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 Early developments in apheresis

began when Dr. Edwin J. Cohn
devised a method, based on a
dairy centrifuge (Cohn
 Cohn centrifuge: Purification
of albumin from pooled
human plasma
 Apheresis consists of
withdrawing a small volume of
whole blood from a donor or
patient and separating into its
component for therapeutic
purposes (therapeutic apheresis)
 Apheresis: 1 or more
components are collected and
retained; remaining
components are recombined
and returned; you will only get
what is needed

 Platelets, RBCs, or WBCs can be

removed (or collected) using
apheresis technology

 Modern apheresis instruments
utilize a computerized control
panel, allowing the operator to
select the desired component to
 Can be performed on the donor be collected or removed
to collect specific blood  By manipulating the variables on
component (donor apheresis) an apheresis instrument, the
 Can be performed on the patient operator can harvest plasma,
to remove particular blood platelets, WBCs, or RBCs
TWO COMMON METHODS OF  Collection of each apheresis
CENTRIFUGATION blood carries with it different
 Intermittent Flow Centrifugation deferral period
(IFC)  Written informed consent must be
 Blood component is obtained from the donor
processed in batches or  Must include the statements
cycles of risk
 Continuous Flow Centrifugation
 Blood withdrawal, processing, ERYTHROCYTES)
and reinfusion are performed  Typically collected as a double
simultaneously in an unit
“ongoing manner”  Designation: 2BC or double
RBC procedure
MEMBRANE FILTRATION  Clinical advantage
 Membrane separators are  Reduced donor exposure
typically composed of bundles of for the recipient (the
hollow fibers or that plate patient can receive two
membranes with specific pore units from the same
sizes individual)
 Pores can be sized (whether
small or large) to prevent the PLASMA
passage of even small cellular  Plasmapheresis: collection of
elements during plasma plasma by apheresis
collection  Each apheresis unit (“jumbo
plasma”) is the volume
COMPONENT COLLECTION equivalent of at least 2 whole
 A qualified, licensed physician blood-derived plasma units
must be responsible for all  Varied purposes
aspects of the apheresis program  Augment the inventory of
fresh frozen plasma (FFP) of
a particular ABO group
 Prepare immune globulin
 Further manufacturing into
products, such as intravenous
immune globulin (IVIG),
hepatitis immune globulin,
and RhIg
 For donor purposes, collection
divided into frequent and
infrequent plasmapheresis

PLATELETS (plateletpheresis)
 Platelet count must be at least
150,000/uL to provide adequate
platelet collection and for donor  Can be irradiated to prevent
to safely undergo collection transfusion-associated graft vs
procedure host disease
 Apheresis platelets provide the  Use of oral corticosteroids to
equivalent of 6 to 8 units of mobilized marginal pool
random-donor platelets granulocytes and increase
 Routine plateletpheresis circulating cells
procedure typically takes 45-90  Granulocytes follow the same
minutes compatibility rules as red blood
 Plateletpheresis collections cells
should not be performed on  Donor must be ABO and Rh
potential donors taking compatible with the recipient
antiplatelet medications like (patient)
aspirin (2 days before donating  Unit must be crossmatch
blood; it is a type of anti-platelet compatible with the recipient
 Platelet count will decrease by THERAPEUTIC APHERESIS (TA)
30% to 60%  The rationale is based on:
 May donate every 7 days up to  A pathogenic substance exist
24 times a year in the blood contributes to a
disease process or its
 Patients who are most likely to  Substance can be more
benefit from granulocyte effectively removed by
transfusions apheresis rather than the
 Patients with fever body’s own mechanism
 Neutrophil counts <500/uL  The TA procedure is classified
 Septicemia according to the blood
 Bacterial infection component removed
unresponsive to antibiotics  Cytapheresis procedures
 Reversible bone marrow  Selectively removed
hypoplasia RBCs, WBCs, or platelets
 Reasonable chance of  Plasmapheresis procedures
survival  Used to remove plasma
 Neonatal neutrophils who when the pathological
have impaired function substance is found in the
 Newborn infants may develop circulation
overwhelming infection with
neutropenia because of their THERAPEUTIC PLASMA EXCHANGE
limited bone marrow reserve for (TPE) / PLASMAPHERESIS
neutrophil production  The removal and retention of all
 Granulocyte components should the plasma, with return of all
be administered as soon as cellular components
possible, and within 24 hours of  To remove an offending agent in
collection the plasma
 To replace a normal factor or ERYHTROCYTAPHERESIS (RED
substance that may be missing or CELL EXCHANGE)
deficient in the patient’s plasma  Most commonly performed to
 Factors removed by therapeutic reduced the complication of
plasmapheresis sickle cell disease in order to
 Immune complexes (e.g. reduce hemoglobin S-containing
systemic lupus RBCs
erythematosus)  Donor RBCs selected for
 Alloantibodies: Ab that targets transfusion should be ABO and
Ag not present on the patient Rh compatible
RC (e.g. Ab-mediated  Removes a large number of
transplant rejection) RBCs from the patient and
 Autoantibodies: Ab that returns the patient’s plasma and
targets Ag present on the platelets with compatible
patient RC (e.g. Goodpasture allogeneic donor RBCs
syndrome and Guillain-Barre  Therapeutic goal: decrease the
syndrome) level of hemoglobin S to less than
 Immunoglobulins causing 30%
hyperviscosity (e.g.
macroglobulinemia  Most common replacement fluid
 Protein-bound toxins or drugs for TPE: human serum albumin
(e.g. barbiturate poisoning) (HSA) as a 5% solution
 Lipoproteins  In therapeutic plasmapheresis,
 Phytanic acid large volumes of the patient’s
plasma are retained
LEUKAPHERESIS  Reserved for treatment of TTP
 Used to treat patients with  Replacement is necessary to
hyperleukocytosis/leukostasis maintain appropriate
 WBC or circulating blasts intravascular volume and oncotic
count greater than 100,000/uL pressure
 Complications associated with  Fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
leukostasis contains all the constituents of
 Risk for organ dysfunction the removed plasma and thus,
from microthrombi in the would appear to be the optimal
pulmonary and cerebral replacement fluid for TPE
microvasculature procedures
 The prediction of required  However, the use of FFP is
blood volume is difficult not without risk and additive
 More common in patients with effects that might contribute to
acute myeloid leukemia (AML) citrate toxicity and
 Use of a red cell sedimenting sensitization to plasma
agent, such as HES, may be of proteins
benefit during the procedure  For patients with TTP who do not
respond in a timely manner to
replacement with FFP
 Alternative: Cryoprecipitate-  Rare fatalities during therapeutic
reduced plasma (can also be apheresis procedures have been
used by patients with liver reported
disease)  Most cause by: circulatory (e.g.
cardiac arrest and arrhythmia) or
respiratory complications (e.g.
SPECIAL PROCEDURES acute pulmonary edema or
 New technology has allowed the respiratory distress syndrome)
collection of very specialized  FFP is recommended only in
components, as well as the cases of TTP or hemolytic uremic
removal of specific plasma syndrome
constituents  NOTE: There is a possibility
[1] Hematopoietic progenitor cells of disease transmission
(peripheral blood stem cells)
 Can be collected by apheresis
from autologous or allogenic TRANSFUSION THERAPY
donor  Used to primarily to treat two
 Found in the upper portion of conditions
buffy coat during  Inadequate oxygen-carrying
centrifugation capacity (due to anemia or
[2] Immunoadsorption or selective blood loss)
absorption  Insufficient coagulation
 Method in which a specific proteins or platelets to provide
ligand is bound to an insoluble adequate hemostasis
matrix in a column or filter
[3] Photopheresis Table 15-1
 Utilizes leukapheresis to Blood components and plasma
collect buffy coat layer from derivatives
whole blood
 Has subsequently been used WHOLE BLOOD
to treat acute and chronic graft  Used to replace the loss of both
vs host disease, solid organ RBC mass and plasma volume
transplant rejection, and  Contains RBC and plasma
selected immunologically  Rapidly bleeding patients can
mediated disease receive whole blood, although
most commonly RBCs and
ADVERSE EFFECTS OF APHERESIS plasma are used and are equally
 Citrate toxicity effective clinically
 Vascular access difficulties  For a 70-kg (155-lb) adult, each
 Vasovagal reactions unit of whole blood should
 Hypovolemia increase the hematocrit level
 Allergic reactions 3% or hemoglobin 1 g/dL
 Hemolysis  After transfusion, the increase
may not be apparent until 48-
 FATALITIES 72 hours when the patient’s
blood volume adjust to normal
 Severe chronic anemia: a  Leukocyte content must be
definite contraindication reduced to less than 5 x 106 by
 Reduced amount of RBCs but use of leukocyte reduction filters
compensated by increasing  Used to reduce HLA
plasma volume to restore total alloimmunization, CMV
blood volume transmission, febrile
nonhemolytic transfusion reaction
 Indicated for increasing the RBC
mass in patients who require
increased oxygen-carrying
 Considerations
 Pulse rate: >100 beats/min
 Respiration rate: >30
 May experience dizziness
during RBC transfusion (FNHTR), TA-GVHD, and
therapy transfusion-related immune
 Weakness suppression
 Angina (chest pain)
 Difficulty in thinking
 RBCs should not be used to WASHED AND FROZEN /
treat nutritional anemia, such as DEGLYCEROLIZED RBCs
iron deficiency or pernicious  Washed RBCs: used for rare
anemia, unless the patients patients who has moderate to
shows signs of decompensation severe allergic transfusion
 RBC transfusion is not to be reactions, and those who has
used: anti-IgA Ab (due to IgA
 to enhance general well-being deficiencies)
 promote wound healing  May be used with patients who
 prevent infection have anaphylactic transfusion
 expand the blood volume reactions to ordinary units of
when oxygen-carrying RBCs
capacity is adequate  The washing process removes
 to prevent future anemia plasma proteins, the cause of
 no set hemoglobin levels most allergic reactions
indicate a need for  Freezing RBCs allows the long-
transfusion term storage of rare blood donor
 Critical level: 6 g/dL or less units, autologous units, and units
for special purposes (e.g.
LEUKOCYTE-REDUCED RBCs intrauterine transfusion)

 Plateletpheresis components are  Includes fresh frozen plasma,
prepared from one donor and plasma 24 (frozen within 24
must contain a minimum of 3 x hours) and thawed plasma
1011 platelets  Plasma and plasma 24 contain all
 Bacterial testing is required in coagulation factors
each platelet product  Thawed plasma after 5-day
 Indicate for patients with storage has less factor V and
thrombocytopenia or abnormally VIII (labile factors) but is still
functioning platelets therapeutic
 Given if the patient is actively
bleeding or if time is not available
for warfarin reversal before
 Product of choice for patients
with multiple factor deficiency,
hemorrhage, or impeding
surgery: plasma (not a
concentrate; volume overload
may be a serious complication of
transfusion; should be ABO
compatible with recipient’s RBC)
 Rh type can be disregarded


 Criteria have been developed to  Used primarily for fibrinogen
identify patients who are most replacement
likely to benefit from granulocyte  Was used as a source for fibrin
transfusion sealant, which uses
 Fever cryoprecipitate as the source of
 Neutrophil count: <500/uL fibrinogen
 Septicemia or bacterial  AABB requirements for fibrinogen
infection unresponsive to content: 150 mg of fibrinogen and
antibiotics 80 units of Factor VIII/unit
 Reversible bone marrow  Cryoprecipitate was originally
hypoplasia prepared as a source of factor
 Reasonable chance of VIII
survival  No longer considered as the
product of choice for factor VIII
PLASMA deficiency or von Willebrand’s
 Used in treatment of single and disease
multiple coagulation deficiencies,  Mild or moderate factor VIII
vitamin K deficiency or warfarin deficiency now treated with
overdose, liver disease or failure, desmopressin acetate
and treatment of DIC  Cryoprecipitate was used to treat
patients with von Willebrand’s
disease, a deficiency of vWF
 Accelerates the binding and
FACTOR VIII inactivation of thrombin by
 Treated by different methods to anti-thrombin
ensure sterility for  Protein C and protein S are
 HIV vitamin K-dependent proteins
 Hepatitis B virus synthesized in the liver
 Hepatitis C virus  Protein C: cofactor for
 Patients with hemophilia A or activated protein C (which in
factor VIII deficiency are treated turn inactivates factors V and
with factor VIII VIII, preventing thrombus
 Only factor VIII products labeled formation)
as containing vWF should be
used for patients with von ALBUMIN
Willebrand’s disorder  Used in patients requiring volume
 Used as a replacement fluid in
 Used as treatment of burn
 Prepared by chemical and
physical fractionation of pooled
 Available as a 5% or a 25%
solution, of which 96% of the
protein content is albumin

 Used for patients with congenital
FACTOR IX hypogammaglobulinemia and
 It is recommend for factor IX- those who are exposed to
deficient patients (hemophilia B), hepatitis A or measles
patients with factor VII or X  Immune globulin prepared from
deficiency (rare), and selected pooled plasma is primarily IgG
patients with factor VIII inhibitors  Rh immune globulin (RhIG) was
 FIX complex (prothrombin developed to protect the Rh-
complex) is prepared from negative female who is pregnant
pooled plasma or who delivers an Rh-positive
 Antithrombin BLOOD COMPONENTS (RBCs or
 Type of protease inhibitor with platelets)
activity towards thrombin  Goal: fewer than 5 x 10 6
 Heparin leukocyte remaining in the RBC
 Used to prevent FNHTR, prevent  Common after allogenic bone
or delay the development of HLA marrow or hematopoietic
Ab, and reduce the risk of CMV progenitor cell transplantation,
transmission GVHD is a syndrome affecting
 Leukocyte-reduction filters are mainly skin, liver, and gut
designed to remove more than  Irradiation doses range from
99.9% of leukocytes from RBCs 2,500 to 5,000 cGy, with the
and platelet products higher doses being
 Leukocyte-reduced RBCs and  Irradiation: more effective but
platelets can be used to more damaging to RBCs
 Immunocompetent patients have
COMPONENTS receiving non-irradiated blood
 Risk is greatest for components from a directed
 CMV negative pregnant donation (first-degree relatives)
 Negative bone marrow SCHEDULE, TYPE AND SCREEN
 HPC transplant recipients  Disadvantages of crossmatching
 Premature infants weighing for procedures with a low
<1200g likelihood of requiring transfusion
 CMV-negative or leukocyte-  Increases the number of
reduced components are crossmatches performed
indicated for recipients who are  Increases the amount of blood
CMV-negative and at risk for inventory in reserve and
severe sequelae of CMV unavailable for transfusion
infections  Contributes to aging and
 Risk is greatest for possible outdating of
 Blood components are irradiated SCREEN
with gamma radiation to  Potential for more economic
prevent graft versus host transfusion service (due to
disease (GVHD), as in these decreased blood inventory
conditions requirements)
 Transfusion or transplantation  Decreased reagents needed
of immunocompetent T  More efficient use of technologist
lymphocytes time
 Histocompatibility differences
between the graft and
 Immunocompromised
more than 20% of their blood
 Homologous transfusion:  Female of childbearing potential
Infusion of blood from another  Group O-negative RBC
 1 type of autologous transfusion MASSIVE TRANSFUSION
 Pre-deposit of blood by the  Replacement of 1 or more blood
patient: collected by a regular volume, or about 10 units within
donation procedure; blood 24 hours (applicable for adults)
can be stored as liquid (for
longer storage; frozen)
 Donation of blood by the intended
 Reduces the possibility of  The aliquot must be labeled
transfusion reaction or clearly with the name and
transmission of infectious disease identifying numbers of the
 Another type of autologous patient and donor
transfusion, intraoperative  Premature infants frequently
hemodilution, is the collection of require transfusion of small
1 or 2 units of blood from the amounts of RBCs to replace the
patients just before a surgical blood drawn for laboratory tests
procedure, replacing the removed and to treat anemia of
blood volume with crystalloid or prematurity
colloid solution  Blood must be fully tested as
done for adults
EMERGENCY TRANSFUSION  Preferred: <7 days old blood
 Group O RBCs (universal donor units
for red cell) are selected for  to reduce the risk of
patients for whom transfusion hyperkalemia
cannot wait until their ABO and  to maximize the 2,3-
Rh type can be determined diphosphoglycerate levels
 Used in patients who are rapidly  CMV-seronegative or leukocyte
or uncontrollably bleeding, losing reduced is used to prevent CMV
 Irradiation of the blood is
recommended to prevent
possible TA-GVHD when blood is
used for intrauterine transfusion,
for an exchange transfusion, or
for transfusion of a premature
(less than 1,200 g) neonate

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