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3.1. p. 34 ex.

10 A
What goes around comes around
I believe this saying is correct. After all, the way we behave with others comes
back to us. If you do something bad, you will get bad in return. If you do
something good, you will get good in return. And yet a person attracts good or bad
with his thoughts, his behavior. I always try to treat people well, kindly, with
respect. I am not doing this in order to get something in return. I just like to live in
a positive environment. I cannot give a specific example from life, but our attitude
towards other people comes back to us. This is definitely true. I cannot give a
specific example from life, but our attitude towards other people comes back to us.
This is definitely true. I also love the feeling when I do something good. The soul
immediately becomes warmer, the world becomes brighter and immediately there
is inspiration to do great things.
3.2 p. 36 ex. 5 C
Painfully, he changed “is” to “was.”
Adults need to play as much as children do (4.1. p. 46 ex. 10 A)
Most of us were so happy as children. We did whatever we wanted and did not
think about anything. There were no serious problems, tasks, there was no need to
learn lessons, go to university and think about how to combine all this with work,
how to make a living if you support yourself.
When I was a kid, my mom told me "Don't rush to grow up." But she do not
explain why. However, I am starting to understand more and more that it is never
too late to return a little to childhood. We need to think less about the opinions of
others, dive less into problems and pay more attention to the thousands of beautiful
things that surround us. You need to be more that carefree child that you were as a
After all, if adults sometimes allowed themselves to behave like children, there
would be more happy people in the world.
My favorite season is autumn (4.1. p. 46 ex. 10 D)

My favorite season is autumn. For instance, some people like winter, some like
spring, some like summer, and I like autumn. More precisely, I love September
and October. This is an incredibly magical and beautiful time of the year. The
weather is still warm enough, but the terrible summer heat is gone. Lots of fresh
and tasty fruits and vegetables. Despite the fact that my preferences change,
autumn remains the most wonderful time of the year for me.
Have you ever noticed how the leaves swirl and what colors they are? No? - And I
am! They are different. Burgundy and yellow, green and brown, small and large,
patterned and not.

And the rains! If you sit at home and look out the window as it rains, it seems just

Autumn is my mood! I do not know if I got you interested in my essay, but in

conclusion: Autumn is my favorite season.

4.2. Prepare a leaflet with an alternative holiday for your friend(s) (use ex. 7
on p. 49 to help you).
My girlfriend plays the piano and sings beautifully. She is very fond of reading.
She also enjoys playing badminton and swimming.
She loves to travel very much. Her favorite vehicle is a car. She has a driver's
license and likes to travel somewhere in her car. She loves to spend a lot of time in
nature, looking at beautiful architecture, visiting exhibitions, going to the theater.
And sometimes she just likes to go out of town and enjoy the silence.
She does not like luxurious vacations she likes modest vacations. She does not like
5-star hotels, but she really likes to sleep in a tent right on the seashore.
If I plan our long vacation, then we will definitely go to the sea, because for my
girlfriend there is nothing better than swimming in the sea, walking along the
evening embankment, and the main condition is that there are no devices on

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