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Aiden Frantz

Professor Porter

ENG 1201

20 March 2022

How Does ADHD Affect Students' Lives?

Throughout the times in history, there have been many different causes of why

students struggle with school and home experiences. ADHD is one of the main probable

factors for some children and some young adults in school. First off, ADHD stands for

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is a common neurodevelopmental disorder

that is diagnosed usually in the earlier years of people's lives. ADHD was first

mentioned in the early years of the 1900s when people started to realize a change in

the way people learned. British pediatrician Sir George Frederic founded and described

abnormalities in some children that could not control their behaviors like most children in

situations that they come across. Certain issues that children face today, is how ADHD

affects students’ lives, and their performance in the classroom.

How can ADHD affect kids at school? ADHD affects a students focus,

listening skills, paying attention, and effort of schoolwork. It can also make a student

more fidgety or hyperactive. This makes it difficult for a student in school to concentrate

on what they are learning and learn the different skills that are needed to accomplish

their goal that they are trying to accomplish.(“ADHD and School”).

ADHD has a different end result for everyone that has to deal with this condition

in their daily path. There are some people that get lost and get off track while others just

get easily frustrated ,angered, or distracted by certain occurrences that come in their
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way that are unusual to them to deal with if it is something they are uncertain about.

(How ADHD Affects Differently). This relates to my topic since not everyone is affected

the same way. Everyone acts, thinks, and responds differently than another, which this

disorder has a great way of showing that. People with ADHD take it in a different path

and process it in so many different directions without getting one solution for any

situation or circumstance that they are in.

This disorder also constitutes a developmental risk. This impacts their day to day

functioning. Kids with ADHD are seemingly hyperactive, which can slow the growth of

development. This can cause many problems in the future for students in their future

school years. ADHD can also develop problems with social skills and behavioral

problems. Since there are certain behavioral patterns, there are difficulties in

interpersonal relationships with adults and peers. Behavioral problems are important in

development of all life cycles that being humans with or without ADHD. This also affects

the person’s personal growth in a variety of ways that include their ways with their motor

skills. (Students with ADHD: Social Skills, Behavioral Problems, and Family Resources).

Next, is the logistics of ADHD and how it affects males ,and females individually.

In this article it demonstrated that male students in lower grade levels showed a

significantly higher prevalence of ADHD symptoms while working on certain tasks in

their day. (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among elementary students

in rural China: Prevalence, correlates, and consequences).

ADHD has affected many people's lives in such different ways, each and every

day. ADHD has had a huge impact on students' lives in the classroom. ADHD can form

in humans through the genes you inherit from parents or brain function/structure.
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When it comes to taking a test or answering a question asked by a teacher , it

takes them more time and effort than a student without this disorder. These students are

taking more time and thinking about a certain situation more than an “average” student.

They are coming across and thinking about too many different solutions for one

particular problem. This has become a bigger problem in students' lives than people

think. Some people are diagnosed with this disorder but there are tons of people that

meet the qualifications that are still not diagnosed with this disorder. There has to be a

way to help these students from suffering in the classroom and take a ease of their

stress from thinking and being easily distracted from their task that they are trying to


All the sources I included in my final research essay met the requirements of

being credible sources. They also included a work cited page at the bottom of the essay

with authors listed, and each was up to date. The sources I used for my research essay

can be found in my Work Cited page at the end of it as well.

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Work Cited

“ADHD and School (for Parents) - Nemours Kidshealth.” Edited by Shirin Hasan,

KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation, June 2020, Accessed 20 March 2022.

“ADHD in the Classroom.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention, 23 Sept. 2021, Accessed 20 March


Barbosa, Abrahao, Anaisa Leal, and Luciana Carla dos Santos Elias. “Students with

ADHD: Social Skills, Behavioral Problems, Academic Performance, and Family

Resources.” Psico-USF, vol 26, no. 3, July 2021, pp. 545-57. EBSCOhost, Accessed 20 March 2022.

Pang, Xiaodong, et al. “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among

Elementary Students in Rural China: Prevalence, Correlates, and

Consequences.” Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 293, Oct. 2021, pp. 484–91.

EBSCOhost, Accessed 20 March 2022.

Holland, Kimberly. “The History of ADHD.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 28 Oct.

2021, Accessed 20 March 2022.

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