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TEDx Alcohol



TEDx Alcohol Talk

The thing that struck me out was the addiction that comes with alcohol use. A non-loving

environment makes individuals shift to alcohol to numb these emotions that come with the

emotional instability of their home. I have learned that sometimes the addiction is not an

individual, but it can be due to family-related issues and emotional instability. Moving forward, I

will not judge individuals with alcohol addiction, but I will try to look at the source of the

emotional instability, frustration that is causing alcohol addiction.

What I want to more about is the role of the environment in addiction. For a long time, I

have always known that addiction has a genetic component, and the environment has a minor

role to play. This TEDx speaker has, however, opened to me an interesting topic to read. She

states that even though an individual may have a gene for addiction, this gene remains dormant

and can be activated by emotional traumas such as abuse, neglect, and trauma. This is something

I will do more research on.

The lecture was well-received, and most of the comments said that this was the best

addiction talk they have ever heard. One of the comments that stood out for me was, “ This is a

great talk because she doesn’t focus long on her story, but on the core of the issue and offers

truthful suggestion of where to focus on what a path toward recovery would require. I’ve

watched dozens and dozens of ted talks on this subject (and depression), and this is very direct

and intelligently expressed.” I agree with this comment; the speaker was straightforward, which

made the talk very inspiring.


After watching this lecture, I have come to appreciate the role of the environment in

addiction. This is something I will be looking out for when dealing with alcohol addiction


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