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Enhancing Supplementary Services equipment failure, or difficulty faced by a

These add extra value for the customer while using a product.
Handling of
1. Consultation. Consists of advice from a complaints/suggestions/compliments- Th is
knowledegeable service person in activity requires well-defined procedures. It
response to the request: “What do you should be easy for customers to express
suggest?”. Effective consultation requires dissatisfaction, offer suggestions for
an understanding of each customer’s improvement, or pass on compliments.
current situation before suggesting a Likewise, service providers should be able to
suitable course of action. make an appropriate response quickly.
2. Hospitality. Hospitality-related services
should ideally reflect pleasure at meeting Restitution- Many customers expect to
new customers and getting old one when be compensated for serious performance
they return. Well-managed businesses try failures. Compensation may take the form of
to ensure that their employees treat repairs under warranty, legal settlements,
customers as guests. Courtesy and refunds, an off er of free service, or any other
consideration for customers’ needs apply form of payment-in-kind.
to both face-to-face encounters and
telephone interactions. Managerial Implications
3. Safekeeping. When customers are - Most supplementary services do (or
visiting a service site, they often want should) represent responses to customer
assistance with their personal needs.
possessions. In fact, unless certain - Any badly handled element may negatively
safekeeping services are provided, some affect customers' perception of service
customers may not visit at all. quality.
4. Exceptions. Involve supplementary - Not every core product is surrounded by
services that fall outside the routine of supplementary elements from all eight
normal service delivery. Astute petals of the Flower of Service.
businesses anticipate such exceptions and - A company's market positioning strategy
develop contingency plans and guidelines helps to determine which supplementary
in advance, Well-defined procedures services should be included.
make it easier for employees to respond - The flower of service serves as a checklist
promptly and effectively. in the search for new ways to augment
existing core products and to design new
Special Request-A customer may offerings.
request services that require a departure from - All of the elements in each petal should
normal operating procedures. Common receive the care and attention needed to
requests relate to personal needs, including meet defined service standard.
care of children, dietary requirements,
medical needs, religious observance, and Branding Service Products and
personal disabilities. Experiences

Problem Solving- Sometimes, normal Branding can be employed at both the

service delivery (or product performance) corporate and product levels by almost any
fails to run smoothly due to accidents, delay, service business. In a well-managed firm,
corporate brand is not easily recognized but
also has meaning for customers as it stands Customer experience with the company—
for a particular way of doing business. what the customer goes through when hey
Applying brand names to individual products patronize the company.
enables the firm to communicate to the target
market the distinctive experience and benefits Brand awareness—the ability to recognize
associated with a specific service concept. and recall a brand when provided with a cue.

Branding Strategies for Services Brand meaning—what comes to the

customer’s mind when a brand is mentioned.
Branded House. Used to describe a company,
that applies its brand name to multiple Brand equity—the degree of marketing
offerings in often unrelated fields. The danger advantage that a brand has over its
of such strategy is that the brand gets competitors.
overstretched and weakend.
New Service Development
Sub-Brands. The corporate or the master
brand is the main reference point, but each A Hierarchy of New Service Categories
product has a disctinctive name as well.
Style Changes. Represent the simplest type of
Endorsed Brands. The product brand innovation. Typically involving no changes in
dominates but the corporate name is still either process or performance. They are often
featured. Hotel companies use this approach. highly visible, create excitement, and may
Each brand must promise a distinctive value serve to motivate employees.
proposition targeted at a different customer
segment. Loyalty programs are often used to Service Improvements. Most common type of
encourage this. innvoation. Involves modest changes in the
performances of current products, including
House of Brands. Home to numerous brands, improvements to either the core product or to
each independent of one antoher, and each existing supplementary services. Unique
with its own audience, marketing, look and improvement that can enhance customer’s
feel. experience.

Supplementary Service Innovations. Take

the form of adding new facilitating or
Building Brand Equity. To build a strong enhancing service elements to an existing
brand, we need to understand what core service or of significantly improving an
contributes to brand equity. Brand equity is existing supplementary service.
the value premium that comes with a brand. It
is the additional amount that customers are Process Line Extensions. These are less
willing to pay for a branded service over a innovative but often represent distinctive new
similar service that has no brand. ways of delivering existing products. The
intention is either to offer a different and
Company’s presented brand—mainly through more convenient experience for existing
advertising, service facilities, and personnel. customers, or to attract new customers who
find the traditional approach unappealing.
External brand communications—from word-
of-mouth and publicity. These are outside of Product Line Extensions. These are additions
the firm’s control. to company’s current product lines. These
new services may be targeted at existing
customers to serve a broader variety of needs,
or designed to attratc new customers with
different needs (or both).

Major Process Innovations. Consist and

involve of the use of new processes to deliver
existing core product with additional benefits.

Major Service Innovations. These are new

core products for markets that have not been
previously defined. They usually include new
service characteristics as well as radical new

Reengineering Service Processes.

Reengineering involves analyzing and
redesigning processes to achieve faster and
better performance. Examination of processes
may also lead to alternative delivery methods.
Examination of procesess may also lead to
creation of alternative delivery methods that
are radically different as to constitute
entireley new service concepts.

Physical Goods as a Source of New Service

Ideas. Any new physical product has the
potentital to create a need for related
possession-processing services.

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