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Sam’s Journal
Theory 1: at this certain spot in time/space continuum there is at no point any
possible Scientific explanation of the universe that we live in. In further research I
hope to proof this wrong.

Theory 2: I will try to explain this with enough words that you can began to even
fathom the possible absurdity but truth in what I have to say:

Seven billion worlds: one to represent every human being that ever lived. When that
person dies, the world goes with it. But it is not that everyone living in your world is
living for you, it’s that your living in everyone else’s world.

I believe every human being on this planet goes through a cycle of all existing worlds
in a day: therefor you would spend but a fraction of a second in any one world. It
could have taken me a lifetime just to write this theory down, which brings me to
something new:

Our bodies do not age as if we have one body going through multiple worlds, actually
it’s quite the contrary: we age regularly as if we stayed in one world. Therefor we are
different ages in every world. Another subject:

There is no possible way to tell just how many worlds you and I do live in: I could
have died in one or I could’ve just been born; or not born yet! Another possibility is
that the person that that world represents is dead! Therefor nobody, you, I, nor
anyone else can go back to that world.

It is also my believe that there is no way to come back to another world with your
memory of the prior one; therefore, there cannot be hard evidence for this theory.
Furthermore, if you could come back with a memory it’d be of a fraction of a second!

If this theory is true, then I should bet that there is someone out there that is
controlling all of the coordination of this transporting between worlds, planets, or
realms, if you may. I can only hope that I might find more evidence in the future to
support this theory and tell everyone in this world so that maybe we can just enjoy
one, instead of wondering if there’s any others.

Chapter one

Wisconsin, United States of America

Sam’s Farmland
1969: Spring; April first
“Hey, Sam!’ Marty called out to his brother. He was standing next to the well; one hour away
from his farmhouse.

“Yeah! Whatcha want!?” Sam, 13, called back from his tree-stand about a hundred feet away:
“Coulda keep it quiet too! I’m trying ta hunt here!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Marty quieted down. “I need that bucket of yours! That one that’s nigh your leg,
yeah that one!” he had unfortunately forgotten the bucket when he had raced out to the well to grab water
for breakfast’s oatmeal.

“What’d ya need this crummy old thin’ for!” Sam called out, holding a very old and quite gross
looking steel bucket as he crawled out of his tree-stand, very annoyed. “Couldn’t ya have brought ya own!
Or did ye forget again!’

Marty didn’t answer as Sam came running up, for he thought the question very rhetorical.
“Thanks.” He muttered.

“Yep. Keep care. I’ll just be nigh over here if you need me.” Sam began to departure.

“I’ll getcha at breakfast!”



“It’d have been betta if ya came back with him now. Ten minutes to oatmeal. You got that.”
Their father spoke to Marty: “get on with ya!”

Marty raced out of the house cursing at himself; “Your always gotta be such a fool, don’ta
Marty!” he has often thought to himself. He approached the tree-stand from below: “Seven minutes! That
only leaves three to get back! No way!”

“Hey! Over here, you big oaf! Come on! Help me with this load, its gotta wight a ton!” Sam was
practically crawling with the weight of the two bucks on his shoulders.

“My! My! Father’ll be happy with a load like that, won’t he!” Marty rushed over, then muttered;
“if we can get it to him without being an hour late!”

Marty took one of the bucks from Sam and began to run towards the farmhouse: “hey! Whatever
is the big rush about! Wait a sec!”

“We’ve got,” he looked down at his silver watch, a present from his grandfather before he died,
it was a new invention and he was glad to have it, “Two minutes and we gotta be home for breakfast!”

“What! Why’d ya wait till now ta get me!” Sam’s face was red with a mix a anger and struggle
against the buck’s heaviness across his shoulders.

“I’d just got home eight minutes ago!”

“You took half an hour just ta get home!”

No answer. In fact, Marty didn’t think he did take that long, until he thought about it. He had
paced himself poorly, as he has often done.


“What took ya – whoa! What a load of meat ya got there! Those antlers’ll buy a dozen cows and
a couple chickens!” and their fathers eyes said: “And that meat’ll make us some good dinner!”

“Sorry we’re late!” Began Marty, “The load is quite heavy!”

“I could imagine!” his father spoke, taking the bucks from the children and stacking them in the
shed, “I’ll need your help to get those things skinned and ready after breakfast, but for now, let’s eat!” their
father, lean and strong, with a short stubble on his chin and gray hair on his head led them into the kitchen.

Chapter two

Washington DC, United States of America

Sam’s science lab
2001: Winter; November 1
“I’ve got it! I’ve got it!” Sam, 34 cried out in the main section of his science lab.

In came dashing William; “What!? You got What!?”

Sam stared up at him from his cushiony chair; “Evidence.”


“Come on! We gotta go tell the president!” Sam whirled out of his chair but was stopped by
William grabbing his shoulder.

“What was that for!?” Sam tried to get up again, was stopped.

“Sam,” William began, “I don’t think this world is ready for this yet. Look at Germany-”

“I know! I know. But the president demanded that we tell him what we have been working on if
we got the tiniest sliver of evidence, and I’ve got much more than that!” This time William let him stand up.

“Sam, don’t. you’re just going to throw more chaos into what’s already been happening!
Germany just declared war, lost half its citizens, if you could call them that,” He scoffed, “Destroyed half of
the UK and nearly took over Asia! We can’t have anymore of anything right now lest we all be destroyed!”

“look,” Sam said, calming down his eagerness, “I see your point. But the president isn’t planning
on going live with it! We’ll just tell him, no one else, okay?”

Finally, William gave in and they called the president, “We have important information,
president’s ears only.”

“Identification code.” A gruff voice came.


“Okay. He’ll be with you in thirty minutes at the White House.”


“What is it? I haven’t got all day you know.”

“Me neither.” Sam began.

“We’ve found evidence for BetaProject2.” William said.

The president stared at him, “Does that mean I can finally know what it is!?”

“Indeed. Sam, if you will?” William asked

Sam began, “BetaProject2 had begun when I had first conceived the idea of the theory,
thenceforth I decided to make proof of it, and for the last fourteen years I have made very little progress,
until now.

“BetaProject2 is based on the assumption that there is one conceivable world that represents one
person, so forth for every human being on this planet.”

“Your saying that everyone in this world is here for ME?” the president asked sarcastically.
“Quite the opposite, actually you are living for everyone else, and so am William and I. You see,
everyone goes through a cycle of a day through all the existing worlds, so you only spend a fraction of a
second a day in a world.”

“I think our conversation kinda downs that.”

“Again, on the contrary, you have no memory of past worlds, for even if you did it would be of
only a fraction of second and would be blurred with the rest of the worlds you have lived in.”

The president stared at him again, “Is there any way to tell how many worlds there are?” he was
getting serious now.

“It would be highly difficult to find how many worlds there are; impossible to find how many
you’re in. You see, the worlds do not follow the same timeline; you could be dead in another world, or you
could be but a child. There is no way to tell. Finally, before you ask the question, because of this timeline of
things, our bodies do not age as if we were switching between worlds but as if we were only in one.”

“I find this very unreliable information. All evidence points away form it.” he said, now not very
worried with time.

“Except for that which I have recently found, I agree with you. But due to the fact that I did find
something, I will have to show you.” Sam gestured to the phone on the desk nigh where he sat, the president
nodded, he grabbed it and typed the number of his lab; “hello, Yes, 46alphadcodebetaproject2. I would like
the equipment labeled “E” brought to the White House, Yes the White House.”

“Who was that?” the president asked.

William, who had recently been silent, responded; “That was our lab attendant; Evidence is on
the way.”

Chapter 3

Germany, United Kingdome

The Civil Wars of Germany and the UK
2005: Summer; June 21
“Get outa there!” Sam, 52, general and soldier of the Germany army shouted to his men as he
began the retreat.

“Sir!” John shouted form the torrent cannons on the top of his tank; “This-” part of his sentence
was cut out by a cannon blast “-only chance!-” “-Must fight!” he managed the last words staring at the
general through the mists of war, until his tank, that was sabotaged by a rebel leader in the ranks of
Germany, more than unlikely, blew into smithereens from an implosion.

“Fall back! Fall Back!” Sam repeated as a piece of shrapnel flung form an explosion and pierced
his shoulder.

Ignoring the searing pain, he ran, which direction he not, only that it was away from the war and


“Are you all right, sir.” A doctor spoke as he lay there, waking.

He took in a glance of the room, tried to stand, fell back down on the bed due to a searing
headache. He glanced at arm, or where is arm should be, but there was none; they had to amputate the arm
because of the shrapnel. He was now labeled a handicap of war; HOW.

“Sir, may I suggest retirement!” The doctor said.

“No, you may not.” He stood again. “What is the war’s progress?”

“There is none, sir, at least not on our side.”

“Are you saying that we’ve been conquered!?” he spoke through rage.

The doctor seemed to gulp; “Yes, I am.”

Then of a sudden the doors burst open and a mass number of soldiers came in, but not German
Soldiers; Russians. And they began mass murder of all that where there, including Sam.

Chapter four

Washington DC, United States of America

The White House
2001: Winter; November 1
“Now what’s that supposed to be!?” The president exclaimed as tons of bulky equipment started
tumbling through the doors twenty minutes later, then he muttered, “Looks like a big pile of junk to me!”
“That junk,” William started, “Displays the past twenty-four or more hours of memory; for this
instance you could slow it down to a fraction of a second, whatever that may be, into whatever time frame
you want it to be; perfectly designed to either proof our theory right… or wrong.”

The president was clearly

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