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Activity I: A Quick Reading Test

EDUC 514 Fool Marks: 20

Date: _______________ Your Score:


1. Before you do anything, read the whole paper thoroughly as quickly as possible.

2. Write your first name at the top-left corner of this page.

3. Write your surname at the bottom right corner of this page.

4. What error in spelling did you see in the heading of this paper? Please place a circle on that word.

5. When do you plan to complete your MPhil? [_______ year ________ months)

6. Place a tick on what you know. a) singing b) dancing c) both d) none

7. What is the latest movie you have watched? ____________________

8. Which is your favorite colour? _____________________

9. Which flower do you like most? ____________________

10. In which district are you now? ____________________

11. Place a circle around the title of this paper.

12. Write the name of the friend sitting close to you now. _________________

14. Put a box around the word written at the end of this page.

15. Which animal’s picture is there in a 500 Rs. note? ________________

16. Write today's date on the place in the heading specified for 'Date'? ___________

17. What is the singular form of 'data'? ________________

18. How do you rate yourself as a writer? Place a tick on the appropriate place in the continuum. You

may even place a tick in between two numbers. (1 very good, 2 good, 3 average, 4 below average, 5

poor) 1_____2_____3_____4_____5

19. How many instructions (items/questions) did you see in this questionnaire? ___________

20. Thanks a lot for following all the instructions sincerely. Now read the instructions in question no

1, and write answer to the instruction no 2 and 13 only and sit quietly. Don’t show your paper to

anyone else. Just look at other friends and smile at what they are doing.

Thank You!

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