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Analytical Review of a

Contemporary Transitional Factor

University, Department
 approximately 98,000 people die annually
 the process of acquiring relevant knowledge that informs practice in nursing
 the transition is a period of challenges
Decision Making in the Nursing Sector
 Nurses constitute the highest number of employees in health care institutions.
 decision making among nurses involves intuitive and analytic processes
Understanding Independent Decision-
Making Nurses
 Experience and Independent Decision making
 Organization and Unit Culture
 How Independent Decision-Making Impacts New Nurses
Strategies for Minimizing the Impacts of Independent Decision

 Introduction of Virtual Laboratories

 Inviting Practicing Nurses
Introduction of Virtual Laboratories
 Virtual laboratory highlights what constitutes professional life.
 The centrality of independent decision making in nursing makes is a
fundamental factor that must be addressed by all means.
Recommendation 1 and 2
 Nursing organizations should adopt a competency-based curriculum
that practically demonstrates how the issue occurs should be instituted
and taught in institutions of higher learning.

 Nursing professionals and health care organizations must review the

applicability of existing nursing practices, especially concerning their
impacts on newly registered nurses.
 nurses constitute the highest number of health care providers
 Lack of informed decisions in the nursing industry is a threat to human life
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