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TBS' Got Talent - Event Report

The event was held at TBS on the 6th of march , it was programmed to start at 13 pm but due to some
technical problems , it started a little bit late at 14:15 pm . It was organized by the club "Art Factory "
known as "Amentia" presided by Nedia Naguez .

TBS' Got Talent offered the opportunity to 8 TBSers , who've survived the preselection process , to
perform in front of an expert jury consisting of Jamel Madeni , Actor , Sami Gharbi , calligrapher, painter
and a drummer at Gharbi Brothers , Madi , professional dancer in popping , Radhi Chawaly , expert
violinist and composer , Mohamed Hached , actor .

Radhi Chawaly and Gad Zemzmi set the ball rolling . Radhi with his violin and Gad with his guitar filled
the big stage delievering a mixture of occidental and oriental songs without forgetting the tunisian ones .

After their breathtaking performance , singer Ines Toumy , pianist Sahar Akrout and drummer Oussama
Ajal , members of the music club which is a part of "Art Factory" so basically not part of the competition ,
are up next . Ines's clear singing voice captures the audience's attention and took them to another world
while listening to Celine Dion's song " Je t'aime " .

Next on stage , Dali Aloulou and his group composed of Fourat Beji on Darbouka , Sahar Akrout on
piano , Nada Maatouk on violin , Oussama Ajal on drums , Ghalia Chaker on kanun and the singer Maissa
Triki who presented Oriental songs that impress the judges and the public a well .

During a short break while Shems and Alia , the event hosts , were presenting the partiicipants names ,
the stage was reset for the first participant , the talented Saief Tissaoui who played his electric guitar
performing a medley of well-known songs , including Alan Walker's Faded .

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