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he dependent variable

^ 0 “Beta zero hat,” the estimated constant term in a regression equation

0 “Beta zero,” the true constant term in a regression equation

^ 1 “Beta one hat,” an estimated regression coefficient

1 “Beta one,” a true regression coefficient

^ 2 “Beta two hat,” an estimated regression coefficient

2 “Beta two,” a true regression coefficient

^ 3 “Beta three hat,” an estimated regression coefficient

3 “Beta three,” a true regression coefficient

^ 4 “Beta four hat,” an estimated regression coefficient

4 “Beta four,” a true regression coefficient

R2 “R squared,” the coefficient of determination

R2_ “R bar squared,” the R-squared adjusted for degrees of freedom
Y_ “Y bar,” the mean of the dependent variable
X_ “X bar,” the mean of an independent variable X

 “Epsilon,” the error term

 “Rho,” the correlation coefficient

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