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The recent outbreak of the Corona virus has led some local governments to

take a stand. Among other things, dismissing schools as an effort to prevent and reduce

the spread of Corona virus. Not a few of the educational institutions that apply E-

learning or online classes to do the process of teaching and learning distance. Basically

E-learning is a system or concept of education that utilizes information technology in

teaching and learning. Implementing E-learning in the midst of the Corona virus

situation is not only beneficial to protect students from the spread of the Corona virus,

but implementing E-learning can also build self-confidence and independence from

students. In addition, another advantage of the E-learning system is that it saves time

on the learning process ,.

the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has decided to close all schools and

campuses in the DKI Jakarta provincial environment and will carry out teaching and

learning activities through distance learning methods. teaching-learning activities are

carried out by a remote method through the online system with a decision like this is

valid for two weeks, and will be reviewed again to see its development. A number of

activities that caused a crowd were also postponed until they were canceled. said DKI

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, The closure of schools and campuses was carried

out as one of the procedures to reduce interaction between residents, because the

spread of the corona virus in the capital began to be spread evenly in all regions.
The benefits and disadvantages of online learning activities are as follows:

1. All students must work on assignments and strive to achieve a standard of results

2. Students can focus more on working on assignments

3. Automatically students do not easily leave the house because they have to complete


4. Students can reduce social contact with friends and reduce the spread of viruses that

cause illness

5. Students will be more productive and deepen the lessons given by teachers /

lecturers because the environment within the home is easier to focus than the

environment outside the home

6. Students will also be closer to family and have a higher sense of kinship because of

online learning activities

7. Students are more difficult to make direct social contact with colleagues and

teachers/ lecturers and what is caused is a misunderstanding and a lack of

understanding of the material provided

8. The teacher / lecturer is not satisfied to explain the material to the students / students

because they cannot meet in person

9. Students will get a grade if they are active in the classroom / group application, if a

student has an error in internet access, the student will not get a grade

10. Everyone will feel the disruption of activities that should be run well, but this is

disturbed by the need to be active on each cellphone.

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