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Madrasah education in the philippines pdf

Pasig City (August 25) - In an unprecedented move, the Department of Education has begun to grant financial assistance to private madaris (Muslim schools) which has adopted the Madrasah course of studies that has both Islamic studies and the standard basic educational subjects taught in all public schools. Education Secretary Jesli Lapus said Madrasah's mainstreaming of
education in our basic education system will give our Muslim schoolchildren an education that is culturally sensitive, friendly Islamic and will give them equal opportunity for work. "This is DepEd's important contribution to building a culture of peace in Mindanao through education," he added. In total 36 private madaris with 3,834 Muslim schoolchildren graduated for P5,000 financial
assistance for enrollees per school year which began in school year 2008-2009. The directives are in series of Order No. 81 DepEd of 2007. DepEd has allocated P20 million from its 2008 budget as financial assistance to private madaris to encourage Muslim educators to adopt and implement the Madrasah curriculum standard. Secretary Lapus conducted the ceremonial
business of financial scholarships in private Madaris today at the DepEd Complex in Pasig City. He was assisted by fellow DepEd members, representatives from member countries of the Islamic Conference Organization and other Deped and key ARMM officials. In the ARMM region, 26 madaris from Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Shariff Kabunsuan and Tawi-tawi
graduated after a thorough and rigorous screening and validation, There are two in Davao City and eight in Cotabato City and General Santuindanao The financial assistance for each Madrasah recipient must be for specific purposes: 80% will go to pay the salaries of teachers handling secular subjects and 20% will be for the improvement of classrooms and other school services.
This is the very first time in Philippine education history that private madaris are mainstreamed as a component of the National Basic Education System following a course of studies only for basic education, common for both public and private Madaris schools. "We purposefully designed Madrasah's education to be able to meet the needs and realities of our Muslim students,"
Lapus explained. There are two types of courses prescribed in Madrasah Education - the Enriched Course for Public Elementary Schools and the Standard Course for Private Madaris. This was implemented in all regions of DepEd on a national scale for Muslim students and is known as the Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education Program (VIVO). Islamic culture and
thethey can be kept among Muslim children while enrolled in public schools. The Standard Course for Private Madaris, approved in 2004, aims to restore an educational system that is suitable for the Muslim population. The Standard Study Course Associationssecular subjects with religious subjects such as Qur'an, Aqeedah and Fish, and Seerah and Hadith. Through this course of
studies, the Philippine national identity is promoted just while the cultural heritage of the Muslim is maintained. Lapus pointed out: "With such a course of study, the Philippines will have a Madrasah education system where students from private madaris can move to public schools and vice versa. Likewise it will give him equal probability in employment opportunities. " The Head of
Education added that this year, DepEd needs to expand the programme by renewing financial assistance to 36 current madaris that are expected to accept grade 1 new competitors before school year 2009-2010. "We will also accept new questions from another private madaris and continue to do so until everything madaris must have adopted the standard Madrasah course," he
said. "We all want peace and we want it now. With this course of studies now in place, we really build the foundation for national understanding and unity. And peace with lasting hope. " (Deped) 1 MADRASAH EDUCATION STATE IN THE PHILIPPINES AND ITS DEVELOPMENT AND INSTITUTIONALIZATION AS A COMPONENT OF THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATION SYSTEM
(The Seminar on the Direction of Change Course of Studies on June 7-9, 2006 Frank X-Lynch S.J. Resource Center Philippine Social Science Council Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City) 2 PROBLEM OF COURSE OF STUDIES AND RECOGNITION 3 DEVELOPMENT AND INSTITUTIONALIZATION 4 Development and Institutionalization of Education Madrasah The
course of standard studies for public elementary schools and private Madaris had been approved and prescribed by the Department of Education under Order no. 51, next. 2004 by DepED. The Autonomous Region in the Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) had adopted the national standard course of studies by virtue of the number of Executive Order of ARMM RG 13-A, s. 2004. With
these emissions, Madrasah the education system has now been passed on to higher power as a vital component of the national education system, similar to the systems of Christian and Chinese schools. 5 BASIC MADRASAH INSTRUCTION: THE FILIPINO MODEL 1. Course of studies: Erudition of areas:  For Public Schools: Arabic language - 60 minutes/daily Islamic values
- 40 minutes/daily  For Private Madrasah: Qur'an Aqeeda and Standard Study Course of the Order no. 51, next. 2004 Hadith 6 DepED and of Figh Seerah for Elementary Public Schools and Public Madaris Privato SchoolPrivate Madaris the Islamic Studies / regions - the Englishman - Qur' an - the Mathematics - Aqeeda and Figh - the Science - Seraah and hadith - the
Philippine - the Arab Language - Makabayan Aggiungono: Subjects: Add: Subjects of RBEC: - Arabic language - English - Islamic values - Mathematics - Science - Filipino - Makabayan 7 2.of Course of studies from Materials educational: 10,000 copies Printed and financed by Books of text of UNICEF Printed and financed by World Islamic Call Society (WICS) of the Arab Arab
Degree - 270.000 of Language of Libya of the Degree 1 - 270,000 of Values Islamic and English English10,000 8 3. The teacher (Asatidz) Training and the Level 1 of Professional development: Pre service - Language Enhancement and Pidagogy (LEAP), I Live in 23 days in formation Workshop. The teacher (Asatidz) Trained 2005-2006  Financed at RAY (AUSAID'S) ARMM'S -
160 region Asatidz 11 - 165 “region 12 - 180 “505 Subtotal “ Financed at TEEP/WB/DEPED's: region of ==== 10 130 “region 9 72 “Region of the National Capital (NCR) 133 “region 6 (Iloilo City) 23 “region 4-A (City of Antipole) 45 “region 4-B (Puerto Princesa) 5 "408"-------Total up to today - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 913 “I level 2 ==== 9: In Formation of service and Professional
development A Program of Formation of Teacher Quick (ATEP) for an instruction of 12 months teaching. Asatidz must earn the equivalent of a Bachelor of degree of Elementary Instruction. The teachers (Asatidz) Undergoing Training Now:  Financed by RAY (AUSAID): to USEP - Davao City - - - - - - 92 to MSU - Marawi City - - - - - 115 to MSU - GenSAN - - - - - - - - 54------
TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 261 I level 3 === 10: the Professional Teacher – will describe the ATEP as Asatidz to take the Examination teachers' Licensure (LASCIA), and they go on, must be professional teachers to DepED with permanent teacher articles. He programs of  for Teacher's Instruction with greater supplementary in: Arab language Islamic Studies  Factory of an
Islamic Institute of Teacher's Instruction 11 4. Reforms and development of Madaris Privato: Recognition of DepEd and Secular Accreditazione Istruzione (RBEC) in Madrasah Privato Madrasah as nonprovvista Islamic Educational Institution without gain reason. The incentives for Madaris Privato to Adopt and to carry Curricular Standard out for Madrasah Privato as the Order
number 51, next 2004 of DepED. To encourage Madrasah Privato to draw reasonable taxes of students' teaching with rich parents and Donation of Bottom of Scholarship for poor Moslem students. Donor assistance to Madaris Privato - RAY (AUSAID)------------------22 Madaris - TO GO UP (USAID)---7 Madaris Mindanao - (USAID)----8 Madaris 5 Creative Associate. I rest: massicce
there rise the information to all the parts interested included LGU, the members of congress, non-governmental organisations, Donor's Community and the meetings of Consultazione/briefing of Media with all the Sectors of the Moslem communities, including Moslem countries and International Islamic Organisation. 12 6. Bottom Sourcing: Received and / or Committed The
Foundation of Asia - - - - - - - - - - - - P 1,750,000.00 SEAMEO Innotech - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000,000.00 UNICEF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,000,000.00 TEEP/WB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25,000,000.00 I RADIATE (AuSAID) the Expanded Support of Moslem Instruction - - - - - - - 160,000,000.00 Societies of CallWorld cup of Libya (to Print Educational Materials – 10 yrs) -
- - - - - - - - - - 480,000,000.00 Philippine government: GAA-2006 DepED - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 100,000,000.00 13 7. Program direction: DepED ARMM: Office of Madaris DepED National: Office of Undesecretary for Moslem Affairs Unity of Instruction of Madrasah Integrata in: Office of Elementary Instruction (BEE) Office of secondary Instruction (BSE) Officiates of Offices of
Division of regional offices

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