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under sampling-thulo lai ghatayo vaney

over sampling-sano lai badayo vaney

why accuracy is a misleading matrix?
3*3 or above confusion matrix
back propagation
dereivation of activation function(Relu, tanh, sigmoid, adam(concept only))
vanishing gradient descent and exploding gradient descent

Lecture 1

Idea about what is AI

What is weak and strong ai
Idea about what is machine learning
Idea about turing test

The definition of ai in terms of thinking,perception and action
Decision Tree and its algorithm i.e explain the decision tree process
Create a decision tree using entropy and information gain
Regression vs Classification problem
Linear Regression

Lecture 2

Idea about what data mining is and its limitations

Must know

What is entropy, information gain

Entropy vs Gini. which is better
Advantage of Decision Tree and Limitations/issues
Overfitting and Underfitting
How to avoid overfitting in decision tree
Confusion Matrix and why to use it rather than accuracy
Recall Precision and F1 Score
Know one example too. So that you can explain in theory

Don’t forget to practice creating a decision tree using both entropy and gini

Lecture 3

Idea about supervised and unsupervised learning

Must Know
What is Regression
Error Function and why we need them
Absolute error and squared Error

Create a Simple Linear Regression model and evaluated the model with r^2
Logistic Regression and know the sigmoid formula

Lecture 4

Idea about how the neural network was inspired from the brain but also its
differences from the brain

Must Know
What is neural network
Feed forward neural network with and example

Partial derivative and chain rule
Activation function and their domain
Advantage and limitation of each activation function i.e dying sigmod, explosive
relu and so on.
Matrix math i.e addition,sub,multi
What are Tensors with example
What are vectors and how are they different from matrics
Transposition of Matrices

Lecture 5

Understand how the neural networks learn

Learn Computation Graph Very Important
The whole presentation slide is important check through once

//All theory i guess. Idea about all so that you can explain in the exam
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8

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