books, playing outdoor sports, doing homework, having family gatherings and developing social skills. Children can also learn incorrect or inappropriate information from television. If children watch TV a lot, they may have lower grades at school, read fewer books and do less exercise or even be overweight. 1. Children in the USA offen spend from.......:ss:es++hours a day watching TV. 2. Television can.........-. ...and provide information for children, 3. Watching TV can take time away from... s++...activities for children. .on TV, 4, Kids can learn incorrect and unsuitable, 5. Watching TV a lot may make students have......... marks at school. me Read the passage and write TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) into the blank. | “22 Y big 4- 86 a8 ty kiém tra 4k nang Nghe -ndl- dos - Vir ing Anh (6 Bn vai ndng cao) Ip 6 ap 2 Yazan likes outdoor sports. He can play volleyball, tennis and badminton. He enjoys swimming and jogging in the morning. He likes summer because he can go swimming every day. He doesn’t like winter because it is very cold. He likes spring when there are a lot of flowers in the garden, but he thinks fall is the best season because the weather is fine and people can play any sports they like. 1. Yazan can’t play badminton 2. He doesn’t like jogging in the morning. 3. There are many flowers in the spring. 4. The fall season is the best of all. 5. He likes three seasons in a year. Se — ©: SPEAKING © Tell your friend about one the cities that you know well. You should base on some suggestions below: - What city is it? - Where is it? - What are the main features of this city? - Is there any things special about this city? What makes a city a wonderful place for living? Tell your friend about your ideas. You should think about some aspects below: - Environment - People - Transportation - Entertainment -Food - Cost of living ~ Big 4-86 a8 Wy Wal ape - vet Héng Anh (ca ban va nang cao) lp 6 tap 2 43. rai nghe You are going to hear a TV program schedule. When are the programs on the TV? Puta tick in the correct column. Inthe In the In the morning afternoon | evening The news Master Chef Master Chef Junior Who wants to be a millionaire The best singing voice, season 3 Miss Universe “4d iq 4-6 dB a hib ra AKG dng nghe -nSl- Gos -vid ing Anh (Ga ban wa nang Goo) Wp 6 10p2 listen again and fill in the column with the time of each program, —————___ The news peeeereeee and... Master Chef 8pm Master Chef Junior Who wants to be a millionaire The best singing voice, season 3 3:30 p.m. ond 11:15 p.m. Miss Universe Big d= 86 a8 tukidm 4a 47 ning Aghe -ndl- doc - vit ing Anh (Ga bn wa nang E90) 8p 6 Top 2 45 _F. WRITING i Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences. . cities/ the/ is/ Da Nang/ famous/ one/ of/ in/ most/ Vietnam. nN much/ Tokyo/ cities/ is/ expensive/ than/ more/ other/ in/a/ the/ city/ world, Sd Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. 1. She began to learn to swim last week. ~» She has 5 2. Ididn't have any class yesterday, so | played sports. > BECOUSE ....sesseseeeeseeeseeseeeeeee . 3. She is short, but she still plays basketball > Although ......... 4. | have never been to Da Lat before. > This is the first time ......csssseessssssetseceeeseeees 5. For me, no kinds of sports are more interesting than football. — For me, football is... 46 Big 4-86 a8 ty kidm tro 4G nang Nghe -ndi- doc - vid ng Anh (Go ban va néng cao) 1Gp 6 Kip? Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to tell about the most popular kind of sports in your school. - What kind of sports is it? - How to play/do it? + You play/do it alone or in a team? + How many players are there in the team? + How can you get scores? - When do people often play/do it? | - Why is it so popular in your school? = Do you like it? "Big 489 8 ty kiém tra 4 Ky nGNG Nghe -ndi- doe vi Héng Anh (Ed ban ve nding cao) 16D6 tee 2 VAT Review Find the word which has different pronounce from other. 1. A. height B. high C. timid D. quiet 2. A. thythm B. nothing C. marathon D. sympathy 3. A. sport B. clothes C. rainbow D. sewing 4. A. unfair B. compare C. share D. complain 5. A.atmosphere —_D. hear C. beer D. leather Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 1. A. capital B. tradition C. different D. opera 2. A. difficulty B. unemployment —_C. population D. individual 3. A. elegant B. regional C. musical D. important 4A. applicant B. uniform C. employment D. yesterday 5. A. piano B. policeman C. museum D. souvenir © 48 big 4-86 a6 ty dm tra 4 Ky nGng Nghe -NdI- doc - vid Héng Anh (ed ban va nding 6a0) Kp 6 tap 2 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR mi > Choose the odd one out. 1. A. although B. but C. and D. then | 2. A.weatherman _B. reporter C. cooker D. teacher | 3. A.magazine _B. newspaper C. information D. notebook 4. A. channel B. country C. continent D. nationality | 5. A.marathon —_B. skateboarding C. roller skating ——_D.. sports | 6. A-adventurous B. dangerous C. boring D. wonder 7. A. comedy B. fiction C. scientist D. romance 8. A. palace B. field C. house D. building BD Write the past simple form of these verbs. 1. play \ 2. swim cere 3. win 4, study 5. read 6. sing 7. watch 8. work 9. see 10. have t “Fg 485 08 1Vliém ta 41g nang Nghe nOl- dec. wel Hng Anh (eo ban ve nang eae) Wp tap? YAP L ee Pv Fill each blank with a suitable word. The first letter has been provided a. My little sister likes watchin { Kungfu Panda. She thinks itis the) b, She describes the \\, weather. She is aw....... uf i ¢ d. The continent of Singapore e. To play b \ \, isA vceeseseee ! \ you need a shuttlecock, a net and . - WO Pees “S. tb Matching the question in column A with the answer in column B. ~~ Questions : Answers L 1, Why is television good? a, Because she reached the top of | 1 2. Did you usually play marbles when | Mount Everest in 1993. 2. you were small? b, In 1876. 3. Why did Steven become famous? c. It starts at 8pm. 3. i 4. When did Alexander Graham Bell | d. Because it is entertaining and 4 invent the telephone? educational. 5. Do you like travelling to other| e. | think volleyball, landmarks in the world? £. Yeah, let me remember. 6. What time does the competition begin? 7. What sport does he like best? Ze g. Yes, it's my dream in the future. "BOY Big 4-86 a8 iv dm tra 4 Ky nding Nghe - Ndi doc - vidi éng Anh (cd ban va nang coo) Gp 6 tap 2 Put the following verbs into the correct tense. V. Where oo... eecsesseeeeseesYOU (go)... .- last summer holiday? 2. My grandfather (play)...........:s:1:+golf every Sunday. 3. Mai (buy)......-+.csseeseses @ new dress last week. 4. She (eat) «this kind of pizza twice. 5.Mr, Quang toch) - | 6. When | feo). vevseee .. Home last night, | (be)..... your teacher (teach)....... 8. Daniel (earn) . .. italready. 10, My father (go)........::::1:ss:.+..0M business Wo days ago. m Give the correct form of the words, 1. What do you think about this cartoon? - It is..... 2. He is .......1+12+4 He gives weather forecast information. 3. What is your...... game show® 4. often watch comedies for my...... Steerer 1 | hear that you won the first prize. eee - English well? Maths in this school since he (graduate) very tired _ some money last week. I'm afraid he (spend) 9. This is the most delicious cake I {try}....ssssssseseeeesecin my life (entertain) {weather} (favour) (entertain) (congratulate) = Big 4-86 8 tu kiém fra 4 ky nding nghe -néi~ age - vist tiéng Anh (69 ban va ndng ca) 6p 6192 HT C. READING a Choose the best option to complete the following sentences. Singapore is an island country of about three million people. It's a beautiful -assessse-With lots of parks and open spaces. It’s also a very (2).. city. Most people (3). _win highrise flats in different parts of island, The business district is very modern with lots of high new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice older sections. In Chinatown, there are rows of old short houses. The government buildings in Singapore is very beautiful and it is famous for (4)... ....shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers. Most of the [S).csovesserene is free of duty. Singapore's restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, and European food, and the prices are quite reasonable. 1. A. district B. town C. city D. village 2. A large B. dirty C. small D. clean 3. A live B. lives C. are living D. lived 4. A. their B. the C. it’s D. its } 5. A.priced B. prices C. goods D. good , & Read the passage and answer the below questions. My name is Smith and fishing is my favorite sport. | often go fishing for hours thout catching anything. But this doesn’t worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching anything, not even old boots. After spending the whole morning on the river, | always go home with an empty bag. “You should give up fishing” , my friends said.” It's a waste of time.”. But they don’t know that I’m not really interested in fishing. I'm only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all! a 3 ; 52. Y Big 4- 86 8 ty kiém tra 4 ky ndng_ngho -nél - 9c - vi6t tiéng Anh (ca ban va nding Cao) Kip 6 tap 2 { 1. When he was fishing, he often catches . A. old boots B. rubbish C. a lot of fish D. nothing 2. When does he usually go fishing? A. inthe morning B. inthe evening C. inthe afternoon —_D. at noon | 3. What does Smith’s friends advise him? A. go fishing at night B. stop fishing | C. spend more time on fishing D. spend less time on fishing 4. Where does Smith sit to fish? | A. on the river bank B. ina boat | C. ata large lake D. in the sea 5. What does Smith do when he fishes? A. Read books B. Listen to music | ¢ Does nothing D. Talks to other fishermen Big 4-86 a8 kykiém trad ky nding nghe -ndl-dge - vist tléng Anh (Ga ban va nang cag) op 6 tap 2 BO CZZZ___) Tell your friend about the most popular kinds of sports in Vietnam. You should base on some suggestions below: - What kind of sports is it? 4 ? - How to play/do it? + Do people play it alone or in a team? + How many players are there in the team? @y # 8 + How do players get scores? - Why is it so popular in Vietnam? EXD What are the benefits of sports? Tell your friend about it. ° You should base on some suggestions below: 1. What do sports benefit your physical health? 2. What do sports benefit your mental health? 3. What do sports benefit your social life? “Ba V tig 4-89 dB Wrkiém tad Kj nang Aghe -ndi- dos -vi6ttiéng Anh (eo ban ve néng cao) 6p OTGP2 pee ae aan yy You are going to hear about the history of badminton. Listen and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F). Naver ma GR dé nghe E. LISTENING ¢) we 1. People use racquets to play badminton 2. You can play badminton in a large team 3, There can’t be two people on each side of then ecsae 4, People can’t play badminton on the beach 5. Badminton is both an outdoor and an indoor sport listen again and answer the questions below. —— 1. How many common forms of playing badminton? 2. When did badminton become a Summer Olympic Sport? 3. How many events are there in the badminton competition? Big 4 - 86 dé ty kiém tra 4 kj nding nghe - ndl- doc - vist ‘Anh (60 ban va nding cao) Iép 6192 Y 55 WRITING i Use the words below fo make complete sentences. 1. It/ most beautiful/ landscape/ Vietnam/ |/ ever see. 2. We/ not win/ match/ last week/ because/ some good players/ not join. 3. Glasgow/ one/ oldest cities/ world. A. This film/ interesting/ any other films/ 1/ ever see/ before. 5. Although/ she/ tired/ she/ come/ class/ yesterday. ESD Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words below. ° 1. We decided to go out because the weather was good. + 2. This game show is interesting. That game show is so boring, > (but) 3. Itis the most interesting novel that | have ever read. a .--{never) 4. Tokyo is among the largest cities in the world, Sess ...fone) 5. He has lived in New York since 2005. >. -u(stared) 56. Y Big 4-8 a8 ny kiém tra 4k nding Nghe -nbI- dec - vid tiéng Ann (ed Ban va nang a9) \Sp 6 top 2 < Write a paragraph (80-100 words) to tell about your most favorite game show on wv. You should base on some suggestions below: - What is the game show? - When is it on TV? i - What TV channel is it on? cle) © - What do participants do in the game show? = Why do you like it? Big 4-86 dé tykidm tra AY ning Nghe - Ndi - dec - vist Héng Anh (eo ban vai nang cao) 6p 616 2Y 57 TALS: * Chi s6 hai long ve trai nghiém hoc tap cla sinh vién quéc 18 cao nhét — 90% sinh vién hai long vé trai nghiém cua ho tai Vuong quéc Anh * Hoc phi it hon va thai gian hoc ngain hon so vdi cde nuéc néi tiéng Anh khac © Sinh vién c6 thé lam viée 161 da 20 gid/tuin trong thai gian hoc. * Mic luong trung binh cua sinh vién tét nghiép la £23,000/ nam * 438,000 sinh vién quéc t8 chon hoc tap tai Vuong quéc Anh méi nam. * Tét ca cdc trutng dai hoc tai Anh va cdc truéng trong khéi Navitas déu c6 chi s6 Chat Lugng Dam Bao dé sinh vién cba ban biét ho dang nhan dugc chét lugng giéng day, hé trg va nhing ngudn luc tét nhét 1. A__opical —B. __aw 2. A__ove B. __opped 3. A.__ess B.__ain 4. A__ip B.__op 5. A___own B__ve Complete the words with letter /dr/ or /tr/ C.__umpet C.__avel C.__eam C.__actor C.__ive Choose the word with the different stress pattern. 1. A. factory B. company organise —_—B. decorate refreshment —_B. horrible A A A. appliance B. delegate A oR ON arrival B. technical C. family C. appearance C. exciting C. marvelous c proposal s9999 L $ . destruction . interview D. D. D. intention D. currency D . approval Big 4- 86 8 tu kidm tra a ky nding ngho -nél- age - vi6tiéng Anh (ed BBN va Ndng cao) 6p 6 tap 2 V 59 2 LUD Circle the odd one out. 1. A. palace B. building C. cottage D. company 2. A. dining room B. toilet C. washing machine D. bathroom 3. A. behind B. in front of C.on D. couch 4. A. swimming pool B. sea C. seafood D. beach 5. A. wireless TV B. garden C. dishwasher D. hitech fridge @ Choose the right word from the box for each definition. (modern Fridge wireless TV dishwasher |___fitechreboe nent weshing machine TV. We use d...escssseessesteesto wash all the dishes after meals. 2. Ane ++i8 a machine we use to store our food and drink. 3. Wewillseealotofexciting programs fromothercountriesthrougha.... BoA vccceeecseesseseeseereeeecan Wash our dirty clothes and make them ready for you to put on, 5. will understand what we say and do many things around the house. me Match the questions with the answers. 1, Will robots clean our house in the future? | | | a. Yes, it does. 2. How will people travel to the moon? | b. By spaceship. i + wi 3. What will help us watch programmes c. Yes, they will. from other planets? i i d. Toni | 4, Does the house have super smart TV? | night Televisi 5. When will you send video cards to your @. Television friends? ‘VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR “GO Y8ig 4-86 a8 1y kidm fra 4 kV Nang Nghe -néI-dge - VsHigng Anh (ed ban va nlng cao) lo 6 tap 2 (PES? @ Complete the sentences with MIGHT or MIGHT NOT. 1. I'm seriously ill. 1 .go to see the doctor. 2. He got up early this morning, he ..........:0ss:e+:e+11+be late for school. rain later. 3. There are a lot of clouds in the sky so it... 4, She didn’t get high marks in the examination, so she .... be happy. 5. They have bought a hi-tech robot. It .. ssschelp them with housework. @ Choose the best answer (A, B, C, D) . 1. Which kind of ...........1+1do you like to live in? A. factories B. houses C. kitchens D. gardens 2. She is in the hospital now. ....we go and see her? A. Would B. Do Cc. will D. Did 3. standing for Unidentified Flying Object. B. USA B. UFO C. USB D. UNIT AL ccecseesesseenis a house on the water. C. dream house B. floating house —_—C. cottage D. mountain 5. Automatic dishwasher, modern fridge, smart phone and wireless TV are.........uin the house. A. household B. appliances C. electricity D. surroundings 6. csesseesseeseesesshe come and clean the office this afternoon? Als B. Did C. Might D. Could 7. Have you ever... ...0N a spaceship to the Moon? A. travelled B. travel C. to travel D. travelling 8. High buildings are also called soso A. tall houses B. skyscrapers C. tall office D. high house 9. Look at those black clouds! It... ain. A. will B. is going to C. is raining D. might 10. Robots... look after children. A. can B. can’t C. will D. might Big 4 BO 48 tw Kiém rad k7 nang nghe -nél- doc - vit dna Anh (ed ban va nBng 690) Kop 6 tap 2Y BT mp Find and correct the mistake. . Where will the house is located? A B cD . What time will he has breakfast tomorrow? A BOC D . I dislike walk in the rain. | like lying in the sunshine. A B Cap n- e BR Her mother bought lots of appliance for her house last week. A B c oD . She might sees beautiful view of the city through the window. A B Cc D oa a I think she might not finds our address. A B cD 7. We will have special remote control units to surfing the Internet. A B Cc D © . The weather is going to be rain tomorrow. A B Cc D BS Put a correct preposition into the blank. Can |help you .......-...your bag, Lan ? . We are very interested .... ..... the history of Vietnam. My house is next........:.ssathe stadium. Might you sit ........... the front seat, Nam? His alarm clock didn’t go....rsssssssse 2, 3 4. 5, 6, My dream house will be. 7. 8 } «the ocean. | will buy some modern machines ............. my sweet home There is a wonderful garden ........front ss... my house. . Tom dislike walking ..........the rain. us? 10. Will you come . 62. big 4-85 dB WW Kidin 1ra 4 kKy nGAg Nghe - NdI-doc - vi6l Ning Anh (cd ban ve néng ca0) lop 6 tap 2 —~ | __C- READING eB Read the passage and do the task below: MY DREAM HOUSE ; My dream house will be outside the city surrounded by a big garden full of flowers and trees. | love looking after the flowers and having breakfast in the garden. The house will be a place where | can find peace, fresh air and happiness. It will be a big house with five or six bedrooms, a large living room with big windows, During the day, it will be very light. It will have a kitchen full of modern appliances will invite our friends and relatives to enjoy dinner. | like my dream house to be not 2 such as cookers, dishwashers, or washing machines so that sometimes my parents | very far from the city center because | like going shopping at the weekend. $ | b A. Choose the best answer 1. The dream house is located ............the city A. beside B. inside C. outside D. next to 2. The writer likes looking after. A. the children B.the flowers C. the kitchen D. the breakfast 3, The..........4-..-Will have big windows. : | J A. living room. kitchen C. bedroom D. garden ? 2 { t O B, Write True (T) or Fasle (F) ~~~ 3 1. The writer likes a kitchen without modern appliances. 2.The writer doesn't like his dream house to be near the city. 3.The writer never goes shopping. Big 4- BO dé ty kiém fra 4 KY nang _nghe - Ndi - dgc - vI6t fing Anh (ca ban va ndng cao) ip 6 tap 2 ¥ 63 _D. SPEAKING */ as CL. id 1. What appliances do you want to have in your house in the future? List some appliances in the space below. 2. Now tell your friend about what those appliances can do or what will you use them for? Work in pairs. Student A and B think about your houses in the future. Then take turns © to ask and answer questions about your houses. You should base on some suggestions below: - What kind of house will it be? - Where will it be? - What does it look like? - How many floors/ rooms will it have? - What will be there in the rooms? - What will be special things about the house? 64_Y Big 4-85 a8 ty Kiém tra a ky nang Nghe - ndl- doc - vié! ting Anh (co bén va nang cao) lbp 6 tap 2 ennai \aust ma QR dé nghe You are going to hear a friend talking about his house in the future. Listen and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1, The house will look like a sheep, 2. The house will have more than 2 rooms. perenenserrsrs 3. There will be a room for guests A. It will be a bit noisy surrounding the house. saa 5. The friend will have to go to buy food very often Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words. ' 1. trwill be on the top of a green (1) 2. The walls will be painted (2)... the space. .. with some decorations about 3. | will plant my favorite kinds of (3)......csccee chickens and fish. and | will raise some —= = a moby Big 4- BG dB tu kidm tra 4 ky nang Aghe - ndl- doc - vig ting Anh (co ban va nng cao) Kip 6 tap 2 65 ba 49 Use the given words to make meaningful sentences. © 1. They/ probably/build/ big house/ but/it/ not/ sure/ all. > 2. I/ promise/I/ not/ late/ school 4. I/ guess/ it/ cost/ lot/ buy/ furniture/ house. > 5. Robots/ might/ housework/ future. >. Write an email (80 -100 words) to your friend and tell him/her about your dream © house in the future. You should base on some suggestions below: - Where will it be? - What will it look outside? - What will it look inside? - Who will you live with in this house? - Which part of the house will you like most? ing Anh (C0 ban va nding ca0) lp 6 tap 2 66. Big 4- BG a8 Ny kiém tra 4ky NaNg Aghe -ndi- gc i | | Love, «(Your signature) = a 5 Sv Big 4 BO G8 tukidm tra 4 ky nang nghe -néi- doc - vist tiéng Anh (ed ban va néng cao) 16p 612” 67 Dil Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. | 1. A. part B. plant C. plan D. faster 2. A. granddad B. ask C. France D. branch 3. A. potato B. place C. spaceship D. happy 4. A.classroom —_B. glad C. hat D. fatter 5. A hate B. traffic C. happen D. action j Choose the word with the different stress pattern, | 1. A. dedicate B. impressive C. reminder D. descendant 2. A. optimist B. powerful C. terrorist D. historic 3. A. elegant B. regional C. musical D. important 4. A. reduce B. compare C. paper D. destroy 5. A. improve B. window C. garden D. water 68 Y Big 4-06 08 tykiém ra 4kj nding Nghe -ndi- doc \i6i féng Anh (co ban va nang ©a0) 16p 6 1p 2 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR in with the suitable noun. pm 6. Containers for things that can be recycle. 11. When you use something again @. Recycle 2. When you use something less than usval. b. Air pollution | 3.When you make new products from used c. Reuse i materials, d. Recycling bins | 4. When people say something aloud. Anu | | 5. When air is polluted ape ' \ plasticbag water | rubbish noise can | © Sj o ° 1 2.. Big 4-86 8 lyldém fra a xy Rng Age -ndl- dpc - vibItiéng Anh (eo ban va nding cao) lap 6 t6n2Y 69 we Choose and write suitable words to fill in each column. ‘plasticbags electricity plastic botiles. can ~—rubbish | | noise pollution paper water gos i envelop newspaper glass bulb recycle ~ reuse - reduce “70 Y big 4-86 8 ty kidm trad KP naNG RGHe -ndl~doo -visl léng Ann (eo ban va nang cao) ip 6 tap 2 BED Match a suitable clause in column A with one in column B, “o A 1, If the air is polluted, 2. If people make noise, 3. If she eats more meat, 4, What will the earth be 5. What will he do 6. Ifyou take a shower instead of a bath, BD choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. o 1, If have a terrible headache, | ........... A. can take B. will take 2. Nesesssersseereee@ NeW Cat since yesterday. A. have buy B. have bought 3. You can take these plastic bottles to the fact A. reuse B. recycle A. papers B. bin ee -happens when water in lake A. Air pollution B. Water pollution 6. Ihe A. have B. has 7. IFwe protect our environment, we will... A, save our world C, damage our world je —_ «a. iFhis mother plant a rose tree 2 b. if there are no plants and animals? cc. we will feel hard to breath. d. we will save time and water. ©. we will be very angry. F, she will be fatter. some medicines. 4. Things you throw away because you don't need them are called..... C. take D. would take C. bought D. will buy HOTY 10 ooeeeeeeesssseeeneeeethem, C. reduce D. redo C. rubbish D. environment s, rivers and oceans is polluted. C. Soil pollution D. Food pollution -much time, he will watch TV more. C. had D. having B. destroy our world D. buy our world Big 4-86 a8 tyliém tra 4 ky nang Aghe -ndi- doc - vit tiéng Anh (co ban ve nang cao) Kip 612 77 8. Don’t throw ........++-+1+++++-,into the river. This will cause pollution A. fish B. dogs C. rubbish D. water to have fresher air. 9. We should plant more A. grass B. trees C. teeth D. vegetables 10. There are many ways fo ...... seseesesesse, pollution, A. reduce B. increase C. protect D. clear @P Find the mistake and correct it in each sentence. 1. Remember to turning off the light when you go out. AB c D 2. If she throws the rubbish onto the river, all fish will die. eee A B Cc D 3. We will save our world if we protected our environment. .asaas. A B a D 4, We can save money if we reduce gas, electricity but water. A B Cc D 5. If she be late for her English class, the teacher will be angry. A B Cc D 72" Big 4- BO a6 ty kiém tra 4 ky nang nghe -néi- dgc - vib Tiéng Anh (ea Ban vas Raing Cao) |G 6 Kop? _~ Environment is an important part of our life. A clean environment is necessary for a peaceful and healthy life. An environment helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But nowadays, people are destroying environment in many different ways. There are many kinds of pollution such as air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution. It does not only ruin human lives but also affects on all living beings. We can save our environment by many ways : recycling, reusing, and reducing We can recycle plastic bottles and plastic bags. We can also reuse plastic bags or old bottles. We should reduce the amount of waste, noise and electricity. It is very important to save environment. When we protect the environment, we are protecting ourselves and our future as well. 1. Is environment an important part of our life? 2. What does environment help? 3. Which kind of pollution is not mentioned in the passage? A. air pollution B. soil pollution C. river pollution D. water pollution 4. How many ways can we do to save our environment? A. four B. two. C. three D. one 5. According to the writer, we can save our environment by recycling plastic bottles ; and. A. papers B. electricity C. noise D. plastic bags [ig 4-86 a8 idm tad KV nGng Nghe -nél- doc Wit léng Anh (Coban va nang cao) 1p 6 tap? ¥ 73

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