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Adjective Prepositional Phrase

1. The girl from my English class

2. The dog under the tree
3. The girl with the black stiletto
4. The car beside the red one
5. My gift inside the big box
6. The plant in my room
7. The boy on the beach
8. The puppy with blue eyes
9. The birthday cake with ten candles
10. The park on main street

Adverb Prepositional Phrase

1. The children ran on the playground
2. The girl stepped on the flower
3. Karen ride to grandma’s house
4. I slept during the show
5. I walked over the bridge
6. They finished at the same time
7. The boy jumped over the wall
8. The map underneath a big rock
9. They will play at the old arena
10. The children sang in the church

Adverb Infinitive Phrase

1. I went home to study
2. The children ran to play
3. They came to cheer
4. I went to the beach to fish
5. They play to win
6. Dave came to watch
7. I am sad to see you
8. I read books to fall asleep
9. The inspector came to check
10. Paul arrived in New York to study

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