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Jumat, 14 Juni 2019

Kasus Panjang: BKB SMK + HMD grade II


1. Explain how to manage apneu of prematurity?

2. Mechanism of Aminophyline vs Citric Caffeine?
3. Is there any correlation in respiratory or CNS?
4. Level of evidence?
5. Pemberian DPT?
6. Patomechanism of NEC?
7. Correlation between sepsis and NEC?
8. Prevention of NEC?
9. Probiotic for NEC?
10. Complication of parenteral nutrion?
11. What is the complication of preterm baby?


1. How to diagnose your case?

2. The problem to using antibiotic?
3. Why examine the renal function?
4. How to diagnose “susp.sepsis”?
5. Cause of sepsis?
6. First line antibiotic before culture?
7. Second line?
8. Education to parents?


1. Why HMD grade II?

2. Describe every grade?
3. RDS vs HMD?
4. The cause of HMD?
5. Risk factor for surfactant?
6. Incidence of HMD?
7. Complication of RDS/HMD?
8. In pulmonary system?
9. Corticosteroids antenatal for RDS?


1. How to Hepatitis B0 immunization?

2. If mother with HbSAg (+)?
3. When you will give the HepB vaccine?
4. Planning for growth and developmental for your case?
5. What tool(s) to monitoring develompment?
6. Use chronologic or corrected age?
7. Criteria for discharge from hospital?
8. Breast feed vs Formula?


1. Nursing care?
2. How long in incubator?
3. How long using the aminophyline?
4. When to discharge from hospital?
5. What is the indication of surfactant?
6. How to manage HMD grade II?
7. Prognosis?
8. How long using the CPAP?
9. Prophylaxis antibiotic?


1. AS 1-3-5-7, why not diagnosis with asphyxia?

2. How to make assessment gestational age in new born from pregnancy?
3. Complication of parenteral nutrition?
4. Was the patient need surfactant?
5. Management of jaundice in infant?
6. Term human milk?
7. Contraindication of enteral feeding for the newborn?

Kasus Panjang: ALL HR


1. DD/ of pale and fever with hepatosplenomegaly?

2. What kind of fever in your case?
3. HR vs SR?
4. Risk factor for ALL?
5. Prednison mechanism for chemotherapy?
6. Side effect of prednisone?
7. How to manage the side effect?
8. Complication of using cytostatic agent?

1. Why HR for your case?

2. Incidence of ALL HR?
3. What to educate the parents?
4. Education for sibling(s)?
5. Opportunic infection?
6. What is cotri?
7. How to examine spleen SII?


1. Explain DPT 3 times?

2. Is that the same vaccine with booster?
3. What to give after 7 years?
4. Why diphteria toxoid must > 7 years?
5. How to vaccine?
6. What is the purpose of arm circumference?
7. Risk for psychosocial?


1. Nutritional status?
2. How long VCR?
3. Complication of VCR?
4. Planning if there was side effect of chemotherapy?
5. Complication of ALL HR?
6. How to diagnose CNS leukemia?
7. Symptoms of CNS and treatment?
8. How to dd/ CNS leukemia and infection?
9. How to different by LCS?


1. What if the edge of liver is not sharp?

2. Pathomecanism of hepatosplenomegaly in ALL?
3. How about hepatomegaly in DHF?
4. How to prevent the side effect of bloody stool?
5. How to manage the increasing of the liver function?
6. Management of febrile neutropenia?
7. Level of evidence 2B?


1. Any correlation between case and the ages of the parents?

2. Explain the protocol for ALL in induction phase?
3. Reinduction phase?
4. For how long?
5. How to improve the prognosis dubia ad malam?
6. Food requirement with malignancy?
7. How to different lymphadenopathy by malignancy vs infection?
8. Prednisone ve methyprednisolon?

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