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Sensitivity Past Paper Questions -Answers

1 (a). choice chamber-reaction to light

(b). i. Total Dark (mean) =13.33

percentage dark = 66.5%

Total Light (mean) = 6.67

Percentage =33.3%

ii. Yes
iii. moisture and temperature
iv. separation of the choice-chamber into dry and moist areas using silica gel and water, or keeping one
side at a lower temperature, perhaps using ice on one side or some such adjustment that illustrated a
mechanism for the chamber to be set up, so that the organisms choose one area over another.
v. the response shown by the organisms could help them escape predation. Or prevention of
(c). i. maximal exposure to light; keeping the rate of photosynthesis at a maximum throughout the day
and palisade layer (leaf) at best angle to obtain light throughout the day
ii. A starch test can be used; leave the plant in a dark area for 24 hours to rid it of starch, and
then place it in the sun for an hour. Take a leaf; dip it in boiling water to soften it, then in
ethanol to rid it of chlorophyll, then again into boiling water. Next, drop iodine solution on
the leaf and note the resulting colour change.
iii. carbon dioxide, water and chlorophyll.
(d). i. This is an important step because the constant rotation allows for even distribution of auxins
(growth hormones in the plant).
ii. Gravity helps roots grow into the ground to absorb water and necessary nutrients.
However, shoots should grow against the pull of gravity in order to receive sunlight.
Photosynthesis will be able to occur and plants will survive.
The response to gravity is essential because the roots need to grow into the soil for
water and to anchor the plant while leaves and stems need to grow up for light to

2 (a). Testing this reflex could help to determine how well someone is able respond to external stimuli or
if their nervous system is functioning properly, or if someone‟s spinal cord has been injured.
(b). If the tendon or nerve of the patella/knee cap were injured or damaged, there would be no reflex
response and the knee would be stiff or immobile.
(c). The researcher would have an individual or group of volunteers consume a fix amount of alcohol
while another individual or group of individuals would not consume alcohol; then each person would sit
on the edge of a table with their feet hanging loosely and the researcher would hit the base of their knee
cap then measure and compare the time taken for a response from each set of individuals.

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