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Brent Forbes

Professor Hunter

English 1201

9 March 2021

Why are GMO foods vital for the survival of our population?

There are many people in the United States that live in poverty that can not afford to live

off of non GMO foods. So without these GMO foods how would these people survive? The

answer is simply that they could not.

GMO foods make it possible for many people all over the world to get fresh fruits and

veggies. There are many reasons that farmers may use GMO seeds. Reasons such as plant

disease, insect damage, and to make the plants more tolerant of herbicides. Since GMO plants

are more resistant to insect damage less pesticides are needed to keep bugs away. This can be

very beneficial to not only the customers but the farmers as well because of less exposure to

pesticides (FDA).

GMO foods also help the environment by helping produce less carbon emissions. They

also are made so you do not have to till fields as much which prevents soil damage. These are a

tremendous help for farmers (Naam).

Scientists are saying that farmers could not farm successfully without the use of GMO

plants. They help so much with disease and crop damage that without them farming would be

extraordinarily tough (Naam).

Without the use of pesticides farmers would have to use a lot stronger pesticides and

insecticides. This would affect our waterways and cause us to till the soil more often which will

cause soil damage (Ackerman).

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GMO research has gone far beyond just plants and could even help us in the future by

helping us make vaccines. We are also using microorganisms as biodegraders with the help of

GMO research. This can aid us in helping to produce more eco friendly biodegraders (Philips).

GMO foods are needed to feed the growing population of the world. Without genetically

modified foods many people all around the world would die of starvation. Thanks to genetically

modified foods people all over the world can get affordable produce.
Forbes 3

Ackerman, Jennifer. “Altered Food, GMOs, Genetically Modified Food - National Geographic.”

Environment, National Geographic, 10 Feb. 2021,

Barell, Amanda. “Pros and Cons of GMO Foods: Health and Environment.” Medical

News Today, MediLexicon International,

“How GMO Crops Impact Our World.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA,

Naam, Ramez. “Why GMOs Matter -- Especially for the Developing World.” Grist, 12

Nov. 2020,

Phillips, Theresa. Nature News.


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