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Aryauna Wermter

Professor Lisa Cook


21 March 2021

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is one of the most common

learning disabilities around the world. ADD/ADHD affects a great number of children and

follows them into adulthood, causing many complications throughout their lives. But what is it?

What causes it? ADD/ADHD can not be cured, so how do people with this condition manage it?

Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

are technically the same condition. This attention disorder was called ADD up until 1987, after

then they added hyperactivity in the name and is now called ADHD. Even though the real term

for it now is ADHD, some people will still use ADD to show the type of ADHD that does not

include any kind of hyperactivity symptoms.

In my research I found that many agree that the symptoms of ADD/ADHD can vary on

many different factors such as: age, treatment, and personality. These symptoms create the

three commonly used types/terms of ADHD: predominantly hyperactive-impulsive

presentation, predominantly inattentive presentation, and a combined presentation.

Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation has symptoms of hyperactivity and fidgeting

and often a struggle with control of impulse. Predominantly inattentive presentation is getting

distracted easily and having a hard time paying attention, there are no hyperactive tendencies

and is often referred to as just ADD. The combined presentation is a combination of both
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hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive presentation, showing symptoms and struggles from

both categories. While, in general, most agree with just the three types there are some that

believe in seven.

“Dr. Amen’s 7 Types of ADHD” lists 7 different types of ADHD along with symptoms,

causes, and treatment for each one. The 7 types of ADHD in this article are: classic ADD,

Inattentive ADD, Over-Focused ADD, Temporal Lobe ADD, Limbic ADD, Ring of Fire ADD (“ADD

plus”), and Anxious ADD. While Inattentive ADD is also on this list like the three commons list,

the rest of the 7 types’ symptoms overlap each other. Dr. Amen’s treatment suggestions seem

to be agreeable to many others as acceptable options of treatment. This article was written to

inform anyone wanting to know more about ADD/ADHD on what else it causes and how it can

be treated.

Another thing many agree on is that there is no clear cause of ADD/ADHD. Many tests

have been done to try and figure out what causes ADD/ADHD but none have come up as the

cause. Factors that may be contributing to ADD/ADHD include: genetics/blood relatives that

might also have ADD/ADHD, central nervous system problems during development,

environmental exposser, drug or alcohol exposure during pregnancy, and premature birth.

Many believe that eating too many sugars during pregnancy will cause the child to have ADHD,

but this is just a myth as there is no evidence of this being true.

There are many misconceptions about ADD/ADHD, misconceptions like boys are more

likely to have ADD/ADHD than girls and that it only affects children are not true. ADD/ADHD is

present almost equally between boys and girls, the problem is that ADHD in boys is often

noticed more than in girls and gets diagnosed more. While ADHD is usually diagnosed in
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childhood, that does not mean that when you become an adult it goes away. ADHD usually will

follow into adulthood and symptoms lessen and get less severe as time goes on, but this is not

always the case. As stated in Waterford’s article for teachers on ADHD in classrooms, “ADHD is

one of the most common learning disorders that affects children, and while it’s treatable, it

cannot be cured. Because it is a neuropsychiatric condition, students are likely to exhibit

symptoms for their entire lives.”

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder cannot be cured, only treated with

medications. ADD/ADHD causes issues with hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention in many

people of all ages and genders around the world. There is no definite answer to what causes

ADD/ADHD but research is still being done to find out.

Works Cited

David Anderson. “What is the difference between ADD and ADHD?” Child Mind Institution,


Accessed 21 Mar. 2021.

David J. Connor. “Helping Students With Disabilities Transition To College. 21 Tips for Students

With LD and/or ADD/ADHD.” Teaching Exceptional Children, Vol. 44, No. 5, January

2012, pp. 16-25,

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82602a-9674-4432-9aef-4149842b795d%40sdc-v-sessmgr02. Accessed 21 Mar. 2021.

Eve Kessler. “Dr. Amen’s 7 Types of ADHD.” Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities, Accessed 10 Mar.


Thomas J. Spencer, and Timothy E. Wilens. “Understanding Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity

Disorder From Childhood to Adulthood.” NCBI, 2010 Sep, Accessed 10 Mar. 2021.

“ADHD in the classroom: How to Teach and support Students with

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.”, December 16, 2019, Accessed 10 Mar. 2021.

“Learning Difference-ADHD in the classroom.” Marburn Academy,


dezGaGZH4BoCB_cQAvD_BwE. Accessed 10 Mar. 2021.

“Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children.” Mayo Clinic,


Accessed 21 Mar. 2021.

“The difference between ADD and ADHD.” Understood,


dd-adhd/difference-between-add-adhd. Accessed 21 Mar. 2021.

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“The 3 types of ADHD.” Understood,





wT2yU79beXvlr-mzBm9HsUsH3F29A0DANQaAhNEEALw_wcB. Accessed 21 Mar.


“Understanding ADHD in your child.” Understood,





LdQJ97Ooy_MN8Y_jLVQL-7zYVWJkD15aSoaAgGyEALw_wcB. Accessed 21 Mar.


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