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A Quick Mental, Physical, and Sexual Tune-Up



1. Just Say No

Committing to things we don't want to do, let alone have to do, saps happiness. Strive to understand
that it's OK to say, "Thanks, but I can't work the benefit," to your PTA president. Remember, when you
don't give in to guilt, you are then fully available to others without resentment or anger.

2. Mind-Body Connection

When you exercise and your heart begins to pound, your body releases endorphins, which leads to an
increased feeling of happiness. So whether you're training for a marathon or sharing a dance, you'll
sleep better, feel better and look better, too.

3. Buy Good Memories

Money can't buy happiness. But one thing it can do is purchase memorable experiences. Think about
what would make you happier: lunches out daily or saving that cash for a night at the theater or even a
family vacation in the Caribbean?

4. Hold Onto It

Every day, find a way to appreciate three to five things that made you happy. They can be big or little:
From a great meal or landing a promotion to an unexpected smile. Write it down in a journal, take
photos or videos, or save mementos in a scrapbook. The key is to keep your feelings fresh.

5. Let It Go

It's true that negative emotions are natural. But that doesn't mean you have to carry them around. The
tighter you hold onto negative feelings, the longer and harder it's going to be to let go of them in the

6. Spread Your Light

One key ingredient to happiness is social relations. When we're sharing our attentions--opening a door
for a stranger, passing out homemade cookies at the office or volunteering with the needy--it's among
the most powerful of happiness boosters.

7. Seize the Day

What if I don't get promoted? What if we split up? Over-worrying about the future is another way of
avoiding the Here and Now. Consequently, we fail to savor and enjoy the potential joy that is all
around us. Stop and enjoy the daisies.

8. Accept What You Cannot Change

Traffic jams and spilled milk: Sometimes, there's nothing you can do. Strive to distinguish between
things, events and people you can change, and those you have no control over. Rather than fume or
argue, accept and move on.
9. Don't Put Off Relaxing

Most people schedule their day around what they have to do. Meanwhile, the very things that give us
joy are at the bottom of our to-do lists. The good news is that experiencing pleasure does not have to
come at the expense of fulfilling our responsibilities. You can have both.

10. Value Your Free Time

One common mistake people make is to fill their free time with passive hedonism. At the end of a hard
day, we veg out in front of the TV, or turn to nicotine or alcohol to relax. Little wonder we're too tired
to do anything stimulating or challenging. Instead, seek out hobbies or other activities you enjoy and
care about.

1. Start a Journal

Everyone has four dimensions: body, mind, heart and spirit. We’ll focus on each of these in turn, but to
begin we’ll work with your heart and emotional intelligence. Working on our emotional intelligence,
specifically our self-awareness, is the key to all the other intelligences. Without self-awareness there
can be no growth. With that in mind, you will start a journal. Start your journal by writing down three
assumptions you have about the way things are done at work or at home. Then think about why you
have those assumptions and how you can make a change.

2. Visit Your Doctor

Dedicate today to your Physical Intelligence. The body is the instrument of the mind, heart and spirit.
Think about how you can improve your rest, relaxation and stress management. Stress is not something
to fear. There is more than one kind of stress: One comes from hating your work, the other comes from
the tension between where you are and where you want to be. Avoiding the first and embracing the
second actually leads to a stronger immune system and longevity. You should see a doctor at least once
a year so that any emerging health problems can be dealt with wisely and quickly.

3. Empathize With Others

Devote today to your Emotional Intelligence. Focus especially on empathy. When you talk to people
today, make sure that you seek to understand first and be understood second. Approach them without
concentrating on what you will say, but on what they’re saying in that moment. When in conversation,
repeat the key words or phrase that you’re hearing back to the speaker. By doing so you’ll give
whoever you’re talking with a sense that you definitely understand them. Make your own points within
that context. Use your companion’s own words to frame your ideas. By showing and restating your
ideas with that point of view, you gain credibility.

4. Make and Keep a Promise

Today, focus on your Spiritual Intelligence through your integrity. One of the simplest ways to develop
integrity is to make a promise and then keep it. Start small with something that may seem simple to
others but requires a little effort on your part. It could be something as small as avoiding a dessert or
reading one chapter of a book a day. Then keep that promise. From that toehold, continue onward with
bigger and bigger promises. Be firm about keeping these promises. Write down in your journal one
promise to yourself or to another and then keep it, no matter what.

5. Turn Off the TV

Think about small things you can do that will help you improve your four intelligences. Write them
down in your online journal. Turning off the television is a great avenue for change. Using some of this
time to develop yourself is ultimately more fulfilling. Reduce the revised project description to five
bullet points and put it on a 5-by-7-inch index card. When doing the project refer back to the card.
Make a promise to yourself today to turn off the television for one hour and use that time to read
(mental intelligence), exercise (physical intelligence), connect with friends and family (emotional
intelligence), or listen closely and quietly to your conscience (spiritual intelligence).
6. Imagine Someone's Listening

We’re all connected in some way and that requires trustworthiness. To be trustworthy we must be
aware of how what we say and do can adversely affect the world around us. All day today, spak as if
everything you say about another can be overheard. In this way, you’ll engage your heart and
emotional intelligence. Tonight, write in your journal something you've said in the past that you
wouldn't want someone else to hear. Then write what you would like to say instead. This will relieve
your conscience to some extent and give you a stronger voice for the future.

7. Have a Plan

Making daily to-do lists only causes you to focus on what’s screaming the most at you. To do the
things that are the most important to you, you have to plan differently. In your journal, write down a
sentence about what matters the most to you. Whatever that thing is, it is your highest priority and you
will be most fulfilled by fulfilling some part of it daily. Follow through by picking out goals for this
governing value. During weekly planning, sort through your prioritized goals, selecting those that
would best achieve your values on a realistic schedule.

A more restful night of sleep will give you more energy, help you lose weight and make you look
younger. Here are twelve tips to improve your sleep.

1. Get Cool

Sleep in a cool environment. The ideal sleeping temperature is between 65 and 72 degrees. A mild drop
in body temperature often induces sleep, which is why lying in a cool bed after a hot bath is so

2. Reduce Your Anxiety

- Hide illuminated clocks from view to avoid clock-watching.

- Avoid eating within three hours of bedtime.
- Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine can exacerbate anxiety. Avoid these before bedtime.

3. Consider Possible Allergies

Look at pillows, sheets, fabric softeners and detergents, pets in the bed, dust, mold, perfume and so on,
that can affect the bedroom environment. All of these can cause congestion, which can worsen snoring.

4. Watch the Caffeine

Get in tune with how your body responds to caffeine and make adjustments so that it's less likely to
disrupt your sleep. Some people can drink several cups of coffee, tea or soft drinks within an hour of
sleep and notice no effects, whereas others may feel stimulating effects after one cup.

5. Make Some Noise

Use a white noise machine or CD that is soothing to you. A cheaper alternative is to set the tuner of
your FM radio between any two stations. The pseudo white noise you'll hear will do wonders to mask
unwanted sounds. Ceiling fans or stand-alone fans can also provide a constant hum that can be sleep-

6. Let Each Other Sleep

Find your sleep schedule. With different work hours, social schedules and general lifestyles, couples
typically need to go to bed and wake up at different times on different days. The trick is to maintain
separate bedtimes and waking schedules without either one disturbing the other's sleep.

7. Prepare to Sleep

Relax before bedtime. Stress not only makes you miserable, it wreaks havoc on your sleep. Develop
some kind of pre-sleep ritual like reading, light stretching or taking a hot bath to break the connection
between all the day's stress and bedtime. These rituals can be as short as 10 minutes.
8. Make It Dark

Cover your windows. Consider blackout shades or heavy drapes -- these can also dampen sounds. Don't
forget to use a drape clip, which will securely close the two sides of the drapery. (Start out by using a
"chip clip," which works just as well.)

9. Rest Your Head

Buy a new pillow. If every night you scrunch up your pillow and fold it in half like a neck-roll just to
get it to fit comfortably underneath your head, you're in dire need of a new pillow. If your pillow is
dirty, stained, torn or if it smells bad, you also need a new bed pillow.

10 .Set the Mood

Keep high-wattage lights away from the bedroom. Install low-wattage lights anywhere near the bed or
add dimmers to all the switches and set the mood for sleep two to three hours before you retire.

11. Take a Nap

The 20-minute power nap has been talked about for years, but napping doesn't have to be so confined.
You can gain a lot of benefits from as little as five minutes, and as much as two or more hours (but,
please, no more than three). If you have real trouble sleeping at night, though, it's a no-napping policy
during the day.

12. Evaluate the Mattress and Pillow

Test your mattress. If it hasn't been turned (rotated if it's a pillow top mattress) in a year, do it now. If
it's older than seven years, it's time to buy a new one.

If your pillow is de-poofed, yellow, or smelly, get a new pillow. There are many designs and firmness
levels to chose from, so do some research and perform hands-on testing at the store.

1. Forget About It?

Many people first start to worry about their memory in their golden years, but an agile mind is
important at any age. Here are 10 steps to boost your brainpower.

2. Use It or Lose It

Your brain is a muscle. Doing puzzles, reading and playing cards or games all exercise your brain
strength and build self-confidence. Also, try teaching what you know to others. It's a great way to
enhance your recollections--and bond with younger people.

3. Have a Laugh

Humor goes a long way toward memory improvement. Think of a joke, humorous phrase or silly song
and attach it to whatever you need to remember, such as picking up the dry cleaning or shopping for
groceries. You'll not only have a laugh, but you'll relax more and stay positive.

4. Grab a Crutch

There are so many wireless devices these days that help you remember: cell phones, PalmPilots, MP3
players. These modern conveniences can guide you through your day, allow you to plan ahead and free
up space in your mind.

5. Get Organized

Find a central location-- or "memory spot"--to place all the things you use every day, such as keys,
wallet, purse and cell phones. If you make lists, always keep them all in one place; they can't help you
if you can't find them.

6. Stay Positive

If you think that you have a poor memory, you might convince yourself into that being the case.
Instead, think positively about your memory. And don't panic if you can't immediately recall
something. Take the time to let it come to you.

7. Pay Attention

Life can sometime be chaotic but try to be attentive to what's going on around you. "I forgot" is often
just another way of saying, "I wasn't paying attention."

8. Link Memories

When you have difficulty remembering something, try to reconstruct the time and place associated with
that memory. If you want to recall what you got for your birthday last year, for example, picture where
you were, what you were wearing and the people around you.
9. Focus on Your Strengths

Challenge your brain by learning something new, but do it in a way that plays to your strengths.
Mnemonics, or the art of memorization, is affected by our learning style: visual, auditory, kinesthetic.
Understanding is essential to learning and remembering.

1. Ditch The Fad Diets

Throw away the diet books and calorie counters. If you've signed on to a diet program based on a
weight loss myth, it's time to sign off. Commit to a new way of eating by focusing on whole foods,
fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats.

2. Learn To Satisfy Your Resting Metabolic Rate

That's the number of calories you need per day. Here's how: Take your weight in pounds and multiply
it by 10. (If you weigh 150 lbs., your resting metabolic rate is 1500 calories.) Don't fall victim to the
starvation myth. Make sure you eat at least your metabolic rate in calories each day.

3. Learn To Love Labels

Learn what a serving really is. Search for fake fats and processed sugars. A Nutrition Facts Panel is
located on nearly every packaged food you buy.

4. Shop To Balance Your Meals

Plan a week's worth of meals to include the right combination of protein, fiber, good carbohydrates and
good fat in each meal. Think color!

5. Eat Breakfast

You can mix plain, nonfat yogurt with fresh berries or chopped seasonal fruit and a handful of raw nuts
or whole grain cereal for a filling and delicious meal on the go. And consider adding eggs, which
fortified with Omega-3 fats, to your morning routine.

6. Research Restaurants.

Find places in your area that specialize in local, seasonal ingredients as well as produce, fish, lean
poultry and other healthy options not dripping with butter or processed oils.

7. Practice Moderation

Learn to decline respectfully foods you know aren't good for you. When eating out, be prepared to ask
for substitutions: steamed vegetables or mixed greens instead of fries; olive oil instead of butter; water
instead of soft drinks; fresh lemon instead of a creamy sauce on your chicken or fish; vegetable crudites
instead of dinner rolls.

8. Research New Recipes

Explore ways to incorporate different fresh ingredients into your cooking.


1. Eliminate Toxins and Stress

There is a connection between what you eat, how you live life and how you feel. For example, our
immune system fights stress and toxins created by our environment and diet. When this system is
overwhelmed, it can damage our metabolism and lead to weight gain and certain diseases.

2. Get Rid of Bad Foods

Cool inflammation by quitting toxic foods and eating an allergy-free diet for just seven days. Avoid
foods with refined sugar and flour, trans-fats, hormones and pesticides, as well as gluten, dairy, eggs,
corn and yeast.

3. Add Good Foods

Your body thrives on whole foods -- fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains and beans, nuts and seeds
and lean animal proteins. It's that simple! Organics have higher levels of nutrients along with weight-
and disease-fighting chemicals called phytonutrients.

4. Detoxify

The phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals in vegetable broth will help keep your body pH balanced,
and boost detoxification. Flax seeds, fiber, magnesium citrate and vitamin C can keep your bowels
clear and prevent toxins from getting absorbed back into your body.

5. Cool Inflammation

Reduce inflammation with a low allergy protein shake made with berries and omega-3 fat-containing
flax and borage oil. For the protein powder, go to your local health food store and ask for one with rice

6. Relax

While you can't entirely eliminate stress, you can try a wonderful antidote. Draw a hot bath and
sprinkle in Epsom salt, baking soda and lavender oil to help lower stress hormone levels. Soak for 20
minutes before bed.

7. Reflect

Take time each day to reflect on what works and what doesn't in your life. Notice how changing your
diet and lifestyle for just one week makes you feel. Now write it down and connect the dots between
your diet, your behavior and how you feel.

8. Enhance Your Success

Adding a few supplements daily can boost your results. Seek out a good multivitamin, omega-3 fish oil
capsule, calcium/magnesium/vitamin D3 combo and a probiotic. Combine that with 30 minutes of
walking or some simple relaxation exercises.
9. Make the Changes Permanent

Continue eating whole foods, avoid processed foods and other toxins, and make a habit out of relaxing
and reflecting. You can gradually add gluten, dairy, yeast, eggs and corn, but pay attention to which
foods cause you problems and avoid them for good.

1. Logging On

There are so many questions people ask when they begin dating online. The first one is probably
whether or not they should do it at all. But once you've decided to take the plunge, you start wondering
how to write an appealing profile and how to go about finding people you'll like. Here are some tips.

2. Spice Up That Profile

People tend to write in generalities in online profiles. But playing it safe can be boring--rather than
using a phrase like 'I love travel' it's much better to say, 'My kind of vacation is backpacking in the
Chilean Patagonia.' It offers a clearer picture of yourself.

3. Instant Icebreakers

Put comments in your profile that tempt the reader to write to you. To write, 'I like movies' is not that
inviting. To write, 'Ask me how many times I've seen 'Caddyshack', begs a question. Everyone is
nervous about making that first contact, so a built-in icebreaker will warm people up to you.

4. It's OK to Show Off

Your profile is not the place to air your weaknesses. Just like on a resume, you don't put the things you
did wrong, you show off your strengths. Your profile is a marketing tool. You can always preface with
'I've been told that I'm ... ' or 'My friends call me ... '

5. It's Not That Serious

Relationships are about having fun, so make your profile playful. Remember when new friends would
ask your mom if you could come out and play? That's essentially what someone is doing when they
contact you online. If you sound like you know how to play, you'll get a lot more play.

6. Smile Pretty

Like it or not, the photo is 90 percent of what most people look at to decide if they will want to meet
you. So don't just cut your date out of the photo from the last wedding you attended. Do a home photo
shoot. Get a good friend, a bottle of wine and some hot outfits and try out your chance to be a super-

7. Saucy Messaging

IM, text messages and e-mails help you flirt with your guy if, and only if, you do it correctly. Be
yourself, be creative and make sure your online persona parallels your offline personality. Be careful
about setting up false expectations.

8. Demand the Goods

If you're concerned about the person's looks, you should feel completely comfortable asking for online
pictures. You can absolutely feel free to be more forthcoming about sharing some photos of your own
and asking to see more of theirs.

9. Hyper Typers

Unleash your sexiest self online only if you can deliver offline. Flirty messages whet a man's appetite
for in-person contact. Before you hit send, ask yourself: "Is this something I'd say if we were in the
same room?" Remember: pictures, naughty e- mails and texts are permanent and forwardable.

10. The Buddy System

A lot of dating doozies can shift from potential partners to great friends. When you responded to each
other's online profiles, you confirmed that you have similar interests. If you both ride bikes, for
example, you can train together for a race.

11. Explore the Options

The Internet is a great way to meet people, but it's certainly not the only way. In addition to surfing the
Web, you should go to bars with friends and talk to family and friends about blind dates and try to have
them set up dates for you.

Do You Know How to Mingle Like a Pro? The following article will test your knowledge on the "do's
and don't's" of navigating different social situations. How would you handle the following icebreakers?

1. The Nice Approach

The line: "Pardon me, you all seem like such nice people. Do you mind if I join you?"

Should you use it? The 'Nice' Verdict This one may seem to be a possibility but the answer is No: You
can't possibly know these people are nice since you haven't talked to them yet; the comment will seem
insincere. Second, it's wimpy. A wit in the group may shoot you down with "Well, you're wrong. We're
a terrible lot -- you don't want to associate with us."

2. Clothing Talk

Opening line: "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but noticing your beautiful dress [or suit]. I love it!
Where did you get it?"

Should you use it? The 'Clothing' Verdict No: Remember, we are talking about an opening line. The
main thing about flattery is that it's often better not to use it than to risk going overboard. It's too
personal to open with this kind of remark with someone you've never met before. After you've talked
to the person for a while, then you can use this line.

3. Accessory Speak

The line: "Wow! Those are the most fabulous earrings!"

Should you use it? The 'Accessory' Verdict Yes: It's much more appropriate to comment on someone's
accessories. It's a tribute to taste without being too personal. This is also a smart opening because you
can follow it up by asking where the person got the earrings and, depending on her answer, you can get
a good five or 10 minutes' conversation out of it.

4. The 'In' Crowd

The line: C "Hi," (speaking softly). Do you mind if I talk to you guys? I don't want to sound mean, but
you're FD the only people here who seem at all interesting."

Should you use it? The 'In' Crowd Verdict No: Even if you aren't overheard, it's a bad idea for two
reasons: The people you are addressing may be good friends of other people at the party and may
therefore be insulted, and it's simply too negative a comment for most people to accept as a

5. The Work Approach

The line: "Well! Do you mind if I join this illustrious circle of high-powered shakers and movers?

Should you use it? The 'Work' Verdict Yes AND No: If the group is made up of business peers, this is a
fine, lighthearted piece of flattery. However, if the circle is of a higher professional level than you, then
this is a bad idea. Such a group must be entered carefully to not draw attention to the fact that one of
the lower echelon has had the audacity to join it.

6. Workout Lines

The line: "Excuse me, but from the looks of you, you must really work out a lot."

Should you use it? The 'Workout' Verdict DEFINITELY NOT. Not only will this be taken as a blatant
come-on, but it's also way too strong, too personal and too gushy. Gushing is never a good idea unless
you already know the person, and even then it's iffy.

7. Joining the Fun Group

The line: "Hello. I heard the laughter from across the room. Since at least one of you must be either
very funny or very happy, I decided I'd come over and see if it might rub off on me."

Should you use it? The 'Fun' Verdict Yes: This is the kind of flattery that can work really well
(assuming you are approaching a circle of people who have really been laughing). It makes people feel
good without being threatening or too personal in any way, and it's believable, since you really can be
drawn to people by their good energy.

This article will tell you what your doctor hasn't told you and the health-store clerk doesn't know about
alternative medicine for men's libido & sexual problems.

Prescription medications for flagging libido are very expensive and come with side effects

Which of the herbal alternatives are safe—and which may kill you:
- Ginseng - May be an effective alternative and costs only 6 cents per dose.
- DHEA - A decline in blood levels of DHEA is associated with decreased libido in people
under 60. How much to take and for how long Whether DHEA supplements can kick an aging
sex drive into high gear.
- L-arginine - May work in a manner similar to Viagra to improve sexual functioning.

With aging there is a normal decline in male sexual function. Testosterone, the male sex hormone,
decreases—in men and women--and with it goes some of a your muscle mass, bone strength, and, of
course, libido. As people grow older, it may take longer to become aroused. Libido decrease and sexual
performance may decline. Conservative estimates suggest that 60 million people in the U.S. have a
reduced or NO interest in sex because of reduced libido and/or the fact that they can't like they did
when they were in their 20's. Yet these difficulties do not need to interfere with healthy and enjoyable

The success of Viagra and newer drugs in helping people find a renewed interest in sex has led to
numerous alternative therapies that also claim to improve libido and sexual function. Since Viagra
costs more than $8 per dose, many people consider responding to the ubiquitous e-mail advertisements
for potency herbals and aphrodisiacs. Some turn to physicians who offer testosterone injections. Do
these alternative therapies work as well as Viagra? And do they have fewer side effects?

More Solutions Than Just Viagra

In 1998, Viagra was introduced, and men discovered that diminished sexual function was no longer
something they just had to live with. A few years later it was discovered that Viagra also increased
sexual function in women. Although Viagra doesn’t rev up sexual desire, it does help the body to
maintain erections and vaginal engorgement and lubrication when taken anytime between 30 minutes
and four hours before it’s needed. Now, as you undoubtedly know from the barrage of television and
print advertising, there are newer prescription medications that have challenged Viagra. These drugs,
Levitra and Cialis, last longer than Viagra. Cialis can be effective for up to three days.

The side effects of Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis are similar and include headache, flushing, and runny
nose. There may also be a subtle change of vision, causing objects to appear blue. This is the source of
many jokes about these drugs, but in a small percentage of the population this effect can develop into a
serious eye problem. Occasionally, these drugs can also cause priapism, a condition in which an
erection lasts for four or more hours. Again, this is a side effect that many people laugh about, but it’s a
painful, even dangerous condition that must be treated immediately.

Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis also interact with prescription drugs, including nitrates (nitroglycerin), taken
for heart disease, and alpha-blockers (Cardura, Minipress, and Hytrin), which are used to lower blood
pressure. And of course, with a cost of several dollars per dose, another of these drugs’ side effects is
damage to your bank account. With so many perils surrounding conventional drugs, many men would
prefer a safer, lower-cost alternative.

To Crank Up Your Libido, Bring Down Your Weight

It was once thought that libido and sexual problems were purely psychological in origin. These days,
we tend to assume that libido woes are a matter of biochemical imbalance, to be cured with a pill. But
did you know that you can improve sexual performance without drugs or psychotherapy? Recent
studies strongly suggest that exercise and appropriate weight loss are effective bedroom boosters.

According to the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, regular physical activity appears to reduce
impotence risk by nearly a third. So does weight maintenance. In the same study, men who were
substantially overweight were 30 percent more likely to experience impotence than their fit-and-trim
counterparts. When obese people lose weight, many of them regain their sexual functioning.

The Discriminating Consumer’s Guide to Libido and Sexual Enhancement Alternatives

As you might suspect, there are plenty of folks looking to make a quick buck off a people’s search for
increased libido and improved sexual function. Are there any legitimate remedies available? Let’s look
at the offerings. Acceptable alternative treatments for sexual problems:

Ginseng (Panax ginseng) - Like Viagra, ginseng relaxes the muscles in the sex organs and allows it to
fill with blood. In one study of 90 people with sexual dysfunction, nearly two-thirds experienced
improvement in their symptoms when using this herb. As a point of comparison, only 30 percent of
people given a placebo reported better sexual performance. This trial is only preliminary—it was fairly
small and took place in Korea and Brazil, where strong scientific standards are not always in place—
but it’s promising. Two other small trials have yielded good early results for red ginseng as well.
Ginseng has a few more checks in the "plus" column. Although it hasn’t been subjected to long-term
studies, it appears relatively safe when taken for short periods of time. Its cost—about 6 cents per dose
— is ginseng’s other great advantage. So why not try this herb before paying through the nose for
Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra?
Dosage and side effects: Take 1 gram of ginseng three times daily. (Unlike Viagra, which is taken as
needed, ginseng must be taken on a continual basis.) The safety of long-term use hasn’t been tested.
Ginseng increases the risk of bleeding, so do not take it if you’re using prescription anticoagulants.
Ginseng also interferes with the metabolism of certain drugs, including monoamine oxidase inhibitors
such as phenelzine sulfate (Nardil), tranylcypromine sulfate (Parnate), and isocarboxazid (Marplan).

L-arginine - Viagra works by enhancing the action of nitric oxide as it relaxes the muscles in the blood
vessel walls in the sex organs and therefore helps maintain erections in men and vaginal engorgement
and lubrication in women. L-arginine, an amino acid that increases blood levels of nitric oxide, has also
been marketed to enhance sexual performance. There have been only three small pilot studies on L-
arginine for erectile dysfunction. One showed no effect, but the other two demonstrated a significant
improvement. There is some evidence that people with low levels of nitric oxide respond well to L-
arginine, but that those with normal levels do not see an effect with this supplement. It’s too early to
say for sure whether L-arginine works; some men may reasonably feel it’s worth a try before paying
the big bucks for a conventional drug. Be aware, however, that unlike Viagra, which is taken only as
needed, you’ll need to ingest daily doses of L-arginine and keep taking them if you want any effect to
continue. Amino acids can be powerful substances, and their effects when taken as supplements are not
well understood. Do you really want to put such large quantities of as untested product into your body?
Dosage and side effects: If you want to try L-arginine, you can take 3 to 5 grams per day. In the small,
short-term studies conducted so far, the main side effect of L-arginine has been a small but significant
drop in blood pressure, so exercise caution and consult your physician while using this product.

Do Not Take These Alternative Treatments for Sexual Problems

Androstenedione - The rumored use of androstenedione by several major-league baseball players has
powered sales of this hormone. Profits from “andro” have sailed out of the ballpark as people hope
their purchase will pump up their strength, virility, and bedroom prowess. But aside from the popular
belief that andro is partially responsible for powerhouse plays on the ballfield, there’s no evidence that
androstenedione does much of anything for anyone. Hormones are notorious substances that can have
unpredictable effects on the human body, especially when used for long periods of time. With so little
evidence, there’s just no good reason to take this one.

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) - DHEA is a steroid that the body converts into male and female
sex hormones. This fact, along with our knowledge that DHEA levels take a nose-dive at about the
same time sexual functioning starts to decline, has led to excited speculation that DHEA can replenish
long-gone libido. But the evidence for DHEA remains weak at best. When the Massachusetts Male
Aging Study followed veterans over a period of many years, they found that of the seventeen hormones
and steroids they measured, a decline of DHEA was most strongly associated with erectile dysfunction
in men under age 60. This preliminary finding spurred further research, none of which has yielded the
kind of smash-bang results everyone was hoping for. In one of the more positive studies, 40 men were
randomly assigned to receive either DHEA or a placebo. Those who got the DHEA reported an
improvement—but only a slight one—in their potency problems when compared with those who took
the placebo. These results convincing enough to recommend DHEA. These weak results, along with
DHEA’s potential side effects—-including an increased risk of breast or prostate cancer, unwanted hair
growth, acne, and male breast enlargement—-earn this supplement a place on the “Do Not Use” list.

Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgo biloba is most often used to enhance mental functioning, and some people
believe that it’s also an all-round tonic that can take libido up a notch as well. But there is simply no
evidence suggesting that ginkgo biloba improves sexual functioning. You’re better off trying exercise
or losing some weight.

Testosterone - Hormonally speaking, men have it easy. Whereas women suffer the effects of a 99
percent decline in estrogen levels during menopause, men experience a slower and far less dramatic
drop-off in testosterone. In some lucky men, testosterone declines only by subtle amounts.
Nevertheless, many have asked the question: Since slowly sinking levels of testosterone result in
decreased libido, why not just give aging men a new supply of this hormone? Recently it was
discovered that testosterone can restore sexual desire in women.
For some people, the answer is clear: sign me up! And it’s true that testosterone often works. Not only
does it increase sex drive, it can strengthen your muscles and bones while helping you shed excess flab.
But before you roll up your sleeve for a costly testosterone injection (taking this hormone as a pill
doesn’t get it into the bloodstream, so you’ll need either a shot or a skin patch). Testosterone stimulates
the growth of prostate cancer cells, increases LDL cholesterol (the bad kind), and decreases HDL
cholesterol (the good kind). Furthermore, there are no long-term studies of testosterone replacement, so
any decision to receive this hormone must be taken with caution. I recommend waiting a few years, as
a number of drug companies are working on medications called SARMs (selective androgen receptor
modulators) that could have the beneficial effects of testosterone without the negative effects on your
prostate and heart. There are also a few long-term studies of testosterone replacement therapy
supported by the government that should be finished in upcoming years.
Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe) - Yohimbe is sold with great fanfare via e-mail solicitations and in
health stores. Yohimbe is a chemical isolated from the bark of an evergreen tree that grows in the
jungles of western Africa. It is sold as an aid for impotence and erectile dysfunction, but the evidence
for yohimbe is extremely poor.
What makes yohimbe most alarming is the severity of its side effects. The FDA has received reports of
kidney failure, seizures, and even death. If that’s not enough to warn you away, yohimbe can also
exacerbate kidney or liver disease, angina, heart disease, and high blood pressure, as well as
psychological and neurological problems. Anyone who takes yohimbeshould avoid eating food
containing tyramine and caffeine. That means no coffee, tea, chocolate, liver, cheese, or red wine,
among other foods. It’s obvious why yohimbe isn’t a best-seller in France!

The Complete Prescription for Revving Up Libido and Sexual Function

1. Cardiovascular exercise: 30 minutes daily, at least 5 days a week

2. Weight loss: If you are seriously overweight
3. Ginseng: Before taking prescription medications for sexual problems, consider trying ginseng first.
Although it lacks strong evidence, ginseng appears safe for short-term use, and it’s much less
expensive than prescription drugs. 1 gram taken three times daily.
4. Prescription medications: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and/or and testosterone (as prescribed.)

What are the key ingredients to a happier old age--it's easier than you think. Some people think those
who are decades older have less reason to be joyful. But more people in their 60s and 70s report being
happy than do those in their 40s, according to a recent survey conducted for bank HSBC of 21,000
people in 21 countries, spanning four age groups from 40 to 80. Following are some of the secrets to
staying happiness.

1. Live a More Meaningful Life

Among U.S. respondents, 89% of those in their 70s and 87 percent of those in their 60s said they were
happy most of the time in the previous week versus 78 percent of those in their 40s who responded.
What's their secret to aging happily? Good health and a decent standard of living don't hurt -- but those
factors don't play as big a part as you might think, researchers say.

The truth is, people generally get happier as they age. How often one feels sad, angry, disgusted,
contemptuous--that frequency declines. And in addition to that, when negative emotions occur, they
don't last as long, according to research from studies of people age 18 to 100-plus.

2. You're Different Than Me

Of course, individuals' happiness varies. Studies of twins indicate genes likely make a person more or
less optimistic, and parents' happiness also affects people. But unhappiness is generally not connected
to aging. There are a lot of unhappy 80-year-olds, but if you look, on average there are a lot more
grumpy young men than grumpy old men. We just don't call them grumpy. We call them angry or

Two 75-year-old people can vary widely in their outlook. But the fact that one is unhappy isn't
necessarily age-related. The 'grumpy old man' is not about aging, it's context--it's somebody who has
been confronted with all kinds of problems, is losing a sense of control or power, or is dealing with a
sense of loss in a maladaptive way.

Health matters, too: Very sick people aren't as happy as healthy people. But that's true at all ages. If
you compare younger and older people in poor health, older people are doing better than younger
people. Older people even experience lower rates of depression. Even among frail older adults, morale
is often comparable and at times higher than younger adults.

3. You Know What You Want

Greater happiness is likely related to a desire to make the most of one's remaining time. When people
perceive time is limited, they focus more on well-being. For instance, they get rid of the riff-raff in
their lives and select the people who are most important. You figure out what makes you angry and
how to avoid that and what you can do in your life to adjust. People get better at doing this over time.

Brain function changes too. Brain imaging studies find older peoples' brains react less intensely, and
for less time, to negative emotions. Improved morale as we age is probably a combination of ...
perspective on life and changes to the amygdalae, a part of the brain that processes emotion.

4. Money Isn't Everything

You'd think money would drive happiness. Not necessarily. Money matters very little to happiness,
except at very low levels of money. For those struggling to pay a mortgage or buy food, a little money
can have a huge influence on their happiness. Once you get a bit of security and comfort, whether you
make $40,000 or $440,000 a year has a very small influence on happiness.

Uncertainty matters more than money and has more influence on happiness than most other
circumstances. For instance, if you are offered a steady, yet small, stream of income for life, no matter
what your previous income had been, you'll adjust. One lesson: Insurance can offer important peace of
mind, particularly in the event of an unexpected health problem. If people are smart, they'll invest
wisely in [disability] insurance. Even though it reduces your current income a little, it gives you that

We tend to think that having more money so we can purchase more goods will bring us happiness, but
there is such a small relationship between how much money you have and how happy you are. It makes
more sense to have a little more insurance than having the latest iPhone. It's good for your happiness.

5. Keeping Busy

If you connect happiness with a longer life span, try staying active. Longer lives are correlated with
people continuing to engage in activities they feel are important. It has to be something that's
substantive and matters, such as taking care of a grandchild, volunteer activity three days a week,
continuing to work rather than retiring. Something that makes a difference in the person's life is life-
enhancing. They enjoy it more and live longer than those who have nothing in their lives.

Younger adults might consider setting the stage now for such activities. They may want to think about
how they can approach ongoing education, exploring different areas that would set the stage for
development later on. Maybe they could take a class now and later become a photographer.

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