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Rahardian Satya Mandala Putra

Surabaya, Indonesia | 081334019702 |


Bachelor Degree, Faculty of Law

Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa ( BEM ) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga Surabaya,Indonesia

Presiden BEM

Dewan Legislatif Mahasiswa ( DLM ) Universitas Airlangga Surabaya,Indonesia

Komisi Legislasi

Majelis Permusyawaratan Mahasiswa ( MPM) Universitas Airlangga Surabaya,Indonesia

Anggota Majelis dan Tim Kajian Khusus

Generasi Baru Indonesia ( GenBi) Jawa Timur Jawa Timur,Indonesia

Ketua Dewan Pendidikan dan Lingkungan Hidup

Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa ( BEM ) Universitas Airlangga Surabaya,Indonesia

Komandan Tingkat Staff Magang

Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia PT UNAIR Surabaya, Indonesia

Ketua Bidang Ekonomi Investasi dan Permodalan

Asian Law Student’s Association ( ALSA ) Local Chapter Universitas Airlangga Surabaya,Indonesia
Staff Academic Division

Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Jakarta,Indonesia

Legal Intern

Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan ( KontraS) Jakarta,Indonesia

Legal Intern

Hukum Online Jakarta, Indonesia

Legal Intern

Syaiful Maarif and Partners Surabaya,Indonesia

Legal Intern

Airlangga Center for Legal Drafting and Professional Development Surabaya,Indonesia

Legal Intern

CV Kapiten Nusantara Surabaya,Indonesia

Social Media Analyst

Awardee Bank Indonesia Unggulan Scholarship

Best Negotiator ALSA LC UB Negotiation Competition

Official Delegation ALSA LC UNAIR for ALSA International Mediation Competition

Motivation Letter

The first time I heard of this scholarship was in high school at SMAN 5 Malang. I was born and raised
in Malang before finally deciding to journey to Surabaya when I started studying at Airlangga
University. At one moment, an awardee of Bank Indonesia scholarships who was a part of GENBI told
her testimony of the benefits that come along, other than monetary support, they were also
facilitated in an organization of other awardees called GENBI

Until it finally arrived when it was my time to apply to Bank Indonesia scholarship in 2021,
Alhamdulillah, thank God I was selected to be one an awardee of Bank Indonesia in the unggulan
category. That was the happiest moment of my life, since receiving a scholarship in college was my

In 2021 I was automatically a part of the GENBI Airlangga University Commissariat and chose the
Social Society and Environmental division with the purpose to create useful programs for the public
around through service programs. Apart from Genbi Airlangga University Commissariat, I decided to
join in the management of Genbi East Java and was trusted to become the Chairman of the
Education and Environment Council.

Bank Indonesia Scholarship has opened up many new opportunities for me, this scholarship has
helped me out a lot in life. I also see that GENBI gives a real contribution to the public through the
given program and assistance from Bank Indonesia. The positive impact that this scholarship has
given to its awardees and the general public can be seen from its sustainability.

At this moment, I am a college student from the Faculty of Law, Airlangga University Batch 2019 I am
currently the elected President of the Student Executive Body Faculty of Law, Airlangga University.
My dream is to become a legal practitioner with integrity and have high social awareness to help the
public who don’t have access to justice with the knowledge that I have.

Before I took office as President of the Student Executive Body, I was the Studen Legislative Council
which was in charge of the University scope. One of my duties was to ensure the aspirations of
college students truly echoed and implemented, when I took office as the council many things were
achieved such as advocating the student tuition fee and campus policies that were seen as to burden
the students.

I'm very happy active in the organization on campus, I believe that it facilitates actualization of
oneself and can practice leadership, teamwork, communication skills, and also conflict management.
To sharpen my organizational ability and leadership, I have completed all the organizational student
training held by the University the basic, medium until the advanced level proven by the issued

However, apart from my organizational activity, I have also excelled in my academics by achieving a
3.80 GPA accumulated up until my latest semester. Certainly, this is not an easy achievement, I have
made sacrifices, work hard, and also managed my time wisely up to this point.

In my third semester, I was selected for an internship at the Supreme Court of the Republic of
Indonesia. I chose the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia as the place for my
apprenticeship because I want to increase my understanding of law deeper in my early semesters. I
was there as a staff to assist the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia in arranging the
required documents. From this experience, I understood the flow of a certain case until it reaches
the supreme court.
After my internship at Supreme Court, in my 4th semester had another Internship at the Commission
For Missing Persons and Victims of Action Violence (KONTRAS). I was assigned to the field of
Advocacy Basic Human Rights and received various duties to help victims in need of legal assistance,
especially in the field of human rights. I was given the task of advocating national and international

I am currently having an ongoing internship at Hukum Online, use sharpen my research capabilities
and having a deeper understanding of business law. Hukum Online is a leading law located in
Jakarta, here I am assigned to the “Legal Research and Analyst” section where every day I have to
make research on regulation law.

The amount of activities that I have done is my effort to create my path in pursuit of my dreams to
also have the maximum impact Bank Indonesia Scholarship will help me out a lot. If I am selected
again to become an awardee, I make sure that I will give more contribution once again to GENBI
both at the Airlangga University and Surabaya region up to East Java.

Surabaya, March 23, 2022

Rahardian Satya Mandala Putra

LIFE PLAN Rahardian Satya Mandala
with Take Internship at

Starting Career as

Legal Division at

Business Company
Business Company


My first plan after graduate is taking career as Legal Specialist at

Business Company. With my knowledge of law and speciality about "

Corporate Law" , i believe i can help people about managing their

business safely .
LIFE PLAN Rahardian Satya Mandala
Applying for

Graduate Prosecutor
Being an young

Selection Prosecutor program

My other plan is being a Prosecutor .

For me, it is the form of my gratitude and

dedication for this country. I want to Indonesia Overseas
serve the society as an Public Servant,
Prosecutor, so by doing that I can try to
improve law quality in my country.

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