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Nava Aulia Damayanti

XII IPS 1/23

The Corona Outbreak

Coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The
Government suggests us to isolate our selves in order to prevent the corona outbreak. Corona Virus also
influences our lives in every aspect. For example, in educational aspect, some region have to postpone
the national exam due the outbreak. Students have to do independent learning at their houses. People
also have to work from home to avoid any interaction with others. I think Some people who work as
gojek, grab, porters, etc (outdoors working) definitely can not work from home. The consequently, their
income decreases or worse they don't have any income. So, they can't afford their daily needs for a
mean time. I think the worst part of this corona outbreak is in economics aspect. The price of basic
goods start to increase meanwhile in the other hand some people experience the decrease of income.
Other than that, many people sick and lose the person they care about. I read in someone's post if
someone is infected by the virus they must be isolated and their family can't see them cause it can infect
others. And if someone die because the corona virus the family can only watch the body being wrapped
by plastic with their clothes on and do nothing. They can't even hold a proper funeral for the corpse. I
feel so bad for that.

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