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Only a successful person knows how many obstacles lying in his/her way to success, he had to clear to

accomplish his/her ultimate mission. Many would argue that success is an everlasting journey however,
everyone of us would agree that turning the biggest dream into a reality is no less than success since it
brings smile on face and happiness in life.

sabi was young girl living in undevolped village , her parents were uneducated , they are very poor , sabi
was working in one of the richest homies in the village as a maid , they were dealing with her in a very
harsh way , she never complains about the way the talk to her , because she decided that she will never
giveup on her dream ,and she also decided that she will never be like her parents. her dream was to be
an enginner , she loves mathmatics .

Being a girl of an undeveloped village, it was never easy for her to lead the life of her choice. Mother
wanted her to discontinue her education soon after she finished high school.sabi was probably the only
graduate girl in the village as well as the only unmarried girl at this age.People now embarked on flocking
with marriage proposals to her home. Mother along with other relatives began to heap up pressures on
her to get married. Nothing was going accordingly. she wanted to go to the college but her realtives are
trying to force her to marry In this deep darkness her farther was the only ray of hope who could keep
the flame burning. She plucked up some courage and went up to poor father to ask him to send her to
calfornia for a better and supportable environment.

She wanted to continue her further preparations for the college .Surprisingly her father agreed at once
and promised to provide her with all basic requirements.sabi dream is to go to a college in calfornia but
this college was very expensive but father was poor to pay the fees of the college ;however , he was
saving a small amount of money and he decided to gave it to sabi . sabi went to calfornia with a small
amount of money . she had to live in a small rented room there . she keeps thinking what could she do
to learn in this college , one day she wake up on someone is calling her from her school and told her that
they gave her a scholarship in a university in calforina , and this college was more expansive that the one
she dreams for , she was shocked . she went to this college and after 6 years she grauted and she choose
to be an architecture and she started to work in one of the famous architecture in calfornia .

my advice to everyone that education is important , not because you are poor that means to give up .
never think like this , first make a goal in life and try your best to reach to it . never giveup . focus on
your dreams and then leave everthing to god .

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