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Salesianum is dedicated to formation of young gentlemen demonstrated through honor,

honesty, fairness, and respect for others. Students, teachers, and administrators share
responsibility for promoting a climate of integrity. Students affirm their commitment to the
values of Salesianum by reciting the Salesian Standard at the beginning of each school year:

On my honor as a Salesian Gentleman,

I will take hold of the tradition of our patron, Saint Francis de Sales,
by striving to see God in all things and learning to live each day well.
I will recognize the dignity of all people,
and support my Salesian brothers in word and deed.
I will not lie, cheat, or steal,
nor will I accept the actions of those who do.
I will conduct myself responsibly and honorably
in all my actions as a Salesianum student,
and seek to serve a world in need.

Teachers will apply the Salesian Standard to their particular classrooms, assignments, and
course expectations. On all written assignments, students will write or type V+J at the top of
the page or test sheet (the abbreviation used by St. Francis de Sales for Vive Jesus, or Live
Jesus), which along with their name or signature will be regarded as a statement that they
abide by the Salesian Standard.

By reciting the pledge and by writing V+J on assignments, the student states that he will not
violate or has not violated any part of the Salesian Standard. Failure to recite the pledge
and/or include the written affirmation on an assignment does not relieve the student his
responsibility to abide by the Standard.

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